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Culture and Literature 2Bim

Examen de cultura

George Kimchabamba
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serrano@joselit ( hace 6 años )
This isw an excellent test!
What does Philology refers to? to the historical language study. to the love to the science. to the political language study.
Practical Criticism was an approach developed during the middle years of the eighteenth century in, respectively, Britain and the USA twentieth century in, respectively, Britain and Australia. twentieth century in, respectively, Britain and the USA.
What movements had a pervasive and decisive influence on the critical and classroom practices of the middle years of the twentieth century? New Criticism and Practical Criticism. Postconstructuralist . Multiculturalists.
A further consequence of the elevation of ………… was the marginalising of prose and the neglect of ……… comedy-poetry. essay-poetry. poetry-drama.
New Criticism was an approach developed during the middle years of the… nineteenth century in Britain twentieth century in, respectively, Britain and the USA twenty first century in the USA.
The book "Principles of Literary Criticism" was written by: John Crowe I.A. Richards. Robert Penn Warren.
Media messages and street texts could be, for example... sonnets advertisements and graffiti film.
According to ………… "the language of poetry is the language of paradox". Brooks Wordsworth Wimsatt.
Using vocabulary and grammar distinctive to vocabulary and grammar of a particular region or social group is… sociolect accent standard.
The art of talk or poetry of talk is most noticeable in… poetry proses voices.
If we describe something as being " about engaging with particular materials and seeing what works; it is often concerned with the finer details". It refers to: Practice Theory Theory and practice.
When we talk about "literary" prose we are referring to: short stories and extracts from novels-and not diaries, letters, newspapers stories and adverts. Short stories, diaries, letters, newspapers stories and averts. Long stories, extracts from magazines and adverts.
. ……. are featured whenever we understand the text through its actual or implied effects on various readers, viewers and audience. Producers Receivers Relations to the rest of the world.
One of the following is a practical question to put to any text, "Relations to the rest of the world": Who has been involved in making and responding to this text at various moments? What are the various frames of reference and contexts within this text has been realized historically? In what manuscript, printed, performance or otherwise recorded versions has this text existed?.
The pairs: critical-creative, monologue-dialogue, reading and writing are part of Theory Theory and practice Practice.
The principle of organic unity or integrated structure in a work is presented basically in… long lyric poem a short lyric poem. a very long essay.
Practical Criticism was… text centred and required "close reading" of the "words on the page" text centred and required "extensive reading" of the "words on the page" not text centred and didn't required "close reading".
The model of text, producer, receiver and relations to the rest of the world can be used as… a matrix to help generate fresh theories and approaches. a useful teaching method. a way to get ready to write poetry.
Who was more interested in understanding the process whereby literary and cultural judgements were formed, rather than in simply imposing them? Robert Penn Warren. I.A Richards. William Wimsatt.
The poem ‘" wandered lonely as a cloud" by William Wordsworth is an example of... slave narrative classic romantic poetry travel writing.
In its mode of production on stage, …………. was less exclusively "literary" and more obviously and messily social. drama comedy soap opera .
Who tends to concentrate on prose texts which sport with language, genre and narrative structure? Postmodernists. Formalists. Marxists.
The following artists, painters, writers, Scientifics, etc., can be considered as modernists: T.S Elliot, Joyce, Woolf, Faulkner, Picasso Faulkner, Goya, T. S. Elliot, Woolf. T.S Elliot, Picasso, Einstein, Lord Byron.
Accent and dialect are two aspects of language variety, depending on place, social context and education, among other factors.Using a dialect for speaking or writng involves the use of different choices and combinations of words and grammar structures, which are distinctive of a region or social group. On the other hand, ... accent refers to a particular way of pronouncing words, which is nationally, regionally or individually distinctive. accent deals with local forms of speech and writing accent refers to the individual and peculiar variety of speech that a particular person uses, and which might change over time.
The author who was interested in the word as "a two sided act" was: Mukarovsky. Mikhail Bakhtin. Berthold Brecht.
….. is a grab-bag of a term stuffed with a wide range of writers and writings. Saussure and Chomsky are the main representatives. Poststructuralism and Postmodernism Postmodernism Structuralism.
……. is the raw stuff of the narrative imagined as though in chronological sequence, in a continuous space and as yet untold. Tale Story Fabula.
The French approach is represented mainly by: Rich, Hurston, Fanon, and Smith Kristeva, Irigaray and Cixous. Rich, Burtler, Kosofsky and Sedwwick.
One of the linguistic levels when we talk about poetry is sound- structure, and it refers to: Metaphor, archaism, varieties of vocabulary, etc.. Alliteration, assonance, metre, etc.. unusual allocations, inverted word-order, marked parallelism.
One of the linguistic levels when we talk about poetry is choice of words, which refers to: Metaphor, archaism, varieties of vocabulary, etc.. Alliteration, assonance, metre, etc.. unusual allocations, inverted word-order, marked parallelism.
One of the linguistic levels when we talk about poetry is combination of words, which refers to: Metaphor, archaism, varieties of vocabulary, etc.. Alliteration, assonance, metre, etc.. unusual allocations, inverted word-order, marked parallelism.
……… is everything about ourselves that we are aware of. The sensations and perceptions we can talk about freely. Unconsciousness. Consciousness Repression.
Czech Functionalism only really came to prominence in the Wets from the 1960s onward, chiefly as a result of the activities of:: Structuralists and functional linguists. . Functionalists, Marxist and, latterly, Psychological Critics. Structuralists and Functionalists.
The terms "history" and "story" derive from the same Latin root; therefore, we can assert that these two terms refer basically to the same process, both involve ways of "knowing the world" and "narrating. Thus, the term "story" comprises forms like: Documentaries Myths and legends Biography.
The phrase "The combination and ordering of words always carry implications for focus and emphasis. The order or precedence in Mr and Mrs, male and female, see natural", corresponds to: Writing as wo/man Sexist Syntax. Women and men in conversation.
According to Raymond Williams, Cultural Materialism is a form of Marxism more important than Literature. a form of Socialism and it deserves to be studied.
Barthes' s early book "Mythologies" (1957) was heavily influenced by… Carlos Williams. Noam Chomsky. Claude Lèvi-Strauss.
The dramatic theory and practice supported by Berthold Bretch focuses on a: politically motivated version of "defamiliarisation" and "making-strange effects". socially motivated version of "defamiliarisation" and "baring the device" politically motivated version of "defamiliarisation" and baring the device".
. …….. is the worked-up material of an actual ……….. once it has been reconfigured in time and space. Sjuzhet/poetics Sjuzhet/narrative Narrative/poetics.
One way to practice Formalism is to: Defamiliarise habitual perceptions, prevent merely "automatic" responses and promote a fresh view of familiar things. Defamiliarise daily customs, prevent merely "automatic" responses and promote a specific view of unfamiliar things Decode habitual perceptions, prevent merely "automatic" responses and provoke a fresh view of common thing.
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