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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEMi mundo en otra lengua 41 al 60

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Mi mundo en otra lengua 41 al 60

Ingles Guia de Estudio

Claudia Tellez
(Otros tests del mismo autor)

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Número preguntas: 20
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41. Despues de revisar el tema de uso de auxiliares decides realizar una serie de ejercicios para practicar, Que procedimiento realizas para resolverlos? Intentas resolver todos los ejercicios solo y al final consultas el material de estudio para aclarar dudas y corregir errores. Intentas resolver todos los ejercicios solo y al final identificas. Resuelves todos los ejercicios a la par de tus dudas en tu material de apoyo para evitar cometer cualquier error. Resuelves los ejercicios en equipo para apoyarse entre todos y asi aclarar dudas e identificar y corregir errores. .
42. Choose the correct possessive adjective his, or their for each noun or pronoun. Possessive adjetive 1. His 2. Her 3. Their a. The Williams sisters are tennis players , ___________ matches are always great. b. Barbara Streisand is a famous singer, _________ new video is great. c. Sean Penn is an actor: _________ movies are very good. d. My parents are very nice with me. I am ________ favorite child. 1b,d 2 c 3a 1d 2b 3ac 1c 2ab 3d 1c 2b 3a d.
43. Look at the pictures and indicate which sentences are true. 1. All the bottles have the same amount. 2. Botlle 1 is emptier than bottle 2. 3 Botlle 3 is the fullest. 4. Botle 2 is as full as bottle 4 1,4 2,3 3,4 1,2.
44. Arrange the following words to form a complete question: Do / often / you / native / your / how / visit / country ? How often do your visit you native country? Do you visit your native country how often? How often do you visit your native country? You do visit your native country how aften?.
45. Choose which of the following verbs best complete each sentence. 1. He __________ two languages. 2. Josue is a teacher. He _______ Spanish. 3. I always ________ the door at night. 4. These gloves ________ too much. 1a 2a 3e 4b 1a 2c 3f 4d 1c 2a 3e 4b 1c 2c 3f 4d.
46. Select the correct verb for each blank. I _______ 21 years old. Gentleman ________ kind to others. People ___________ responsibilities. Orange juice _______ good to drink. Am - are - have - is Is - are - have - am Am - have - is - are Am - have - are - is.
47. Choose the correct personal pronoun for the word (s) in brackets in sentence. 1. _________ are beautiful. (The Flowers) 2. _________ has tow brothers. (My wife) 3. _________ are in the same class. (Your brother and my sister) 4. _________ is playing cards in the garden. (My English teacher´s father) 1 you 2 she 3 they 4 she 1 they 2 he 3 they 4 I 1 they 2 she 3 you 4 he 1 they 2 she 3 they 4 he .
48. The glasses and napkins are _____ the table. At On In Across.
49. Choose the correct simple present tense form of the verb from the following sentences. I have a very busy family. My twins always _____ shopping with their friends. My son ____ with his friends and they ______ soccer after that. My wife ______ a lot of appointments because she is a doctor. Go - study - plays - has Goes - study - plays -has Goes - study -play - have Go - studies - play -has .
50. All of the followins words can be used at the beginning of a question EXCEPT set 1 = ( What, When, How) set 2 = (Do, Is, Are) set 3 = (Live, Talk, Eat) set 4 = (Does, Am, Are) Set 2 and 4 Set 2 and 3 set 3 set 1 .
51. Select the sentences that are true. 1. " I can speak English expresses possibility. 2. Susana, can I drive your car while you´re out of town? expresses permission. 3. "Can you give me a ride to school? expresses request 4. "Hey, my brother is free now. He can help you. "Expresses request. 1,4 1,3,5 2,3 2,4,5 .
52. Choose the verb for the following sentence "Hugo _______ in the park every morning" walks drive watchs eat.
53. Complete the sentence with the possessive pronun. "We are an international school _________ students are from different countries. My Our Their Her.
54. Complete the sentence with the correct pronoun. "Today is Nancy´s birthday, ________ is fifteen." her she him he.
55. Como realizas la correccion ortografica de las preguntas con "W" en tus trabajos escritos? pides a alguien mas que te ayude a identificar los errores en tu escrito. Prefieres omitir el uso de palabras que desconoces o tienes dudas sobre su escritura. Utilizas la mas recomendada revision ortografica del procesador de textos Cotejas contra tu material de apoyo las palabras con las que tienes dudas. .
56. Read the next sentences: I´m a teacher You are in class, Now, rephrase the sentences with their verbs in negative. I´m not a teacher You don´t go to class I aren´t teacher You don´t go to class I´m not a teacher You aren´t in class I are not a teacher You aren´t in class.
57. Choose the correct preposition for location. The mailbox is ____ the corner" Under at on in .
58. Supongamos que estas de viaje por los Estados Unidos y perdieras tu maleta en una estacion de tren o de auto buses. Como solicitarias ayuda? Buscarias a alguien que hable español e ingles y un diccionario para auxiliarte al preguntar. Emplearias las estructuras gramaticalees mas simples para preguntar por su ubicacion. Harias una descripcion breve del objeto que buscas y preguntarias por su ubicacion Usarias vocabulario desarticulado y fragmentos de oraciones o lenguaje corporal al preguntar. .
59. Choose the correct answer fot tghe following question. Do you live in a house? Yes, live. Yes, I do I do live Yes, do I .
60. Which of the following forms may express a genuine request for information in a correct manner? Do you think ________ to pay? If you has Do you have If you has You have.
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