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Exercise two (A1-A2)

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Sarah has been learning to play the guitar for a year now. She practices for two hours every day. How much time does Sarah spend practicing guitar each day? a) He dedicates five hours each day to practicing the guitar. b) Dedicate two hours every day to practicing the guitar. c) Spend half an hour each day practicing the guitar. d) Dedicate two and a half hours each day to practicing the guitar.
Emma was a talented ballet dancer with dreams of performing on the biggest stages in the world. She practiced tirelessly, honing her skills and perfecting her routines. Her dedication paid off when she got the opportunity to join a prestigious dance company. Emma felt a mix of excitement and nervousness as she stepped onto the stage for her first big performance. What was Emma's dream? a) Emma's dream was to be a talented ballet dancer and perform on the biggest stages in the world. b) Emma's dream was to be a talented singer and perform on the biggest stages in the world. c) Emma's dream was to be a talented ballet dancer and participate in beauty stages. d) Emma's dream was to be on the beauty stages and perform on the biggest stages in the world.
James had always been fascinated by history, particularly ancient civilizations. He spent countless hours reading about the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. His desire to learn more about the past led him to pursue a degree in archaeology. What subject of study was James passionate about? a) He was passionate about History. b) He was passionate about Mathematics. c) He was passionate about Chemistry. d) He was passionate about Science.
Alexandra was an intrepid traveler who yearned to explore the world's most remote corners. From the bustling markets of Marrakech to the serene temples of Kyoto, she sought adventure in every journey. Her insatiable wanderlust fueled her desire to connect with diverse cultures and broaden her perspective. What motivated Alexandra to travel tirelessly? a) Explore the various species of animals that exist around the world. b) Explore the most remote corners of the world and seek adventure on every trip. c) Investigate what opportunities allow you to further enhance your skills as an agent of change. d) Explore different places and learn more about them.
Daniel, an aspiring scientist, was captivated by the intricacies of quantum physics. He delved into complex theories, spending countless hours in the lab conducting experiments. His ambition was to unravel the mysteries of the subatomic world and contribute to the scientific community's understanding of the universe. What was your ambition as a scientist? a) Unravel the mysteries of the subatomic world and contribute to the scientific community's understanding of the universe. b) Discover the existence of possible external universes and the mysteries hidden in the waters of the sea. c) Discover the secrets that nature and history have hidden since our ancestors. d) Contribute to the understanding of the universe and the planets found in the solar system.
David had always been fascinated by mathematics and its applications in the real world. He spent his days immersed in solving complex equations and exploring the beauty of mathematical theorems. His ultimate goal was to contribute to advancements in the field of applied mathematics and improve our understanding of the universe through numbers and formulas. What was your goal in the field of mathematics? a) Contribute to the advances in mathematics regarding integrals and the Pythagorean theorem. b) Contribute to advances in mathematics, for the development of new mathematical methods in the field of trigonometry and algebra. c) Contribute to advances in applied mathematics and improve understanding of the universe through numbers and formulas. d) Develop new mathematical strategies to find the answer quickly.
In a small, quaint village, there was an eccentric mathematician named Professor Johnson. He had an unusual fascination with prime numbers and spent years studying their patterns and properties. Every morning, he would walk to the local café, where he would jot down his latest insights on a well-worn notebook. The villagers often wondered about the enigmatic symbols and equations that filled the pages, but they admired the professor's dedication to his craft. What was your daily routine related to the topic of prime numbers? a) He studied the patterns and properties of prime numbers and, every morning, he walked to the local café to record his latest thoughts on this topic in his notebook. b) Studying the properties of prime numbers, he then wrote them down in a notebook titled "The World of Mathematics." c) Investigate the patterns of prime numbers and in the afternoons he would go to his desk to make notes on a blackboard. d) Study the patterns and properties of prime numbers. Afterwards, he went to take a shower and then continue making his notes in his notebook.
In the bustling city of Metropolia, a renowned mathematician named Dr. Anderson was a revered figure. He had made significant contributions to the field of number theory, unraveling the mysteries of prime numbers and their applications in cryptography. Dr. Anderson was known for his meticulous research and engaging lectures that inspired many aspiring mathematicians in the city. Which of the following statements about Dr. Anderson is NOT mentioned in the text? a) Dr. Anderson was an accomplished pianist in addition to being a mathematician. b) Dr. Anderson's research focused on prime numbers and their applications in cryptography. c) Dr. Anderson was a respected figure in the city of Metropolia. d) Dr. Anderson was known for inspiring aspiring mathematicians through engaging lectures.
In the distant kingdom of Veridia, a peculiar phenomenon occurred every decade. The Enchanted Forest, a magical woodland, would come alive with vivid colors and mysterious sounds. Many brave adventurers attempted to unravel the secret of the forest, but none succeeded. Legends spoke of a hidden portal that granted unimaginable wisdom to those who could find it. The forest's trees whispered ancient riddles, challenging the minds of those who dared to listen. What did the legends say about the Enchanted Forest? a) It hid a treasure chest with gold and jewels. b) There was a portal that bestowed incredible wisdom. c) It was haunted by vengeful spirits. d) The trees would attack anyone who approached them.
In the heart of the Amazon rainforest, where the lush foliage hides countless mysteries, lies a unique flower known as the Amethyst Orchid. This rare flower is said to possess magical properties, capable of healing even the most incurable diseases. However, finding the Amethyst Orchid is no easy task. It only blooms under the light of the full moon and emits a faint, ethereal glow. Local tribes consider it a sacred symbol, believing that it brings blessings to those who protect the rainforest. Why is the Amethyst Orchid considered a sacred symbol by the local tribes? a) Because it blooms only under the light of the full moon and possesses magical healing properties. b) Because it is the largest flower in the Amazon rainforest. c) Because it emits a strong, sweet fragrance that attracts butterflies. d) Because it is used in traditional tribal ceremonies as an offering to the gods.
In a small town, there was a wise old man who used to sit in the park every morning. The villagers respected him deeply and came to him for advice. One day, a young skeptic decided to test the old man's wisdom. He approached her and asked, "What is the supreme truth that can guide our lives?" The old man smiled and replied: "True wisdom lies in love and compassion. It is these qualities that connect us to the universe and allow us to live a full and meaningful life." The young man was not convinced and asked again: "But how can we apply love and compassion in a world full of challenges and conflicts?" The old man calmly responded: "Love and compassion are not one-time actions, they are attitudes that we cultivate in every moment of our lives. When we treat others with empathy and kindness, we create a ripple effect of positivity that can transform even situations. more difficult." The young man reflected on these words and realized the depth of the old man's wisdom. From that day on, he decided to practice love and compassion in all of his interactions, carrying the elder's teaching with him every step of his journey. What is the statement you mention about the ultimate truth that can guide our lives? a) The supreme truth lies in material wealth and social power. b) True wisdom lies in love and compassion, connecting us with the universe and providing a fulfilled life. c) The supreme truth is in scientific and technological knowledge, which leads us towards progress and evolution. d) True wisdom is found in selfishness and self-sufficiency, where each person must take care of only themselves.
In the distant realm of Eldoria, a powerful sorcerer named Malachar crafted a series of enchanted puzzles to protect his greatest treasure: the Crystal of Eternity. Legends say that this crystal has the ability to grant immortality to its possessor. To reach the Crystal, adventurers must solve a labyrinthine maze filled with illusions and traps. The walls of the maze shift and change, confounding even the cleverest minds. Only those who can decipher the ancient runes hidden within the maze will find their way to the coveted Crystal of Eternity. What challenges do adventurers face in the maze designed by Malachar to protect the Crystal of Eternity? a) Solving enchanted puzzles, deciphering ancient runes, and navigating illusions and traps in a shifting maze. b) Battling fierce dragons, crossing treacherous rivers, and climbing steep mountains. c) Answering riddles posed by magical guardians and finding hidden keys. d) Reading a map, crossing a bridge, and climbing a tower guarded by a sphinx.
In the desolate wastelands of Zephyria, a forgotten civilization once thrived. The ancient Zephyrians were master architects, building grand cities that reached for the sky. Among their creations was the Tower of Echoes, a structure imbued with mystical powers. Legend has it that the tower could amplify even the faintest sound, making it audible for miles. However, the tower's secrets remained guarded by intricate mechanisms and cryptic symbols, challenging any who sought to uncover its mysteries. What was the primary function of the Tower of Echoes, according to legend? a) It could amplify sounds, making them audible over long distances. b) It could control the weather, bringing rain to the parched lands of Zephyria. c) It could create illusions, making it appear as if the wastelands were blooming with life. d) It could generate powerful energy, lighting up the entire region during the night.
In the heart of the Sahara Desert lies an ancient city named Al-Tanur. This city was once a thriving hub of trade and culture, bustling with merchants from distant lands. The most intriguing aspect of Al-Tanur was its Great Observatory, a monumental structure adorned with intricate astronomical symbols. It is said that the scholars of Al-Tanur used this observatory to predict celestial events with astonishing accuracy. The observatory's advanced knowledge of the stars and planets baffled even the most learned astronomers of its time. What made the Great Observatory in Al-Tanur exceptional? a) It could control the movements of celestial bodies. b) It was adorned with intricate astronomical symbols and used to predict celestial events accurately. c) It was the tallest building in the ancient city. d) It was primarily used for religious ceremonies and rituals.
Deep beneath the surface of the ocean, in the unexplored depths of the Mariana Trench, scientists discovered a remarkable phenomenon. There, amidst the darkness, a species of bioluminescent creatures known as Abyssal Sirens thrived. These beings emitted a mesmerizing glow, illuminating the abyss in an otherworldly display. Scientists speculated that the Sirens' bioluminescence served various purposes, including communication and hunting. Studying these elusive creatures provided valuable insights into the mysteries of deep-sea life. What is the primary purpose of the bioluminescence in Abyssal Sirens, according to scientists? a) To attract mates during mating season. b) To communicate with other creatures in the Mariana Trench. c) To deter predators and scare them away. d) To aid in hunting and locating prey in the dark depths.
In the ancient forest of Eldwood, there grows a tree unlike any other: the Eldergrove Tree. Legends claim that this tree is sentient, possessing ancient wisdom and knowledge. Those who seek its wisdom must undergo a challenging trial. They must navigate a labyrinthine maze guarded by enchanted creatures, each with a riddle to solve. Only those who answer all the riddles correctly will reach the Eldergrove Tree and gain access to its profound wisdom, which is said to grant insights into the mysteries of the universe. What must seekers do to gain access to the Eldergrove Tree's wisdom? a) Navigate a maze and solve riddles posed by enchanted creatures. b) Climb to the top of the tree and touch its highest branch. c) Bring an offering of rare gems and precious stones. d) Perform a dance ritual around the tree during a full moon night.
In the lost city of Atlantis, archaeologists unearthed a peculiar artifact: the Time Crystal. This crystal was said to have the power to manipulate time itself. However, its use was guarded by a complex mechanism. To activate the Time Crystal, one needed to decipher an ancient script, align celestial symbols, and harness the energy of a solar eclipse. Legend had it that the crystal could grant its wielder the ability to glimpse into the past and future, making it a coveted treasure among scholars and adventurers. What steps are required to activate the Time Crystal, based on the legend? a) Decipher an ancient script, align celestial symbols, and harness the energy of a solar eclipse. b) Speak an incantation, touch the crystal with bare hands, and recite the city's name. c) Expose it to moonlight for seven consecutive nights and recite a chant. d) Place it in a pool of water under the light of a shooting star.
In the enigmatic land of Veridia, there existed a mystical phenomenon known as the Ether Veil. This shimmering curtain of light separated the mortal realm from the realm of spirits. Legends spoke of a way to part the veil temporarily, allowing brief interactions between the living and the departed. The ritual to open the veil involved collecting rare flowers, reciting ancient incantations, and offering a cherished possession. Those who successfully performed the ritual were said to receive guidance from the spirits, making it a revered practice among Veridian mystics. What were the essential components of the ritual to part the Ether Veil, according to legends? a) Collecting rare flowers, reciting ancient incantations, and offering a cherished possession. b) Meditating under a waterfall, wearing a specific gemstone, and chanting a mantra. c) Lighting a bonfire, playing a sacred melody, and gazing at the stars. d) Creating a circle of salt, reading aloud from a forbidden book, and invoking the names of ancient spirits.
In the remote village of Lumaria, there existed a peculiar tradition during the Festival of Stars. Every hundred years, villagers would embark on a celestial pilgrimage. Guided by ancient constellations, they would journey to the top of the Twilight Mountain. There, amidst the glow of the ethereal aurora, they would find a hidden chamber. Inside, a puzzle awaited, designed by the village's founding astronomer. The puzzle was a mosaic of stars, each representing a different celestial event. Only by rearranging the stars correctly could one unlock the chamber's secrets. What did the villagers of Lumaria do once they reached the hidden chamber on Twilight Mountain? a) They performed a dance ritual to honor the stars. b) They solved a puzzle involving rearranging stars representing celestial events. c) They offered prayers to the village's founding astronomer. d) They collected rare herbs found only on the mountaintop.
In the depths of the Enchanted Forest, there resides a magical creature known as the Wisps of Eldoria. These ephemeral beings are said to hold the secrets of ancient spells and lost knowledge. However, approaching them is a challenge. The Wisps can only be found during a lunar eclipse, and they are surrounded by a maze of illusions. Legends suggest that the Wisps are drawn to the pure of heart. Those who pass the illusions and prove their purity may ask a single question, receiving wisdom in return. Under what conditions can one approach the Wisps of Eldoria and ask a question, according to legends? a) During a solar eclipse and by solving a maze of illusions. b) During a full moon and by proving purity of heart to pass illusions. c) During a thunderstorm and by offering a valuable gemstone. d) During a rain shower and by reciting an ancient incantation.
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