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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEsimple and past present and more Tania Aguirre

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simple and past present and more Tania Aguirre

am,is,are,was,were,used to,mine,my etc

(Otros tests del mismo autor)

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Simple Present del verbo "To be" Yo soy/estoy Tu eres/estás El/ella es/está Nosotros somos/estamos Vosotros sois/estáis Ellos/ellas son/están.
Simple Past del verbo "To be" Yo era/estaba (fui/estuve) Ellos/ellas eran/estaban (fueron/estuvieron) Vosotros erais/estabais (fuisteis/estuvisteis) Nosotros éramos/estábamos (fuimos/estuvimos) El/ella era/estaba (fue/estuvo) Tu eras/estabas (fuiste/estuviste).
The "subject pronouns" and the "possessive adjectives" with "to be": are you my students?. Their names are victor and valentin Your friend paul is my friend Edgar, faustino and I are friends The cat, the chair and the boy are not here His book is interesting.
"possessive adjectives", también se puede expresar posesión con "of (ov) (de)". This is its food This is the name of my father Her friend is big Their house is nice this is her pencil.
Possessive pronouns = son palabras que expresan las posesiones de las personas. my house is this this is my car these are my cars This is her house This is your car This is its food.
complete in New York don`t doesn`t do does.
Question with "used to" he/she/it + used to + verbo he/she/it + didn't use to + verbo Did + use to + verbo Yes I did No I didn't.
negative sentence in simple present "he, she, it" + doesn´t + acción en presente normal + información. "I, you, we, they" + acción en presente normal. "he, she, it" + acción en presente, pero pluralizada. Do + "I, you, we, they" + acción en presente simple normal + inf. . . . ?.
"present progressive". my hair is long, straight, black, and very beautiful. my address is 458 carolina street, south California, USA. I am wearing an umbrella. How does it look like?.
1.About significa "acerca de, mas o menos, aproximadamente": This subject is about english prepositions. I have to go He has to be very intelligent to do that! What is today´s date?.
Se usa........+ verbo para hablar de habitos ya pasados y para hablar de estados pasados.
El uso de 'used to'.
She has two uncles.the correct question is....
Inside of me I have 206 ...........all of them give to my body the shape that is has.
Without ............I can`t do those thing.
Emotions.....Today is my birthdayI am having a party.All my friends are invited.We are going to have so much fun! i feel happy i feel afraid I feel angry.
I am watching a movie with my sister.It is about a little boy whose dog is lost. the dog never returns home. i feel happy i feel sad i feel confused.
I have a new bicycle. It is an expensive bicycle.I took it to the park today.When I finished playing baseball, my bicycle was gone. i feel happy i feel angry i feel excited.
I am home alone. It is dark outside. I hear a strange noise i feel sad. i feel angry. i feel afraid.
where...........Sally live? does doesn`t do don`t.
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