TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESE: The Neolithic period and the Bronze and Iron Ages
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The Neolithic period and the Bronze and Iron Ages

UNIT 9 - 1º ESO Bilingüe

Mª Carmen Cano

Fecha de Creación:

Categoría: Historia

Número Preguntas: 37
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The Neolithic period arose around ... BCE, with the beginning of agriculture and livestock farming, and ended around 4500 BCE, when people began to work with metal. 8000 BCE 8000 AD 3500 BCE 3500 AD.
Agriculture spread from the ... towards the large river plains of Europe, China and India. Meanwhile in America, it appeared independently. Fertile Crescent Fertile Area Wet lands Agricultural Area.
The Fertile Crescent is a half-moon shaped region that spreads from the Tigris and ... rivers to the Nile. Red Volga Euphrates Danube.
During the Neolithic period the economy became ... productive predatory.
Agriculture was born because people noticed that, with time, seeds that fell to the ground became new plants, and it was based on cultivating grains such as wheat and rice. True False.
People also started to domesticate animals, giving them meat, milk, leather and wool. This marked the beginning of ... life expectancy Fertile Crescent livestock farming Fertile reovolution.
A ... way of life was adpted due to the need of staying close to their crop fields and their cattle. nomadic sedentary .
The Neolithic sedentary way of life made possible the appearance of small agricultural villages and settlements on the banks of ... rivers caves mountains palaces.
The majority of Neolithic tools were made of stone. They made new tools needed for agricultural tasks. Look at the picture, it appears a tool with a long handle end a flat square blade. How is it named? Plough Hoe spindle loom.
The majority of Neolithic tools were made of stone. They made new tools needed for agricultural tasks. Look at the picture, it appears a machine to turn the earth that people or animals pull. How is it named? Plough Hoe spindle loom.
The majority of Neolithic tools were made of stone. They made new tools needed for agricultural tasks. Look at the picture, with this hand mill people ... grain to make flour. grind saw spindle harvest.
The majority of Neolithic tools were made of stone. They made new tools needed for agricultural tasks. Look at the picture, it appears a tool with a short handle and a curved blade, used for cutting grass and grain crops. How is it named? Plough loom spindle sickle.
The main inventions of the Neolithic period were ceramics and metals. True False.
Ceramics were made by hand using clay and then cooked in the fire. They were used to store and cook food. Fabrics, made with flax or wool, were woven on rudimentary ... hoes sickle ploughs looms.
During the Neolithic a new technique to work the stone was developed. The result is what we known as ...stone. polished new mild metal.
Different activities, apart from agriculture and livestock farming, started to appear, like crafting. The first craftsmen made tools that they exchanged with farmers for food, which is the origin of ... war different social classes trade religion .
Neolithic society saw a huge decrease in population thanks to better food and living conditions and improving the life expectancy as well. True False.
A larger population led to the appearance of heads or leaders, who coordinated defence, the use of water by farmers, how collective projects were carried out, etc. These leaders became the political and religious authorities and they controlled wealth and power. True False.
The way society was organised therefore became more complex. Inequality increased and several social groups emerged. These were differentiated by their wealth and ...: leaders, artisans (weavers, potters, etc.), and agricultural farmers and livestock farmers. house job abilities strength.
In the Neolithic, religious beliefs focused on the worship of the stars, which guided them when planting and harvesting crops. They worshipped the ... as well as the mother goddess, who guaranteed the fertility of crops and livestock. dead tools stone leaders.
The most significant artwork was ..., decorated with a variety of patterns. Cardial style vessel (with imprints cockle shells) as in the picture from the l'Or cave (Beniarrés, Alicante) is one representative example. pottery work stone work bone work iron work.
Burials became more common. They took place under the ... or in necropolises outside the settlements. sanctuaries houses palaces workplace.
Families honour their dead with grave goods and eventually began to venerate them. This is called ... Neolithic people also built sanctuaries where they performed religious ceremonies. natural forces worship ancestor worship mother goddess worship star worship.
Neolithic cave painting developed the characteristics that first appeared in the Epipaleolithic Period. People painted symbolic monochrome figures in shallow caves. They tried to capture a scene and suggest movement. This resulted in a less realistic and increasingly ... style. naturalist schematic figurine polichrome.
Although Mother goddess worship started in the Paleolithic Period, the goddess' appearance has changed in the Neolithic Period. Look at the picture, which one (left or right) is the Neolithic mother goddess? Left Right.
The Metal Ages, which are divided into the Copper, Bronze and Iron ages, began, around ..., with the discovery of metallurgy or the technique for working metals, and they lasted until 1000 BCE. 8000 BCE 10000 BCE 3200 BCE 4500 BCE.
During the Metal Ages, about ..., a number of peoples discovered writing, and this became a part of history itself. Others, however, stayed in prehistory. 4250 BCE 3250 BCE 2250 BCE 5250 BCE.
The first known metalworkers used ..., around 4500 BCE. It started in the Neolithic and urban societies of the Fertile Crescent. This metal was not very durable, and it was primarily used to make decorations. iron bronze copper steel.
Towards 2200 BCE, the search for more resistant metals led to the use of ..., an alloy of copper and tin. iron bronze copper steel.
Around 1500 BCE, people started to use ..., somewhere between the Black Sea and the Armenian mountains. The use of this metal by certain groups of people made them much stronger. Because of this, it took time to become widespread. steel copper bronze iron.
Agriculture and livestock farming continued to be the foundation of the economy, and craftsmen continued making textiles and pottery. However, during the Metal Age, commerce developed, due to the need to obtain metals, which were exchanged for other products. From the Fertile Crescent there were routes to find metals around Western and Central Europe. They were known as the “metal routes”. True False.
The techniques for working metal were perfected over time. First, metal was worked when it was cold, by hitting it with a hammer. Later, they used ..., in which metal was heated over a fire while being hammered. forging smelting.
Another metal technique was ..., which is heating the metal in a furnace until it became liquid. Then, the metal was poured into moulds with the desired shape, it was left to cool and then the pieces were polished. forging smelting.
Metalwork provided a wide variety of tools: stronger agricultural tools, such as hoes and sickles; weapons, such as swords, axes, spears and shields; and domestic utensils, such as cups, jugs and bowls. True False.
One of the main inventions of the Metal Age period was the ..., which allowed for the invention of the cart, revolutionising land transport and the production of pottery. wheel seal spear shield.
Another revolutionary invention of Metal Age period was the ..., Sails allowed boats to move thanks to the power of the wind. wheel seal spear shield.
Since the population continued to grow, settlements grew and became small cities. Some of them built perimeter walls in order to defend themselves, because the desire to control metals caused ... . agricultural advances appearance of new gods wars between different peoples the discovery of a new metal.
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