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Match the answer with the righ question: Figures will be ready by noon. What timw will you going to finish those circles? What time are going to finishing those numbers? What time will the triangles and squarea are ready? What time will the numbers be ready? .
The explorers ___ into the mountains Drew Swan Spend Walked.
It is better to use ____ instead of petrol. Virtual holidays. Solar energy Uranium Nutrition pills.
Patricia ____ to Thailand last month. Travelled is go was.
When my sister waa younger, she _____ only ride a bike. Could Had. Can. Will.
It was snowing outside, so we ___ play football. did Couldn't Haven't Could.
My friend's and I ___ to a concert last Sunday. Went Going Good Buy.
Cars ___ use gasoline in the future. Do Is going to Have Won't.
____ Alfred go to the cinema last weekend? Is Was Has Did.
How did you come to work today? I came drove my car I drove to the office. I didn't came. Iwent not.
Have you ever visited Brazil? No, don't have visited any other country yet. No, I hasn't visited any other country yet. No, I haven't visited any other country yet. No, I haven't visit any other country yet.
It's really hot in here. I ____ (open) the window to get freah ai Opening Will open. Going to open. Won't open.
The Robinson's ___ not ___ a good time when the were on holiday. Do / have. Are / have. Did / have. Is / have.
Harry ______ all of his songs at the concert last night. Said Meet Made Sang.
when I was a kid I _____ eat a lot of candies. Could Flew Can Had.
I ____ my finger this morning Cuted Cutting Cutted Cut.
Daniel _____ a lot of wonderful pictures. Took Taken Taked Take.
Ham was the first chimp who ______ into space Flew Flown Fly Flied.
Did Halle Berry win Miss Teen All-American beautiful contest? Yes she did. Ahe won't. She didn't won. She did won.
___ Kelly ___ a party last night Did / haved Did / have Did / having Not / have.
Ann usually goes ____ at the weekend. Watersports Surfing Visit Eat.
Will you travel to another country? No, I won't. I'm going to travelling Canada. I going to travel to Canada. I went to Canada.
Could I get my passport when arrive in the USA. No, you must get one before leaving the country. No, you could leave the city No, you can get one in the USA Yes, you should wear a passport when arriving USA.
My uniform is dirty. I know. I ____ (wash) it righ now. Washing. Going to wash. Will wash. Will washed.
Change this sentence into a question with its: we ran in the park yesterday Did we run in the park yesterday? No we didn't run yesterday. Did we run in the park yesterday? No we didn't ran yesterday. Do we run in the park yesterday? No we don't. Did we ran in the park yesterday? Yes we didn't ran.
Everyone clapped ____ Justin Trudeau walked in. As In Suddenly Just.
What ia Sarah doing on Friday? She's having a meeting. Sarah will going tripping. She going to go camping.
He ___ run very well. Look at him! Was Can Is Going to.
Bruno is ____ fix the television Will Goes Good Going to.
When the photographer got back, he ____ the photos to a famous magazine. Told. Sold. Bring. Bought.
My father phoned my mother ___ 3 am. at behind on in.
Every day I go to the office wearing my ___. suit tracksuit swimsuit pajamas.
put the words in the correct order: Clarissa / at the moment / soccer / playing / is clarissa is playing soccer at the moment. Clarissa at the moment soccer playing is soccer playing is Clarissa at the moment is soccer playing Clarissa at the moment.
there ___ ten people outside the bank. was were haven´t have.
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