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The ability to motivate people is one of the greatest assets-----------a leader con possess that who unless.
History has shown that monopolies do not pass savings on to customers and------------do not have the proper incentive to innovate due the lack of competition in addition as a result furthermore.
Two major chains of motorway service stations were accused of----------allegedly telephonig each other several times a week to agree on figures Price fixing cost tax fraud.
Following complains investigators discovered large quantities of ---------in branches of Cheapascents insider trading counterfeit good money laundering.
When I-------- the new models in the shops I------- they -------- it from ours wich was due to be launched the week after see / know / have saw / knew / had copied saw / know / have been copied.
After we -----the new drug for a seccond time we -----------to recall it inmediately have been teasted / decided tested / decide had tested / decided.
From : Paul Edwards To : All staff Subjets: use fo work facilities a) Besides, any increase in our overtheads means a redution in everybodys end-of-year bonus b) Consequently I have to remind all staff that using work facilities for private purposes is unethical c) Two of our main customers have recently remarked that trying to get through to us on the phone has become rather difficult d) I am therefore forced to conclude that member of staff are using our pones for personal call e) In addittion our telephone bills have increased steadily over the past 18 months f) This however has not been matched by a comparable increase in the volumen of our business transactions g) Can I urge everyone who needs to make a private call to use either the public pone in the cafetería or their personal mobiles a.- c,e,f,d,b,a,g b.- e,d,f,g,a,c,b c.- d,f,g,a,e,d,b.
Beware the risky business of resume fraud Recent research by the Chartered Institute of educational assessors found that 30 percent of job applicants embelleshed the truth our lied on a curriculum vitae. The level of lying is oncreasing as unemployment increasses and competition for Jobs rises. It was the same during the downturnof the early 1990s. A journalist colleague admitted to me then that his degree from a top university was entirely fake. Another friend explaines a year of total inactivity by telling possible employers that he had been writing a guide to the wild flowers of the Pyrenees a.- Because of falsifying academic qualification b.- Because of lying on CVs c.- Because of increasing unemployment.
We use----- talk about possibility and ability should have to can.
For strong advice we can use have to / should must / mustn't can / can't.
To run over Schedule means to take more time than expected too much to do to be very familiar with something.
To be relaxed and not worry about what you should do to go with the flow to know something inside out the ball is in your court.
Global Companies ------------- never underestimate the effect that culture can have mustn't should have to.
In many countries people make a comment about the weather to --------- the ice and start a conversation deep break foot.
Further to you letter on January 10 I would like to thank you for your kind invitation I would be delighted to run one day seminar for your staff As you probably know I have first hand experience of the Asia Pacific región and it is always a great pleasure for me to run seminars focusing specifically on that aérea. However owing to previous, I am afraid that I could not possibly run a workshop in March------------ I would be grateful if you whether late February or early April would convenient. I look forward to hearing from you in due course as you suggested if it is possible could you book one more .
Moving experience I once travelled around Japan with a British friend who was living there Each new Japanese problema why was it impossible to find any adress in Tokyo ? made me want to go home but my friend would look up from the Japanese grammar book that he carried everywhere try to understand the Japanese reasoning and then interpret it in the most generous way possible He treated the whole country as a friend he had yet to make I know see that he was the perfect expatriate, many year later he is still happy in Tokyo a.- Finding addresses in Tokyo is difficult so you should always carry a Street map with you b.- Japanese is difficult so you should always carry a grammar book with you c.- Adapting to a new culture is difficult but you should always be as open as possible.
Wich verbs are often followed by the infinitive form admit / consider justify / avoid claim / hope.
Which verbs are usually followed by the - ing form seem / fail give up / carry on wish / forget.
The starting salary of the successful-------------will be decided on the basis of qualification and experience covering leather a reference applicant.
Before you ------------ it is useful to know what kind of company or intitutions is offering the positions so do your homework Shortlist a candidate Attend a interview Apply for a Job.
He intends----------- the new contract next week sign to sign signs.
The manager seemed impressed by my CV and promised------------- Working weekends sometime a using the cheapest form of transport To call me back in a couple of days.
We use unless in conditional sentences to mean will not if not as long as.
In second contitional sentences we use present perfect forms Present continuous forms Past verb forms.
In order to protect our national stell industry, the govemment impose a---------a Steel imports laissez-faire dumped limited quota.
The European Commission has recently tabled proposais designed to dismantle the remaining-----------to cross border trade in goods Barriers dumped update.
-------you order now, we---------give you a discount if / as long as if / unless if / will.
If we -----we were prepared to deliver in March----- you make a firm order ? say / will said/ would said / wouldn't.
Non- defining clauses provide extra information about the state verb in a sentences the direct objet of a sentences the subject or object of a sentence .
Someone who is ----------- is unwiling to accept changes and new ideas idealistic diffident conservative.
In Britain John Logie Baird is------------- the intervetion of televition although many other scientists were more important exudes derives credited with.
Our boss is friendly and-------- she is very easy to talk to conservative formal approachable.
A number of controversial reform propossals were----------- forward at the meeting stand put hand.
Organizations-----------are reflexive can respond to change who that whose.
In a passive sentence the -------------receives the focus Direct object Grammatical subject Pronoun.
The passives is often used to describe------------ past actions processes and procedures ongoing situations.
Ten years ago people would have been interesed in his lectures on the benefits of e-commerce but now hes just flogging dead----- field horse eye.
The new government said it would be firmly in the ------------- of the country`s vast reconstruction process court punches driving seat.
Complete the second sentence with a passive form so that it means the same as the first sentence Someone tests all our new products in our laboratory All our new products -----------in our laboratory Are tested are being tested had tested.
Complete the second sentence with a passive form so that it means the same as the first sentence Every member of staff reads our weekly newsletter Our weekly newsletter ----------- be every member of staff read is being reading is read.
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