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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEbasic vacabulary by marcos narvaez

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basic vacabulary by marcos narvaez

vocabulario basico

marcos narvaez
(Otros tests del mismo autor)

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Número preguntas: 60
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silla sofa chair desk.
cama deb bed edb.
celular phone cellphone cell.
computadora computer pc desktop.
arroz rice soup rise.
sangre blood scarf spoon.
dedos finger tumb fingers.
diente teeth tooth moutth.
perro cat dog ant.
horario schedule horaire.
pies foot feet food.
pulgar tomb finger.
comprar buy purchase sell get.
obeter get have take.
llegar go get arrive.
hacer do make take.
cantar sing chant song.
escuchar listen hear watch.
ver watch see say.
decir say tell speak.
llorar cry wine wipe.
jugar play game.
bailar dance tap.
conectar plug conect put.
how do you say arroz?.
how do you say pie?.
how do you say carro?.
how do you say lampara?.
how do you say llave?.
how do you say pasteles?.
how do you say media?.
how do you say caminar?.
how do you say mesa?.
how do you say felicidad?.
how do you say humilde?.
how do you say taladro?.
I go went have gone.
she does did has done had done.
you are writing was writing write wrote.
they chat had chated have chated will be chating will have been chating.
I have had had had had been having she has.
they are have been will have been .
we eat ate had been eating has eaten will eat.
It rain rains is raining was raining has rained had rained had been raining wil be raining.
Peter goes went have gone had gone.
Jeand and Louis catches catch had caught hadn't caught will catch.
I beg beged will beg.
you called had called will called will be calling.
unscramble the words p h o n e.
unscramble the words s c h e d u l e.
unscramble the words k e y s.
unscramble the words s t o r m y.
unscramble the words p u z z l e.
unscramble the words u n s c r a m b l e.
unscramble the words b e r r y.
unscramble the words s c u b a d i v i ng.
unscramble the words w a t e r p r o o f.
unscramble the words m i c r o p h o n e.
unscramble the words f o x y.
unscramble the words s a u s a g e.
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