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Mi vida en Otra Lengua

examen 12

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Choose a connector for the sentence. “____ I play soccer, everybody shouts.” A) While B) When C) Then D) Last.
Choose a connector for the sentence. “He sings along to the music on the radio ____ he takes a A) last B) then C) when D) while.
Choose a verb for the sentence: “The Gomez family members ____ dinner together every A) drink B) wash C) take D) eat.
Choose a verb for the sentence. “Susan and Peter ____ very early.” A) look up B) drink C) cook D) wake up.
Look at this poster: What is the purpose of the poster? A) The store only sells cheap jewels now B) The store only sells jewels this week C) The store sells jewels at a lower price this week D) The store only sells expensive jewels.
Is it possible to distinguish irregular and regular verbs in a sentence Why? A) Yes, you can do it if you analyze its ending or the “s”. B) Sometimes it´s possible, sometime it´s impossible. C) No, because the verb in present has no indication of its conjugation D) It´s always possible if the auxiliary used is analyzed.
Indicate if the following sentences are in simple present (S) progressive (P) 1. He reads the newspaper at mornings 2. I´m speaking English to you because you want to practice it. 3. They speak Italian and Chinese every day A) 1-P, 2-P, 3-S B)1-S, 2-P, 3-S C)1-S, 2-P, 3-P D)1-S, 2-S, 3-S.
Complete the following question: “____ where you born?” I was born in 1980 A) Which B) What C) Where D) When.
What´s the grammatically correct answer to the following “What were you doing yesterday at 3 PM?” A) I was working on my PC B) I were working on my PC C) I did not work on my PC D) I have worked on my PC.
The expressions and words below aren´t in order. Choose 5 of them and indicate the sequence they must follow to create a logical and complete sentence in present progressive. 1. the radio 2. listen to 3. When you are 4. hear his voice 5. listening to 6. you can 7. you A) 3, 2, 1, 6, 4 B) 3, 5, 1, 6, 4 C) 7, 2, 1, 6, 4 D) 7, 5, 1, 6, 4.
Complete the following sentence with the correct verb form. “We planted an apple-tree in the backyard; unfortunately it _____. A) has died B) had died C) died D) was dying.
Why do we use the verb in past form only in affirmative sentences? A) The past is not possible with some specific verbs. B) In other forms the past is indicated by the auxiliary “did”. C) In negative and interrogative and interrogative we have the auxiliary “did”. D) Because it´s easier to understand it in affirmative.
What is the tense for each sentence? The British Trevor Baylis invented in 1996 a wind-up radio, electricity or batteries. You wind it ups by hand. He got the idea f he was watching TV. A) Past, present, past, present, past progressive B) Past, present, present simple, past progressive C) Past, present, present, past, past progressive D) Past, past simple, present, past progressive.
Order the numbers to make a logical and coherent conversation 1. I do not remember. I was in elementary school 2. Yes 3. How long ago was that? 4. My parents died in that terrible accident 5. And what happened? 6. When I was little I remember laughing a lot 7. Since then you are sad? A) 3, 1, 5, 4, 2, 7, 6 B) 5, 4, 3, 1, 7, 6, 2 C) 6, 3, 1, 5, 4, 7, 2 D) 5, 1 , 7, 2, 3, 4, 6.
Choose a superlative adjective for the sentence “China´s population is ____ of all the countries A) the largest B) small C) heavy D) fatter .
Match the comparative and superlative on the left with the sentences in the column on the right. Comparative or superlative Sentences 1. Larger a. Which state is _____ Chihuahua or Zacatecas? b. Michoacán is _____ than Hidalgo. 2. the largest c. Which city has the ____ population Guadalajara, Mexico City or Monterrey? d. Mexico City has _____ population of the country. A) (1-c, d) (2-a, b) B) (1-c, b) (2-a, d) C) (1-a, b) (2-c, d) D) (1-a, d) (2-b, b).
Form the correct plural form of the following word Child A) Childrens B) Childs C) Child´s D) Children .
Rewrite the sentence using plural nouns and change the number 1 for 100. “There is one mouse in the kitchen” A) There is one hundred mouse in the kitchen B) There are one hundred mice in the kitchen C) There are one hundred mouse in the kitchen. D) There is one hundred mice in the kitchen.
Indicate which of the following words is an uncountable noun noise, street, star is, bottle A) Noise B) Star C) Bottle D) Street.
Determine which of the following sentences use the correct quantifier 1. We bought many butter 2. People should drink a lot of water 3. You need many luck to win the lottery 4. The postman delivered much mail today 5. I have a lot of work to do A) 1, 3, 4 B) 2, 5 C) 1, 3, 5 D) 2, 4.
Decide which answer matches each question. Questions Answers 1. How many servings of fruit do you eat each day? a. Very little 2. How much junk food do you eat? b. Two or more 3. How often do you exercise or play a sport per day? c. A lot of it d. Never e. Weekly A) (1-c), (2-a,b), (3-d) B) (1-b), (2-a,c), (3-d) C) (1-a), (2-c,b), (3-e) D) (1-b), (2-a,b), (3-e).
Choose one of these prepositions for the sentence: at, on, in or after. The telephone rang _________ the doorbell A) after B) on C) in D) at.
In the next sentence, do you need any of these prepositions “in” “on” or “at” or “nothing? “All our relatives came for a celebration ___ last Christmas” A) in B) at C) nothing D) on.
Complete the next paragraph with the correct time expressions parenthesis White the answer followings the sequence of the numbers “we “ ____ (on-it-at) Friday. We got the airport ____ (on-it-at) time to have a before checking in ____ (on-in-at) the answers counter the planet took off _____ (on-in-at) time. A) on, at, in, at B) on, on, at, on C) at, on, in, on D) on, in, on, at.
Complete the next sentence with the correct object premium “I love Mary; I’ve just bought a nice bunch of flowers for ___ A) her B) he C) him D) she.
Mark the following sentences as correct C. or it they have errors E. 1. Maria Felix was an actress. Everybody knows about she 2. Jane was aware that something special occurred to him 3. My brother and me left earlier than usual A) (1-E) (2-C) (3-C) B) (1-C) (2-E) (3-E) C) (1-E) (2-C) (3-E) D) (1-C) (2-C) (3-E).
Why is the following question incorrect? “Why do you did that during last class? A) Because “do” can not be repeated as an auxiliary and as a verb is the sentence B) Because “do” and “did” can never be used together in the same sentence C) Because “do” is for questions in present and this is a questions in past D) Because the auxiliary in past is “did” the verb should be in infinitive w.
What´s the correct question to get this underlined answer? I went to the movies yesterday A) How did you go yesterday? B) Why did you go to the movies? C) When did you go to the movies? D) What time .
Order 6 of the following numbers to make a coherent sentence: 1. potato chips 2. the saltiest 3. why 4. are 5. snack 6. does 7. is 8. ? A) 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 8 B) 3, 6, 2, 1, 7, 5 C) 6, 2, 1, 7, 3, 8 D) 7, 1, 3, 2, 5, 4.
Complete the question “Will you please call me up when you __ there? A) arrive B) arrivers C) will arrive D) would arrive.
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