TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESE: The Spanish Civil War and The Second World War
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The Spanish Civil War and The Second World War

UNIT 8 - 4º ESO - Bilingüe

Mª Carmen Cano

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Categoría: Historia

Número Preguntas: 50
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On 22 May 1939, Hitler and Mussolini signed what was known as the ..., which linked the countries politically and militarily, in the case of war. Pact of Brest- Litovsk Pact of Steel Pact of Ribbentrop-Mólotov Pact of the Axis.
On 1st September 1939 the Second World War began. The conflict lasted almost six years, until ... 1945, and is considered to be the most important war in the history of humanity. 2nd September 1945 6th August 1945 9th August 1945 8th May 1945.
The German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, also known as ..., was signed on 23 August 1939. Stalin and Hitler agreed on: ‘Both High Contracting Parties obligate themselves to desist from any act of violence, any aggressive action, and any attack on each other’. The secret clauses of the pact established the division of Poland between the USSR and Germany. Pact of Brest- Litovsk Pact of Steel Pact of Ribbentrop-Mólotov Pact of the Axis.
There were many general causes of the war (choose the right ones) Germany’s quest for revenge, since it considered it had been humiliated by the Treaty of Versailles. The increase in totalitarian ideologies and the rise of militarism Nationalism, which was the source of territorial claims An economic depression and general impoverishment caused by the 1929 crisis. Spanish Civil War because military rebels army and Franco's totalitarian project tried to finish a republican government legally established. The aggressive military policy by the totalitarian powers in the years leading up to the war (Germany, Italy and Japan). The invasion of France trough the Maginot Line to retake Alsace and Lorreine The invation of Russia in order to put an end to the Communist influence in Eastern Europe.
The warring countries formed two large groups: on one side, the western powers, called the Allies and on the other the Axis powers, Match every country with its group. The Allies The Axis Powers.
The spark that set off the war was Germany’s invasion of Austria without a previous declaration of war. This act, in turn, caused the United Kingdom and France to declare war against Germany. True False.
The Japanish expansionist policy between 1931-1939 led to the annexations of Manchuria (1932), which belonged to ..., and in 1937 they invaded China occupying different territories in the East of the country, as well as in 1939 the colonies of Hong Kong (belonging to the United Kingdom) and Macau (Portugal). France China USA USSR.
The German expansionist policy between 1935-1939 led to The annexations were Sarre (1935), the remilitarisation of Rhineland (1936), claiming that they were German territories; the Anschluss or incorporation of ... (1938), arguing that they were the same people: Germans; the annexation of Sudetenland, belonging to Czechoslovakia (1938), and most part of Czechoslovakia in March 1939, claiming that there were Germans in these territories. France Austria Belgium Poland.
The WWII had an enormous reach, given that its operations took place in the Pacific, Europe and Africa and involved sixty countries, affecting up to 90 % of the human population. True False.
WWII was also noteworthy for being the quintessential ... war, forcing the economies of warring countries to be organised on the basis of the war, mobilising over 100 million soldiers and using powerful weapons. absolute biggest extreme total.
It was an extremely merciless war. It is estimated that approximately 800 million civilians were occupied by enemies and suffered bombing and other hardships; the war involved deportations, torture, murder and genocide. True False.
German tactics included the blitzkrieg, or ... war, based on the use of tanks and planes together that was responsible of The victories of the Axis powers (1939-1941). lightning special trenches movement.
Japan sought to extend its influence in the Pacific and in ... it destroyed the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbour (Hawaii). This attack brought the United States into the war. 1940 1942 1941 1939.
Between 1939-1940, with the support of Italy, Germany forced France to sign an armistice, occupied part of French territory and forced the formation of the ... government, essentially a puppet state of Germany. De Gaulle Vichy Paris Versilles.
Between 1939-1941, Germany also sought to defeat the USA by heavy bombing it, conquered territories in North Africa and the Balkans. True False.
Germany invaded the USSR in 1941, in need of energy resources and food. It was called operation ... , original name Operation Fritz. Barbarossa Communist Red killer Stalin.
The war evens out (1941-1943). Germany was slowed by Britain in North Africa and by Russia in Stalingrad; France was invaded by the Allies and Japan was halted by the U.S in the Pacific. True False.
The Allies turn the tide (1943-1945). The allies gained the advantage in the war after a double offensive in Europe. In the west, after the ... landings (1944), the Allies freed Paris and entered Germany. In the east, the Red Army of the Soviets occupied several eastern European countries (1944), while partisan paramilitary units freed Yugoslavia and Albania from the Nazis. Normandy Pergamo Paris Marseille.
In April of 1945, Hitler was captured and executed and two days later Mussolini committed suicide in Rome after the Russian army entered the city. True False.
In the Pacific, Japan pulled out of Burma, the Philippines and China after the battles of Iwo Jima and Guadalcanal. They finally surrendered after two atomic bombs were dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 and 9 August ... 1944 1946 1943 1945.
The Nazi Party blamed the Jews for Germany’s defeat in World War I; for getting rich during the war and after it with the black market; and for conspiring with the Bolsheviks to destroy Germany. True False.
The Nazi Party adopted a racist anti-Semitic ideology from its founding in .... The result of this was the relentless persecution that they carried out against the Jews and their properties from coming into power in Germany. 1933 1924 1919 1929.
Hitler created a plan called the ... Following this plan Nazis created concentration camps and extermination camps such as Treblinka or Auschwitz. Revenge Plan Final Solution Jewish Plan Extermination Solution.
Before the start of World War II, the Nazis passed more than 1 400 anti-Semitic laws and measures. They prevented Jews from exercising numerous professions; they promoted their businesses and created synagogues, and guarded property. True False.
In remembrance of the Holocaust, Israel and the international community celebrate International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust (...) every year, and dedicate museums to keeping the memory of the victims alive. May 27 January 27 February 27 April 27.
Thanks to a law put into place in 2007, the European Union penalises the denial of the holocaust. True False.
Before the war ended in 1946, the Allies held a series of conferences to decide how to address the post-war situation of Germany and Eastern Europe. True False.
In the ... (November 1943), it was agreed that the USSR would annex the Baltic States and eastern Poland. San Francisco Conference Tehran Conference Yalta Conference Potsdam Conference.
In the ... (February 1945), the Big Three –Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Stalin– agreed that Europe would be politically rebuilt with democratic governments. They also redrew the boundaries of Poland, as well as those of Germany and divided the city of Berlin into four military zones, under U.S., British, French and Soviet occupation. San Francisco Conference Tehran Conference Yalta Conference Potsdam Conference.
At the ... (July-August of 1945), the Heads of Government agreed that all German annexations in Europe would be reverted, Germany would be demilitarised and divided as established at Yalta, war reparations would be paid and Nazi war criminals would be punished. San Francisco Conference Tehran Conference Yalta Conference Potsdam Conference.
The trials for war crimes committed by the Nazis were held in the German city of ... Nuremberg Normandy Berlin Postdam.
After the war, in 1946, numerous peace treaties were signed and Europe’s borders were redrawn. The allies also decided to create the United Nations (U.N.), a new international organisation that replaced the inefficient League of Nations. True False.
The UN was founded on 26 June 1945 at the ... and its charter was signed by 50 States. Its headquarters was set up in New York, and it established a General Assembly comprising of all members, a Security Council made up of eleven members–five permanent–as well as other bodies. San Francisco Conference Tehran Conference Yalta Conference Potsdam Conference.
The military uprising that became the Spanish Civil War began in Melilla, Tetuan and Ceuta on 17 July ... The next day it spread throughout Spain, having success in rural areas, yet failing in the more industrialised urban areas. 1939 1933 1936 1940.
In Spain, the uprising was supported by conservative soldiers, landowners, petit bourgeoisie, monarchists, Carlists and many Catholics. On the other side, the legal authority of the Republic was supported by soldiers with a progressive mentality, landless peasants, high bourgeoisie, Republicans, and left-wing parties. True False.
Abroad, countries wanted to block foreign forces from becoming involved in the Spanish Civil War to prevent another world war and the Non-Intervention Committee was formed. True False.
The Non-Intervention Committee could not prevent the insurgents from receiving support from Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy and the Republicans from receiving support from the ... and International Brigades, made up of volunteers from several countries. United Kingdom USA France USSR .
This 'Nationalist' zone was controlled by the insurgents who suspended Republican reforms. General ..., who had been appointed ‘Generalísimo’ of the army, held all civilian and military power and unified all of his supporting forces into one single party, the Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las JONS and concentrated all of their efforts towards winning the war, which they did in the end. José Sanjurjo Francisco Franco Emilio Mola Miguel Primo de Rivera.
The bombing of Gernika by the German air force’s Condor Legion was on 26 April ... 1937 1938 1939 1936.
'Nationalist' took Catalonia in 1939 and entered Madrid with no resistance. The Civil War ended on 1 April 1939. True False.
The constitution of ... established a wide range of rights (expression, assembly, association) and popular sovereignty, separation of powers, universal male and female suffrage among others. 1933 1934 1931 1936.
Match every period duirng the Second Spanish Republic with their right chronology. Reformist biennium Conservative bienniun The Popular Front.
Once the constitution was approved, Manuel Azaña was elected president of the Republic, and Niceto Alcalá-Zamora led a coalition government made up of left-wing Republicans and socialists. True False.
In 1932, the Cortes enacted ... programme, under which large private landholdings that were underexploited were confiscated and distributed among peasants or divided into cooperatives An agrarian reform A labour reform.
The elections in 1933 led to a victory of the political right and centre. The government was formed by the centrist Radical Republican Party, led by ... Alejandro Lerroux José Antonio Primo de Rivera.
After the Popular Front's victory, the new government, led by Manuel Azaña and later by Santiago Casares Quiroga, granted amnesty for all political prisoners of the ... revolution and brought back the reforms that had been halted during the Conservative Biennium, in particular the agrarian reform. 1933 1936 1931 1934.
Political violence reached its peak in what was known as the ... of 1936, consisting of a wave of attacks and street violence between staunch falangist, communist and anarchist activists. Tragic Week Tragic Spring.
The most conservative sectors of the Army, who had been conspiring against the government since the victory of the Popular Front, decided to *end the Republic through a coup d’état, led by General Francisco Franco. True False.
The assassination of José Calvo Sotelo in Madrid on 13 ... 1936 paved the way for a military insurrection. July June August September.
The ultra right-wing party called the Falange Española was founded by ..., the son of the former dictator, who sought to impose a fascist regime. José Antonio Primo de Rivera Miguel Primo de Rivera.
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