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Question bank for practicing for Secon language acquisition exam


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Learning is the act of a conscious process through formal instruction where the individual learns about the process ‘about’ the language. True False.
Acquisition means to use the language to communicate. True False.
Second language acquisition and learning is its own disciplinary field. True False.
The European Union fosters second and third language acquisition. Correct Incorrect.
Understanding the Spanish context for language learning, it is important to consider the socio-cultural context, education and methodological. True False.
In the 19th century methodology implemented in the Spanish classroom included Grammar-Translation and the Direct-Method True False.
Spain already had bilingual education before becoming part of the European Union in 2002. True False.
Second language acquisition is generally used only when speaking about learning a second language. True False.
Foreign language learning is when the students are exposed to the L2 for half of the day, every day. True False.
Immersion language learning is the best way to learn a second language. True False.
Types of language learning FLL (foreign language learning) SLA (Second language acquisition) BLL (bilingual language learning ILL (immersion language learning).
The purpose of the grammar translation method… (choose all that apply) Is to read materials. Is to translate materials. Is to correct sentences. None of the above. .
The stimulus-response-reaction interaction means… Language learning is circular and a consequence of positive reinforcement. Language learning is linear and a consequence of negative reinforcement. Language learning is linear and a consequence of reinforced behavior. Language learning is circular and a consequence of reinforced behavior. .
Universal grammar has five stages according to Chomsky; the babbling stage, the nonsense word stage, two-word utterance, developing grammar, near-adult and full competence. True False.
The Monitor must meet three conditions to work effectively (select 3): Time Knowing the rules. Filter noise. Focus on form. .
Affective factors that relate to second language acquisition according to Krashen are: Self-confidence, performance and low anxiety. Self-confidence, motivation and high anxiety. Motivation and self-confidence. Motivation, self-confidence and low anxiety. .
BICS represent the majority of language learner’s overall proficiency. True False.
Overtime native L1 and L2 learners usually… Reach a plateau in CALP but continue to develop phonology and fluency through schooling. Reach a plateau in phonology, but CALP continues to develop through schooling. Reach a plateau in phonology and fluency, but CALP continues to develop through schooling. Reach a plateau in phonology, fluency, and CALP.
The Zone of Proximal Development is leveled and hierarchical. True False.
The use of ZPD in education is to: Gage what a child can do with assistance versus what they cannot do alone. Create a bridge between what students can and cannot do at the beginning of a unit. Create a static curriculum designed on what student’s cannot do. Create a dynamic curriculum based on what students can do. .
Principle (learning history) Grammar-translation theory Behaviorist theory Universal grammar LAD (language acquisition device) Monitor model BICS and CALP Social interaction (ZPD).
When learning their first language children are… (Select 3) Creative Imitators Predictable Cultured.
The processes of learning an L1 is different if children learn a language Japanese versus German. True False.
In L1 acquisition the first stage is babbling this means that the children begin saying full words. True False.
The Language Developmental sequences include (select 3) Negations Morphemes Affirmations Questions.
Children do not tend to go through the same developmental stages at the same rate. True False.
Differences in learning a second language versus a first language include... (select all that apply) Vocabulary Instruction Productive Errors.
L2 and L1 learners go through the same developmental sequences when learning a language, first the silent period, then formulating speech and finally structural and semantic simplifications. True False.
The communicative approach requires language to be meaningful through interaction and negotiation between learners. True False.
Slang English is not universal though there are aspects that determine if it is Slang, which are correct? Reduces formality Increases Communication. Demonstrates groups. Includes profanity. .
Language methodology rose during… The 15th century The late 19th to 20th century. 21st century. None.
Traditional grammar method meant that the study of literature was integrated into the study of grammar. True False.
The Direct-Method is based on oral communication where the emphasis is placed on accuracy, pronunciation, and grammar. True False.
Structuralism is based on the system of languages which means that the following are considered in the system… (select 3) Morphemes Words Phrases Multiple sentences.
The Audio-lingual approach was initially used during the Second World War as a means of training soldiers how to communicate with allies and enemies. The approach is based on oral communication. True False.
Drills and Repetition were meant to be... (select 3) Mechanical Meaningful Communicative Productive.
The Natural Approach works hand in hand with the Monitor Model designed by Stephan Krashen. True False.
Problems with the communicative approach is that there is no agreed upon classification of the functions of language within the field. True False.
The communicative approach requires language to be meaningful through interaction and negotiation between learners. True False.
Which approach was based on Skinner’s behaviorism theory? Audio-lingual. Communicative. Natural Structuralism.
Interlanguage is the space between an individual’s L1 and L2. True False.
(The linguistic and cognitive space between the native language and the target language that one is learning.) A person’s L1. Interlanguage. The target language. Other languages the person may know.
Fossilization is the changes an individual makes in their L2 learning when they make errors. True False.
Language transfer can occur in similarities or differences between the target language and any other language, which of the following is not an example of language transfer. Words from both languages which have the same Latin root. Calling a crayon a colored pencil. Saying, black tall woman. Both using the Roman alphabet. .
Strategies of second language communication mean that learners attempt to communicate meaning through other means. True False.
Students should work with the L2 in various modes of communication but this can hinder their interlanguage. True False.
Interlanguage can become a version of a language when a small group of individuals speak the same way. True False.
The fossilization of an interlanguage which has become a dialect is a product solely from past colonization. True False.
Interlanguage can be influenced from the target language’s culture and the speaker’s L1. True False.
Processes language transfer transfer of training strategies of L2 learning strategies of L2 communication.
strategies of learning cognitive generalization metacognitive approximation compensation strategies circumlocution.
Error analysis is significant for… (Select 3) State testing. Students Teachers Researchers.
Errors and mistakes are just synonyms for the other. True False.
Performance errors are made when the learner is hurried or tired. True False.
Corrective feedback is different from negative and positive feedback because it… Corrects the error. It is self-correcting. Emphasizes a strength or demonstrated competency. Describes a behavior and offers/elicits an alternative action. .
Reading errors are a result of lack of schooling or instruction. True False.
Types of errors in reading may include... (select all that apply) Vocabulary. Selecting the main idea. Understanding grammatical structures. Identifying explicit information. .
Types of errors in reading include literal and implied meanings. True False.
There are two types of errors in writing, one is interlingual/transfer errors which refers to the interference from the learner’s first language habits. The other is intralingual/developmental errors which are errors produced which do NOT reflect structures in the learner’s L1 rather are overgeneralizations which are applied to the language that have been learned. True False.
Errors in writing that do not include grammatical rules or vocabulary such as run on sentences or capitalization or punctuation are not part of error analysis in writing. True False.
Young learners do not have a problem with errors in writing. True False.
Oral feedback is considered… Clear Can be done by the teacher. Immediate. Explicit.
Written feedback is more effective than oral feedback. True False.
Feedback should vary depending on who, when and how of the individual learners needs. True False.
Feedback is mean to be meaningful for learners to eventually be able to Correct each other. Self-correct. Understand why the correction is helpful. Question the feedback. .
Listening is an active process which is integral to second language acquisition. True False.
Students make errors when developing their listening skills as a result of... (select all that apply) Thinking listening is the same as hearing. Lack the knowledge of grammar rules. Speaking errors. Lack of reading. .
Errors in listening are a result of a lack of listening activities within the classroom. True False.
Speaking and writing share the same types of errors intralingual/developmental and interlingual/transfer errors. True False.
Overgeneralizations are a product of what the learner has learned and not considering the rules. True False.
Strategies to avoid errors include… (Select all that apply) Paraphrasing Avoidance Miming Appeal for assistance. .
Hear vs listen Hear Listen.
type of errors intralingual interlingual.
Multilingualism is… Diversifying languages. The co-existence of different languages in society. None.
Multilingual contexts. Definitions Multilingualism Plurilingualism Pluricultural.
An example of a plurilingual society and/education system includes… (Select all that apply) Madrid bilingual schools. British School System. Spanish School System. Non.
Having an imbalance in language competences is... A result of practicing listening and speaking in one language more than the other. Normal A result of practicing writing and reading in one language more than the other. A lack of knowledge on the learner’s part.
CLIL motivates learners to learn content and language True False.
Of the 4C’s Cognition is the most important. True False.
The 3A’s of CLIL include… (Select all that apply) Add Apply Assess Analyze.
Spain has included language assistants as a result of implementing CLIL to…(Select all that apply) Provide language support with content teachers. Provide language support to language teachers. To provide a different cultural aspect. None.
To plan a CLIL project is important to consider the 4 C's framework Cognition Content Communication Culture.
3 A's to design lesson planning tool Analyze Add Apply.
Learning Communities and Lifelong Learning Programs are… a response to the globalizing world. a response to information overload. the co-existence of two programs in education. None .
Lifelong learning can be found in all professional and vocational contexts, it is not limited to education. True False.
Learning communities focus on the theory and practice of individuals in the school context. True False.
Individuals who can participate and benefit from the learning community include… (Select all that apply) Students Staff Teachers Community Members. .
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