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Mixed methods

Quantitative and qualitative methods


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How does Creswell and Plano Clark (2007) characterize mixed methods research as a methodology? A method with no philosophical assumptions A method focused solely on qualitative data A research design with guiding philosophical assumptions and a method where qualitative and quantitative strands are mixed A method excluding the use of taxonomies.
What distinguishes mixed methods research from multimethod studies? Mixing is not essential in multimethod studies Multimethod studies involve only qualitative approaches Mixing occurs across phases in mixed methods but not in multimethod studies Multimethod studies always use a taxonomy of research designs.
What is a baseline, minimal standard to warrant the designation as mixed methods, according to the author? The absence of inductive components A deductive component only The presence of a coherent framework Both a deductive and an inductive component in analytical procedures.
How does the author conceptualize qualitative and quantitative approaches on a continuum? As polar opposites with no overlap As distinct and inconsistent research strategies As two approaches with no variability As a continuum with overlapping points at the center.
How does the book characterize the relationship between qualitative and quantitative approaches? As rigid and distinct categories As polar opposites As dichotomies As different ends on a continuum.
What is a key characteristic of quantitative research? Focus on individual meaning Inductive style Deductive approach and numbered data analysis Flexible structure in the final report.
What does survey research aim to provide? In-depth analysis of a case Comprehensive analysis of the research problem Lived experiences of individuals Numeric description of trends, attitudes, or opinions.
In which mixed methods design does the researcher first conduct quantitative research and then builds on the results with qualitative research? Convergent mixed methods Explanatory sequential mixed methods Exploratory sequential mixed methods Basic mixed methods.
Which mixed methods design involves collecting both qualitative and quantitative data at roughly the same time? Convergent mixed methods Explanatory sequential mixed methods Exploratory sequential mixed methods Core mixed methods.
What is the purpose of research designs in a study? To determine the sample size To provide specific direction for procedures in a research study To analyze complex models To articulate new procedures for data collection.
Which of the following is a guideline for writing qualitative research questions? Include numerous sub questions to narrow down the focus Begin questions with "why" for causal explanations Use directional verbs like "impact" and "inuence" Use exploratory verbs related to the study's qualitative strategy.
In qualitative research, why is it recommended to begin research questions with "what" or "how"? To limit participant views To suggest cause-and-effect relationships To convey an open and emerging design To emphasize quantitative thinking.
What is the purpose of using exploratory verbs in qualitative research questions? To limit the explanations To discourage exploration To suggest cause-and-effect relationships To convey the language of an emerging design.
When specifying participants and the research site in qualitative research questions, what information should be included? Detailed demographic information No specific details are necessary Only participant names Relevant details not yet provided.
What is the primary focus of quantitative research questions? Objectives Relationships among variables Hypotheses Variables.
In writing quantitative research questions or hypotheses, why must independent and dependent variables be measured separately? To encourage redundancy To reinforce the logic of cause-and-effect To limit the scope of the study To make predictions easier.
What is the purpose of using nondemographic variables as mediating variables in quantitative studies? To stand between independent and dependent variables To predict demographic outcomes To limit the influence of variables To verify theories.
Mixed methods research incorporates rigorous methods of data collection, data analysis, and interpretation for both ________ and ________ data. Quantitative, qualitative Experimental, observational Cross-sectional, longitudinal Nominal, ordinal.
Recent writings tend to use the term ________ to describe the mixed methods approach. Synthesis Multimethod Integrating Mixed methods.
What is the main challenge in merging qualitative and quantitative databases in convergent design? Different concepts on both sides Lack of follow-up on conclusions. Unequal sample sizes Integration is intuitive.
What is a defining feature of mixed methods research according to Creswell and Plano Clark (2007, 2011)? The exclusion of qualitative methods The use of only quantitative data The mixing of qualitative and quantitative strands The reliance solely on philosophical assumptions.
What is emphasized in Table 1.1 regarding the potential gains of using both qualitative and quantitative approaches in a mixed-method study? Offset the strengths of each method Emphasize the weaknesses of each method Highlight the need for separate studies Emphasize the potential gains of using both approaches.
What is the primary focus of experimental research? Exploring and understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem Building theories deductively Testing objective theories by examining the relationship among variables Deriving a general, abstract theory grounded in the views of participants.
What is a characteristic of narrative research? Examination of shared patterns of behaviors Study of the lives of individuals through stories Description of lived experiences of individuals Deriving a general, abstract theory grounded in the views of participants .
How many central research questions are typically recommended in a qualitative study? One Two Three Four.
What is emphasized in a qualitative study by focusing on a single phenomenon or concept initially? The need for a narrow scope The complexity of the study The importance of multiple variables The exploration of multiple phenomena.
Which type of questions is typical in phenomenology according to Moustakas (1994)? Questions with specic reference to existing literature Questions about cultural contrasts Broadly stated questions without specific reference to existing literature Questions related to verifying data accuracy.
How are quantitative hypotheses different from research questions? Hypotheses focus on objectives Research questions make predictions Hypotheses predict outcomes of relationships among variables Research questions are numeric estimates.
What is the purpose of a null hypothesis in quantitative research? To predict specic outcomes To make numeric estimates To state the direction of the study To suggest no significant difference or relationship.
When using directional hypotheses, what is the researcher predicting? No relationship A specific outcome A broad difference An unexpected finding .
What is the role of objectives in quantitative research studies? To predict outcomes To state the direction of the study To indicate the goals or objectives for a study To describe responses to variables.
Mixed methods procedures are incorporated into a distinct mixed methods design that indicates the procedures to be used in a study, often informed by a ________ and a ________. Model, framework Hypothesis, theory Philosophy, worldview Technique, methodology.
At a procedural level, mixed methods is a useful strategy for developing a more complete understanding of research problems and questions, such as comparing different perspectives and explaining quantitative results with a qualitative ________ data collection and analysis. Predictive Follow-up Experimental Cross-sectional.
A detailed discussion of the primary mixed methods design strategies is typically accompanied by a figure or diagram illustrating these ________. Procedures Results Challenges Limitations.
What is the key assumption in the convergent mixed methods design? Quantitative data is superior to qualitative data. Qualitative and quantitative data provide similar information. Qualitative data is more detailed than quantitative data. Mixed methods are unnecessary in research.
How is the inequality in sample sizes resolved in a convergent mixed methods design? Qualitative sample is reduced. Qualitative sample is increased. Both samples are kept equal. Unequal sample sizes are considered a non-issue.
What is the primary intent of the explanatory sequential mixed methods design? Collecting only qualitative data. Building on quantitative results with qualitative data. Analyzing quantitative data first. Avoiding qualitative approaches. .
How is the integration achieved in explanatory sequential design? Analyzing databases simultaneously. Connecting qualitative results to quantitative data collection. Merging databases into a single dataset. Ignoring quantitative results.
When is the qualitative sample typically smaller than the quantitative sample in exploratory sequential design? Always Never Only in certain situations. Depends on the researcher's preference.
How does the use of theory differ in quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods studies? It is consistent in all three types of studies. It is more common in qualitative studies. It is more varied in qualitative studies. It is limited to quantitative studies. .
In a quantitative dissertation, what section of the research proposal might be devoted to presenting the broader theory guiding the study hypotheses? Methodology Data Analysis Literature Review Introduction.
Where might a theory generated in a qualitative study be placed in the project? At the beginning In the middle At the end Throughout the study.
In mixed methods research, what type of frameworks may be used, drawing from various perspectives? Only quantitative frameworks Only qualitative frameworks Only social science frameworks Social science and participatory-social justice frameworks.
What is the critical consideration in evaluating causal claims in quantitative research? Number of variables Measurement techniques Temporal order Research design.
What is the term for variables that are used to predict an outcome in survey method studies? Independent variables Dependent variables Predictor variables Outcome variables.
What distinguishes independent variables in experimental studies? They depend on other variables. They are manipulated in an experiment. They follow temporal order. They are measured in survey studies.
What do outcome variables in survey method studies share properties with? Independent variables Dependent variables Predictor variables Intervening variables.
What is the role of mediating variables in quantitative research? They stand between independent and dependent variables. They predict outcomes in survey studies. They moderate the relationship between variables. They control for confounding variables.
What do moderating variables do in quantitative research? Predict outcomes Stand between variables Control for confounding variables Affect the relationship between variables.
What is the primar y purpose of conducting a literature review in a research study? To showcase the researcher's knowledge To fill in gaps and extend prior studies To summarize the study's results To criticize previous scholarly works.
According to Wilkinson (1991), what advice is given for creating a title for a research study? Use a title longer than 12 words Include unnecessary words to provide context Be brief and avoid wasting words Use multiple titles for clarity.
How should a researcher frame the working title for their study according to the text? Use complex and erudite language Keep it straightforward and uncomplicated Include as many articles and prepositions as possible Make it as lengthy as possible.
What is a common shortcoming of beginning researchers in framing their study? Using straightforward language Providing clear and simple thoughts Framing the study in complex and erudite language Incorporating unnecessary details.
Why is it important to spend considerable time in the library examining research on a topic? To impress faculty committees To find information for the introduction section To ensure the study adds something new to the literature To collect data over a sustained period of time.
In a qualitative study, how is the literature used in the beginning? As a deductive framework Sparingly, to convey an inductive design To criticize previous works As a basis for advancing research questions.
How is the literature review typically structured in a quantitative research article? Included in the introduction section In a separate section titled "Related Literature" Threaded throughout the study At the end of the study to compare and contrast with the results.
In a mixed methods study, how is the use of literature determined? It is based on the researcher's personal preference It is consistent with the type of strategy being used It is determined by the length of the study It is always presented deductively.
What is the recommended approach for conducting a literature review, according to the text? Summarize the literature without analysis Conduct a comprehensive review from the broader problem to the narrower issue Use only conceptual articles and opinion pieces Include as many studies as possible, regardless of relevance.
What does the literature review model propose for a quantitative study or the quantitative strand of a mixed methods study? Four components: Introduction, Topic 1, Topic 2, and Summary Three components: Introduction, Review Topic, and Summary Five components: Introduction, Topic 1, Topic 2, Topic 3, and Summary Two components: Introduction and Review.
What is the purpose of providing a summary in the literature review model? To critique the existing literature To highlight the least important studies To suggest fewer research needs To capture major themes and explain why more research is needed.
What does the literature review model suggest about the structure of a quantitative study's literature review section? Combine all topics into a single section for brevity Separate sections for independent and dependent variables Include only studies closely related to the proposed study Exclude a summary section for conciseness.
How does the model propose structuring the literature review for a mixed methods study? Same as for a quantitative study Same as for a qualitative study Depends on the type of design and weight given to qualitative and quantitative aspects Only include literature related to the quantitative aspect.
What is a key consideration before searching the literature? Identifying key variables for analysis Defining all terms in the study Identifying the central research question or topic Determining the length of the literature review.
What is a suggested approach for organizing studies in a literature review? Group them randomly for diversity Create a literature map based on major categories Include studies in the order of publication date Organize studies based on the length of each summary.
Why is it recommended to write summaries of the studies during a literature review? To increase the length of the literature review To help remember which studies to include To provide complete references for each study To extract information about the research, including the problem, questions, data collection, and results.
What does the literature review model suggest about defining key terms in a proposal? It is unnecessary for a literature review Key terms should be defined in a separate section Key terms should be developed after the literature review Key terms should be included within the literature review.
What is a distinctive feature of a literature review for a qualitative study? It includes a separate section for each variable It is threaded throughout the entire study It is usually longer at the beginning than at the end It focuses only on independent variables.
How does the use of theory differ in quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods studies? It is consistent in all three types of studies. It is more common in qualitative studies. It is more varied in qualitative studies. It is limited to quantitative studies.
In mixed methods research, what type of frameworks may be used, drawing from various perspectives? Only quantitative frameworks Only qualitative frameworks Only social science frameworks Social science and participatory-social justice frameworks.
What is the critical consideration in evaluating causal claims in quantitative research? Number of variables Measurement techniques Temporal order Research design.
What is the term for variables that are used to predict an outcome in survey method studies? Independent variables Dependent variables Predictor variables Outcome variables.
What is the role of mediating variables in quantitative research? They stand between independent and dependent variables. They predict outcomes in survey studies. They moderate the relationship between variables. They control for confounding variables.
What do moderating variables do in quantitative research? Predict outcomes Stand between variables Control for confounding variables Affect the relationship between variables.
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