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11. I wish/if only



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I wish/if only I wish I did We can use wish + subject + past simple to talk about things that we would like to be different in the present or future (but which are very unlikely or not possible). I wish things were different, but this is the way they are. We wish we had enough money to help you. I wish I could be there for you tomorrow. I wish I had done We can use wish + subject + past perfect to talk about things that happened in the past and that we regret (we would have wanted them to be different). I wish I hadn’t quit my job two years ago. I wish we hadn’t wasted all that money. I wish you would do We can use wish + person/thing + would + infinitive when we talk about situations that annoy us and we would like them to change, or to stop. I wish you would stop biting your nails. I hate it when you do it. I wish it would stop raining. It’s been three days! We CANNOT use this structure to wish about ourselves (do NOT use I wish I would). If only We can use if only instead of I wish with very similar meaning. The only difference is that if only is more emphatic. If only I was/were a bit taller!* If only you had followed my advice. If only you would make a bit of an effort. You are wasting your life! Note that we can use were instead of was with I/he/she after I wish/if only. ___________________________________________________ Desearía haber Podemos usar deseo + asunto + pasado simple para hablar de cosas que nos gustaría que fueran diferentes en el presente o en el futuro (pero que son muy poco probables o imposibles). Ojalá las cosas fueran diferentes, pero así son. Ojalá tuviéramos suficiente dinero para ayudarle. Ojalá pudiera estar ahí para ti mañana. Ojalá lo hubiera hecho Podemos usar deseo + asunto + pretérito perfecto para hablar de cosas que sucedieron en el pasado y de las que nos arrepentimos (hubiéramos querido que fueran diferentes). Ojalá no hubiera dejado mi trabajo hace dos años. Ojalá no hubiéramos desperdiciado todo ese dinero. desearía que lo hicieras Podemos usar deseo + persona/cosa + haría + infinitivo cuando hablamos de situaciones que nos molestan y nos gustaría que cambiaran o se detuvieran. Ojalá dejaras de morderte las uñas. Odio cuando lo haces. Ojalá dejara de llover. ¡Han pasado tres días! NO PODEMOS usar esta estructura para desear algo sobre nosotros mismos (NO use "Ojalá lo hiciera"). si solo Podemos usar if only en lugar de I wish con un significado muy similar. La única diferencia es que si sólo es más enfático. ¡Si tan sólo fuera/fuera un poco más alto!* Si tan solo hubieras seguido mi consejo. Si tan solo hicieras un pequeño esfuerzo. ¡Estás desperdiciando tu vida! Tenga en cuenta que podemos usar eran en lugar de era con yo/él/ella después de deseo/si solo.
I wish I _______ a better job. I don’t enjoy this kind of work. had had would have would have had had.
I wish you _______ so late. I'm tired of always waiting for you! hadn't always arrived wouldn't always have arrived didn't always arrive wouldn't always arrive.
I wish you ______ your bedroom. It’s a mess! would tidy up tidied up had tidied up would have tidied up.
I wish it _______ raining. This rain is annoying. I want to go out. had stopped would stop stopped would have stopped.
I’m starving. I wish I _______ breakfast this morning. would eat had eaten ate would have eaten.
I wish my train _______ now. I’m going to be late for work again. had come would come would have come did come.
This book is so boring. I wish I _______ reading it. wouldn't start wouldn't have started didn't start hadn't started.
I missed my flight yesterday. If only I _______ a bit earlier! had got up got up would have got up would get up.
I wish I _______ to go to work today. didn't have hadn't had wouldn't have wouldn't have had.
If only he _______ here. He’d know what to do. would be was had been would have been.
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