TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESE: The Restoration: Liberalism and Nationalism
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The Restoration: Liberalism and Nationalism

Unit 03. 4º ESO - Bilingüe

Mª Carmen Cano

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Categoría: Historia

Número Preguntas: 40
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Liberalism is an ideology that advocates ..., such as the right to life, freedom of expression and association, the right to choose political representatives and the right to own property. individual liberties restoration revolution independent states.
Nationalism is an ideology that advocates the right of people who define themselves as a nation to form... individual liberties independent states political parties revolutions.
In the 19th century, democratic movements advocated ordinary people's right to participate in ... trade revolutions politics constitution.
What did the wealthy bourgeoisie impose to the petit bourgeoisie, labourers and peasants that created social and economic inequalities? universal manhood suffrage republic governments common links limited male suffrage.
What kind of government did democratic supporters prefer? Absolute Monarchy Constitutional Monarchy Republic Enlighted Depotism.
The key principles that 19th century nationalists supported were: (Choose the right ones) The nation-state based on a population with common links, such as a common culture, history and language. It should also have clear territorial boundaries. Popular sovereignty, so that citizens would feel part of the nation. The restoration of abosolute monarchies. The consolidation of the Napoleon's project of an European Empire. Each nation should choose its own form of government. The need for a strong Holy Alliance.
The key principles 19th-century liberals supported were constitutions, popular sovereignty, individual liberties, separation of powers and... Constitutional monarchy Absolute monarchy European Empire Republic.
Liberalism reprensented the interests of the bourgeoisie, in particular de petit bourgeoisie (bankers and large property owners. True False.
All liberal parties shared the same principles, but they did not always agree on how to put them into practice. There were two kinds: Moderate liberals and Radical or progressive liberals. True False.
Match every liberal party with their principles. Moderate liberals Radical or progressive liberals.
The political revolutions of the 19th century were based on liberalism, nationalism and the Enlightenment. True False.
The 19th-century-revolutions came about because many people did not accept either the Restoration or the return of... Napoleon The Enlightenment The Ancien Régime The Habsburg Royal House.
There were two types of nationalism in 19th-century Europe: unification nationalism such as Italian Unification or separatist nationalism, case of ... Spain Germany Portugal Greece.
In France a new Revolutions took place in the 1830s because of Charles X approved various decrees, such as the restriction of press freedom, without consulting the Legislative Assembly. Which king did the assembly chose after Charles X's abdication? Fernando VII Napoleon III Louis Philipe of Orleans Amadeo of Savoy.
1848 marked a more radical phase of the 19th-century revolutions, as the wealthy bourgeoisie and bankers advocated democratic principles that would give them axxess to political power. These revolutions failed everywhere except in France. True False.
1848 marked a more radical phase of the 19th-century revolutions, as the petit bourgeoisie and workers advocated democratic principles that would give them axxess to political power. These revolutions failed everywhere except in .... Spain France Germany Belgium.
After Louis Philippe abdicated in ... the Second Republic was established. Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (Napoleon's nephew) 1820 1848 1830 1829.
Which countries gained their independence in the 1820s, or as a result of the Revolution of 1830 or 1848? (choose the right ones) Portugal Germany Greece Italy Spain Belgium .
For many centuries, Germany and Italy had been divided into numerous small states. In the 19th century, nationalist movements succeeded in unifying these countries. True False.
Victor Emmanuel II and his minister ... tried to extend their Kingdom's constitutional system to other parts of Italy. Cavour Bismark Garibaldi Mendizabal.
The Italian unification happened from ... until 1870. 1866 1859 1860 1848.
In the south, Italian nationalists, led by the pretigious politician and military leader, ..., conquered the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies Garibaldi Manzini Espartero Bismarck.
The German unification happened from 1866 until ... 1859 1871 1866 1870.
Italy became a republic, with Cavour as its president. True False.
Who started the process of the German Unification in 1866? Wilhelm I Napoleon III Bismack Victor Emmanuel II.
What name did the customs union that was established 1834? Second Reich Zollverein The Youth Third Reich.
In the 19th century, Spain experienced similar political processes to the rest of Europe. During the reign of ..., absolutism was restored. Amadeo of Savoy Fernando VII Isabel II Carlos IV.
During Fernando VII's reign, a period of political instability followed, as some liberals organised military coups designed to overthrow absolutism. When did it happen? 1820-1823 1814-1833 1823-1833 1814-1820.
Which law excluded females from the line of succession in Spain since Felipe V's reign? Salic Law Pragmatic Law Sanction Law Habsburg Law.
Fernando VII proclaimed his ... in order to give his daughter access to the throne after his death. liberal phase absolutist phase Pragmatic Sanction Salic Law.
Read the text and answer the question: Who wrote this words to Fernando VII? María Cristina Amadeo I Infante Don Carlos Carlos IV.
Absolutism ended in Spain with the reign of ..., who established a liberal constitutional monarchy. Fernando VII Infante Don Carlos Amadeo I Isabel II.
Isabel II was supported by the liberal parties, the Moderates and the Progressives. However, she favoured the Progressives, who governed for most of her reign. True False.
Who supported every liberl party in Spain? Match them correctly. Moderates Progressives.
During the reign of Isabel II's military participated actively in politics, as heads of government and ministers, and also leading military revolts to acquire more power. True False.
The reign of Isabel II took place from 1833 until ... 1870 1868 1843 1856.
How many Carlist wars were there? Three Two Four One.
The emergence of new political parties who opposed the Isabel II's monarchy along with the manipulation of election results favoured the end of her reign. True False.
After Amadeo I abdicated, the Cortes proclaimed... This was the first time Spain was not ruled by a monarch. The First Republic A new Royal Dinasty The Glorious Revolution The Constitution of 1869.
In 1868, a military revolt began in Cádiz, led by Admiral Topete and Generals Prim and Serrano. This uprising is known as ... The Pragmatic Sanction The Salic Law The Glorious Revolution The First Spanish Republic.
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