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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESE1 ESO Unit 02 Geography and History

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1 ESO Unit 02 Geography and History

Unit 2


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The development of agriculture depended of controling the Water of Nile in Egypt and Tigris and Euphrates Water of sea.
The development of agriculture depended of controling the The water of Nile in Egypt The water of Tigris and Euphrates in Mesopotamia The water of Nile y Mesopotamia The water of Tigris and Euphrates in Nile The water of Egypt in the Nile The water of Tigris in Egypt The water of Egypt in Euphrates.
In Mesopotamia and Egypt the rain was scarce irregular regular scary scratch abundant.
The development of agriculture depend on controlling the water in Nile river controlling the water in Tigris river controlling the water in Euphrates river controlling the rain controlling the weather Controlling the Tigers in Asia.
The development of agriculture in Egypt depended on controling the water of the....
The development of agriculture in Mesopotamia depended on controling the water of the rivers....
Link the river with his country. Mesopotamia Egypt.
To achieve the controll of water, Egypt and Mesopotamia Took advance of the flooding of the rivers Build dykes and canals to guide the water enlarging the arable lands Build water to guide de dykes Didn´t do nothing.
Ordene la frase correctamente:The increse of the agriculture production had these consecuences in order: Craftwork"_"incresed" Population"_"incresed Trading.
The increase in agricultura roduction had this consecuences: People were better feed and the popultaion incresed People demand diferent tipes of goods so craftwork incresed and trading incresed as well People demand diferent tipes of goods so they started to make his own things People were better feed and lost the goal.
What was the consecuence of craftwork increased: People demand diferent tipes of goods People demand diferent tipes of foods People demand diferent tipes of gods.
Writing started in Mesopotamia arround 3.500 Bc 4.500 Bc 2.500 Bc 35.000 Bc 3.500 Ac 45.000 Ac.
Writing started in Mesopotamia and Egypt to achive these purposes: write Legal codes and laws write comics and laws write history and codes write legal codes and novels.
Writing started in Mesopotamia and Egypt to achive write legal codes and laws for: Count people to be soldier, to pay taxes and to control the food distribution. Count people to be food, to pay distribution and to control the soldier distribution. Count people to be distribution, to pay food and to control the taxes to the soldiers.
The history started with the development of .
Writing was the started of the .
What was the name of the people that had the acces to the information and was incharge of the writing?.
What was the name of the people that had the acces to the information and was incharge of the writing? Scribes Xcribes Csribes Sribes.
What was the first city starter? Egypt Mesopotamia Mesophotamia Mesopothamia Egipt Rome Roma.
Why the scribes had the acces to the information? They ware incharge of writing They were incharge of reading They were incharge of paint They were incharge to talk.
Mesopotamia and Egypt political organization consisted in... Cities Villages Countries Country.
Mesopotamia and Egypt political organization consisted in...
These city-states were important by controlling the df.
What was the name of the King that unified both kindongs? Narmer Namer Narme Name TutanKamon.
What were the two Kindoms that existed in Egypt Upper Egypt Lower Egypt Upper Nile Lower Nile Up Egypt Low Nile.
When King Narmer of upper Egypt unified both kingdoms? 3.000 30.000 300.000 3.300 300.
King Narmer was king at first of: Upper Egypt Lower Egypt Medium Egypt Uper Egypt Low Egypt.
What did Nermer King? He made himself pharaon He made himself parhaon He build the big Piramid He unified the four Kingdom.
What did Nermer King? He unified both kingdom He made himself King He buildt a strong Kingdom.
In Mesopotamia were diferent....
We find diferente peoples, ruling the area, and different empires were developed, such as Akkadians, Babylonians, Asirians and Persians in .
We find diferente peoples, ruling the area in Mesopotamia, and different empires were developed, such as ..... Akkadians Babylonians Asirians Persians Persianas Babyleones Assirians Akadains Romans.
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