TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESE: The Second Industrial Revolution - Imperialism
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The Second Industrial Revolution - Imperialism

UNIT 5 - 4º ESO Bilingüe

Mª Carmen Cano

Fecha de Creación:

Categoría: Historia

Número Preguntas: 40
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The Second Industrial Revolution took place between ... and 1914. 1850 1830 1870 1900.
The Second Industrial Revolution began in the ... and Germany, and was based on the use of new energy sources and changes in work organisation which promoted new industrial sectors. United States Great Britain Japan China.
The use of new energy sources (oil and ...), as well as new engines which moved the machines, began at the end of the 19th century. straw electricity coal nuclear power.
Electricity was used for lighting and to drive engines, especially since the invention of the accumulator and the transformer (1897), which allowed energy to be transported and ended the need to locate industries next to ... cities raw materials rivers energy sources.
Changes in work organisation which promoted new industrial sectors. They responded to the need for mass production of luxurious goods. True False.
The work organisation that initiated mass production and the need for enormous factories was called... Chartism Socialism Fordism Taylorism.
According to Fordism, work was organised in ...: each worker performed only one task in the manufacturing process of the product which was placed in front of him by a conveyor belt. By avoiding the movement of workers, performance was increased and the products could be sold at lower price. assembly lines big factories different factories small mines.
The leading sectors also changed. Technical innovations diversified industry, especially the metallurgical and ... industries. textile mining chemical cotton.
Metallurgy progressed thanks to the generalised use of the Bessemer converter in 1856, which enabled steel to be obtained from iron. True False.
Other important industries were those related to ... equipment and mechanics, which manufactured sewing machines, typewriters, bicycles, locomotives, cars and the first aeroplanes. economic trade textile electrical.
Read the text below and decide who was the author and the subject that is related to. F.W. Taylor (taylorism) H. Ford (fordism) K. Marx (marxism) C. Townshend (chartism).
Read the text below and decide who was the author and the subject that is related to. F.W. Taylor (taylorism) H. Ford (fordism) K. Marx (marxism) C. Townshend (chartism).
The Second Industrial Revolution also brought development in economy and capitalism. For example, new means of transport, infrastructure and... navigation textile machinery communication housing.
The internal combustion engine enabled the birth of the plane (Benz, 1886; Diesel, 1893). True False.
Infrastructures also improved thanks to the completion of the Panama Canal (1918), which cheapened transport between the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans. True False.
The extension of the railway network promoted the expansion of the United States towards the east, of Russia towards the west and a greater territorial integration in other countries. True False.
Communications progressed thanks to inventions such as (match every invention with its creator) Telephone Radio Phonograph Cinematograph.
Domestic trade devised new systems to sell the increased production, such as ... which offered a wide variety of inexpensive goods, and techniques such as advertising, mail order shopping, hire-purchase instalments, and sales. street markets domestic shops department stores railway shops.
International trade now acquired a ... dimension because of improved transportation methods and the growth of industrial production. domestic reduced global quiet.
The need for markets that could supply raw materials and purchase the industrial goods led certain states to trade protectionism and others to the conquest of colonial empires. True False.
The increasing size of companies and the large sums of money needed for financing brought about a new period in Capitalism called ‘...’. Its basic features were financial and corporate concentration. Finance Capitalism Second Capitalism Trade Capitalism New Capitalism.
... set out to dominate the market by eliminating competition amongst companies. To this end, different kinds of concentration were created: the cartel, the trust, and the holding. As a result of this, antitrust laws had to be created. Corporate concentration Industrial capitalism International commerce Domestic trade.
The Wright brothers made their first flight on December 17, ... 1897 1903 1860 1878.
Between 1870 and 1914, the European population accelerated its growth and rose from 300 to 440 million people. As a result, emigration abroad and the ... increased. urban machinery rural population rural machinery urban population.
The labour movement gained affiliates when the states recognised freedom of assembly and association and legalised workers’ associations. Over time, labourers’ parties emerged, whose aim was to access political power and promote democratic and social reforms. The first and most important of these was the ... (SPD), founded in 1875. German Social Democratic Party French Social Democratic Party British Social Democratic Party Spanish Social Democratic Party.
In the economic field, mass production brought about by the Second Industrial Revolution lowered the prices of many goods. This allowed the proletariat to elevate their capacity for consumption and their quality of life. True False.
From 1870, European colonial expansion turned to America, Asia and the Pacific and entered a new phase known as Imperialism. True False.
Unlike the previous form of Colonialism, whose main objective was to dominate the economic resources of the colonies, Imperialism implied the military, political and economic control of the European minority over the dominated territories. True False.
The new colonial momentum was due to different causes: (match every group with its category) The possession of colonies assured the power and the international prestige of countries or allowed trade routes and strategic territories to be controlled. ncreased production brought about by the Second Industrial Revolution required having territories which could supply raw materials for industry and purchase the manufactured products without customs barriers. Furthermore, colonies provided cheap labour and places to invest capital. Certain ideologies manipulated the ideas of Darwin (social Darwinism), and proclaimed the superiority of the white race along with its ‘mission’ to ‘civilise’ the rest of the world. The colonies provided territories where excess population could be sent in order to reduce unemployment and relieve internal social tensions.
The case of China, whose territory was divided amongst the great powers into ‘areas of influence’, was considered a... Settler colony Protectorate Concession Exploitation colony.
In India, a ... was stablished. The country maintained their indigenous governments, but the colonial power controlled foreign policy, the army, and the exploitation of certain resources. Settler colony Protectorate Concession Exploitation colony.
Canada was ... because foreign population moved there and they were self-administered. Settler colony Protectorate Concession Exploitation colony.
The case of Congo, where colonialism was mainly indigenous and whose territory was administered by the metropole which had exclusive right to exploit its resources., was considered a... Settler colony Protectorate Concession Exploitation colony.
Between 1884 and ... China was divided into five zones of influence, as this caricature shows: from left to right, England (Queen Victoria), Germany (William II), Russia (Nicholas II), France (Marianne, symbol of the French Republic) and Japan (Meiji Tenno). 1911 1914 1908 1903.
Egypt became a British ... in 1914. Settler colony Protectorate Concession Exploitation colony.
The European interest in Africa became pretty much relvant since 1870. To prevent possible clashes, European powers met at the ... Conference in 1884, where they established rules for the occupation of the continent. Viena Belin Roma Paris.
The Berlin Conference was celebrated in 1884, where they established rules for the occupation of the African continent. 1911 1903 1989 1884.
The rules for the occupation of the African continent included: (choose the right ones) Free navigation on the Niger and the Congo Rivers was recongnised. Big empires have more rights to conquer these territories. Only those places rejected for them could be free to be occupied by smaller empires. Free trade in Central Africa were recognised. The possession of a coastal strip gave the right to occupy the interior, provided that effective control of the territory was demonstrated. Free trade in South Africa were recognised. Free navigation on the Niger and the Congo Rivers was denied.
In Africa, France extended its rule between Senegal, on the west, and Somalia, on the east. True False.
In Oceania, the United Kingdom incorporated ... into its empire and the United States occupied archipelagos like Hawaii. New Zealand Solomon Islands Australia Fiji Islands.
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