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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEPrueba diagnóstica (Middle school 8th grade)

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Prueba diagnóstica (Middle school 8th grade)

Comprensión lectora en L2


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Número preguntas: 10
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Carly has a large family. She lives with four people. Carly also has two pets. Carly’s mom is a doctor. Carly’s mom works at the hospital. Carly’s mom helps people who are sick. Carly’s dad works at home. Carly’s dad cooks for the family. Carly’s dad drives the kids to soccer practice. Carly has two brothers. James is ten years old. Scott is fourteen years old. Carly has two pets. Jinx is a small, black cat. Diego is a large, brown dog. Carly loves her family! De acuerdo al texto anterior: How many male people are in Carly's family? four two three.
Carly’s mom helps pets which are sick. Yes, she does No, she does not.
How many animals are there in Carly's home? Two Three Four.
Who works at home? Carly's mother Carly's father Carly's brothers.
Carly practices soccer True false.
Grammar Practice Check the correct form of be Carly’s mom are a doctor Carly’s mom is a doctor.
Grammar Practice Check the correct form of be Jinx is a small, black cat. Jinx a small, black cat.
Grammar Practice Carly has a large family. She lives with four people. Carly also has two pets. Carly’s mom is a doctor. Carly’s mom works at the hospital. Carly’s mom helps people who are sick. Carly’s dad works at home. Carly’s dad cooks for the family. Carly’s dad drives the kids to soccer practice. Carly has two brothers. James is ten years old. Scott is fourteen years old. Carly has two pets. Jinx is a small, black cat. Diego is a large, brown dog. Carly loves her family! Cúal de las culomnas a-b tiene el orden correcto? a) b) 1 - Carly’s mom is a doctor. 1 - Carly has a large family 2 - Carly has a large family 2 - Carly’s mom is a doctor. 3 - Carly loves her family! 3 - Carly loves her family! a b .
Grammar Practice En la lectura de Carly´s family se encuentra la siguiente oración cooks / Carly’s / family / for / dad / the . ¿Cuál es su orden correcto? The family cooks for Carly´s dad Carly’s dad cooks for the family. The cooks Carly´s for family dad.
Grammar Practice Carly has a large family: Selecccione la pregunta correcta a esa afirmación. Do Carly has a large family? Does Carly has a large family? Does Carly have a large family?.
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