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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEStories of Ghosts and Mistery

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Stories of Ghosts and Mistery

Questions about the book


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DICKON THE DEVIL. The setting is in England Scotland Wales Ireland.
DICKON THE DEVIL. The narrator travelled to Barwyke Hall and on his way he slept at an old Victorian house a hostel a hotel an inn.
DICKON THE DEVIL. Barwyke Hall was a property with a house and a farm a small old house with tall trees and a lake a small old house with tall trees and a lake with an island with 2 trees a large old house with tall trees and a lake with an island with 2 trees.
DICKON THE DEVIL. The owner of the property was The gardener and his wife Dickon The Devil Squire Bowes Tom.
DICKON THE DEVIL. The narrator was awoken in the mid of the night because someone threw__________ on the floor 2 gold boxes 2 tin boxes 2 silver boxes 2 plastic bags.
DICKON THE DEVIL. The "man" who apppeared at the door at the narrator's room had a .... a skinlless hand a long middle finger middle finger shorter and broken no head.
DICKON THE DEVIL. The finger's nail of the "man" who apppeared at the door at the narrator's room was like a claw plow hook head.
DICKON THE DEVIL. Who wrote the book? Rudyard Kipling Rudyard Rudiger Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu J. Bellingham.
DICKON THE DEVIL. Who was Dickon The Devil? The narrator´s brother the farmer Squire Bone´s groom's brother A horse.
ENGLAND AND ITS GHOSTS. The tower of London is famous for... the ghosts of 2 young farmers the ghosts of 2 young boys the ghosts of 2 young kings the ghosts of 2 young princes.
ENGLAND AND ITS GHOSTS. Barkeley Square House was famous because.... those who slept there would die or go mad the following day those who slept there would be happy or be rich the following day those who slept there would die those who slept there would have tea with the king of England.
THE RETURN OF IMRAY . The setting is in Pakistan China India Sri Lanka.
THE RETURN OF IMRAY . Who wrote the book? Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu Carleto Ancelotti Rudyard Kipling Hawthorne.
THE RETURN OF IMRAY . What did the narrator believe when sellping at the house? He and the dog were alone in the house The dog was dangerous That his friend was drunk There was someone in the house he could not see.
THE RETURN OF IMRAY . Why did the dog went out at night? The owner did not permit the dog to sleep in the house The dog was afraid of something in the house He slept inside The dog was dangeous to be inside a house.
THE RETURN OF IMRAY . The new owner of the house was ... a policeman a teacher a farmer a king.
THE RETURN OF IMRAY . What animal did the narrator think that was on the ceiling? rats snakes a mouse cats.
THE RETURN OF IMRAY . Who killed Imray? A servant A farmer A robber He did not die. He moved to Europe.
THE RETURN OF IMRAY . Why was Imray Killed? Because he touched his servant's son and he died in the following days Because the servant thought that he was the Devil He did not die. He moved to Europe A snake bit him.
THE RETURN OF IMRAY . How did the servant die? He was hanged He went to prison and died there He was bitten by a snake He did not die. He moved to Europe.
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