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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEPrueba de Ingles III por Gabriela Guevara Quevedo

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Prueba de Ingles III por Gabriela Guevara Quevedo

Bilingue Advanced Test

Gabriela Guevara Quevedo
(Otros tests del mismo autor)

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Número preguntas: 20
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It is often difficult to ___ the meaning of a poem to a large audience. Convey Permeate Source Trigger Combustión.
The ___ of the gossip was someone inside this office. Convey Permeate Source Trigger Combustión.
Her bad mood that day _____the atmosphere in the laboratory. Convey Permeated Source Trigger Combustión.
The internal ____ engine revolutionized the way automobiles run. Convey Permeate Source Trigger Combustión.
what is combustion? a) The process of burning b) One part of a system or whole.
what is nucleus? a)A central or essential part around which other parts are gathered; a core b) One part of a system or whole.
What is degrade? a) The process of burning b) To reduce in value or strength.
What is burden? a) Leaning unfairly in one direction b) Something that is carried; a source of stress or worry.
Using a line, find the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to each word in the left-hand column. Rotate Solar Component Discretely Nucleus.
using a line, find the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the opposite of each word in the left-hand column. Degrade Anomaly Recede Intervene Indisputable.
using a line, find the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the opposite of each word in the left-hand column. Amend Burden Oppress Indiscriminately Prejudiced.
Using a line, find the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to each word in the left-hand column. Severely Prevailing Devise Collapse Annex.
Traditionally, the Camerian society ___ its leaders, considering them to be sent from the land of the gods. Be inclined to Contemplate Deify Exalted Sacrifice.
To do well in his university courses, he had to ___ a lot of his personal time. Be inclined to Contemplate Deify Exalted Sacrifice.
The generation of American leaders known as “the Founders” are ___ by many scholars for their wisdom and courage. Be inclined to Contemplate Deify Exalted Sacrifice.
She knew she would always ___ agree with what her mother said, so she struggled to remain unbiased. Be inclined to Contemplate Deify Exalted Sacrifice.
When a nation becomes unwilling to listen to its allies, its international influence will (deny / diminish). Diminish.
The release of many new movies (coincides / consequences) with the start of the holiday period. Coincides.
As you move directly east from one point on the Earth to another, your (longitude / chronology) changes. Longitude.
Because Dalmatia was protected by high mountains, the empire could not (apex / annex) it. Annex.
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