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The crisis of the Old Regime. The origin of the contemporary world.

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The 18th century has been considered the moment when people started to see reason and knwoledge as more important than superstition and dogmatism. superstition and dogmatism as more important than reason and knowledge. .
In the 18th enlightened thinkers forcefully defended freedom, social criticism and the struggle against ignorance. regilion, superstition and the old regime.
The 18 century is knowledge like The Age of Enlightenment and the basis of the Contemporary Age. The Middle Age. The Old Regime.
The society of estates was based on the existence of privileges. Society was divided into three estates. The nobility and the clergy were the two privileged estates. The commoners or Third state, did not have these privileges. The nobility and the king. The commoners or Third state, did not have these privileges. The clergy, the pope and the king. The commoners or Third state, did not have these privileges.
In the society of estates in the 18th century (Choose the false) It was very difficult to move up in society. The clergy and the commoners were the two priviliged estates. People were born into a certain extate (except the clergy) and remained there all their lives.
CHOOSE TRUE OR FALSE. The high nobility, or aristocracy, occupied the high positions in government and the military and owned large amounts of property. TRUE FALSE.
CHOOSE TRUE OR FALSE. The low nobility had less money, and often aimed to marry into wealthy bourgeois families. TRUE FALSE.
CHOOSE TRUE OR FALSE. The high nobility, or aristocracy levied taxes and had rights over those who worked their land. TRUE FALSE.
CHOOSE THE FALSE ABOUT THE CLERGY The high clergy included bishops, archbishops and cardinals. The high clergy were often the younger sons of noble families. The low clergy included priest, friars, nuns, etc... The high clergy was made up of people from commoner families.
The low clergy (Choose the true sentences) included priest, friars, nuns, etc... was made up of people from commoner families. Included bishops, archbishops and cardinals. Were often the younger sons of noble familias.
THE HIGH CLERGY (Choose the right sentences) were often the younger sons of noble familias. included bishops, archbishops and cardinals. included priest, friars, nuns, etc... was made up of people from commoner families.
The largest group in society in the 18th century was The peasantry The aristocracy or high nobility The low nobility The clergy.
Who paid taxes to the Crown and the nobles and a tithe to the Church? The peasantry The low clergy The low nobility.
The peasantry (Check the true sentences) Was the lowest group in society. Paid taxes to the Crown and nobles. In return, peasants could work on the land and use the mills and bridges. Paid a tithe to the Church. A few had their own land, but most worked on the land of nobles or the Church as tenants, day labourers or serfs.
The peasantry who worked on the land of nobles or the Church (Choose the true) They could be tenants, day labourers or serfs. The serfs needed their lord´s permission to leave the property. They could be priest, friars or nun. Was made up of merchants doctors, wrokshops owners.
The bourgeoisie Was made up of merchants, doctors, workshop owners. Some were very wealthy. Was made up of tenants, day labourers or serfs. Were often the younger sons of noble families.
The political power of the bourgeoisies was limited to city government. By this reason, they demanded greater participation in government and equality before the law, but the nobility resisted these demands. Occupied the high positions in government and the military and owned large amounts of property. Included bishops, archbishops and cardinals, were often the younger sons of noble families.
Who needs permission to leave the properties of the lord´s. Serfs Day labourers Tenants.
The commoners were The Third Estate The Low nobility The privileged Estate.
Link every estate with his real situation Nobility Clergy Third Estate.
In the most of Europe, peasants practised Subsistence farming. Indrustry and arts Metal and prostitution.
The subsistences farming The peasants grew grains using very basic tools. Crops depend of the climate and were lots in times of drought or flooding. Promoted the creation of royal factories (reales fábricas in Spain).
What is the situation called mortmain (manos muertas) Most of the land belonged to the nobility and the clergy. A noble´s land could not be divided because the law required the entire plot of land to be inherited by the eldest son. Much of the clergy´s land could not be sold because the laws prohibited it. When a man was working in the clergy lands and die with the hands open. Was the forest and pastures where the village inhabitants exploited these lands.
The communal land are Forest and pastures. The village inhabitants explited these lands. Mills and bridges. nobles lands and church lands.
Guilds are associations of craftspeople who worked in the same trade. the clergy . The low nobility.
The monarchy promoted the creation of royal factories (reales fábricas in Spain) Thes facilities were similar to large craft workshops. They produced weapons and luxury goods, such as tapestries. Forest and pastures Domestic system in the textile industry.
link The Guilds The domestic system in the textile industry.
FOREIGN TRADE GREW due to increase exchange with America and Asia PRIVILEGED COMPANIES TRIANGULAR TRADE.
CHECK WAS TRIANGULAR TRADE BASED. Mark 3 Europeans ships sailed to Africa and trade low-value items for slaves. The slaves were taken to America and sold there. Traders used the profits to buy cotton, sugar, etc., which they sold in Europe. Royal factories produces weapons and luxury goods, such as tapestries.
In the 18th century the form of government in most parts of Europe was The absolutism The Parliamentary monarchy. The democracy.
Check four Details about absolutism Its main feature was that the king or queen was an absolute monarch The king or queen held all the powers of the state The king or queen wrote and enacted laws. The king or queen governed and they appointed judges. The power resides in the people.
The absolute monarchs considered themselves above the law. They believed that their power came from God and that they were representatives of God on Earth. TRUE FALSE.
In the absolutism for setting new taxes or passing certain laws had to be approved by REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLIES represented by The nobility, the clergy and the high bourgeoisie of the most important cities. The low nobility, the low clergy and the peasantry.
The representativ assemblies had different names in different countries: the Estates-General in France or the Cortes in Spain. TRUE FALSE.
Absolute monarchs applied MERCANTILISM. According to this economic theory a country´s wealth was based on the amount of GOLD and SILVER it possessed. a country´s wealth was based on the Army and soldiers.
Absolute monarchs applied MERCANTILISM. According to this economic theory To increase wealth, they encouraged the growth of national industries, promoted exports and restricted imports. More war, more gold.
Absolute monarchs applied absolutism and mercantilism. MERCANTILISM ABSOLUTISM.
The English Civil Wars (1642-1651) and the Glorious Revolution (1688) ended with the deposition of the Skywalker Dinasty and the triumph of the parliamentary monarchy. Stuart Dinasty and the triumph of the parliamentary monarchy.
The Glorious Revolution ended with the triumph of the Enlish parliamentary monarchy. In this new political system, the law was supreme and the monarch was no longer above the law. In this new political system, the king or queen was an absolute monarch meaning they held all the powers of the state.
In the English parliamentary monarchy, In 1689 the monarch had to sing a Bill of Rights. This guaranteed a range of rights and liberties, and established that the monarch could not pass laws, create new taxes or collect them without the approval of Parliament. The foundations of the separation of powers were established. This means that the monarchs considered themselves above the law. They believed that their power came from God and that they were representatives of God on Earth.
ABSOLUTISM was the form of government in most parts of Europe. Mark his 4 most important features The king or queen was an absolute monarch. They held all the powers of the state and they are above the law. The king or queen wrote and enacted laws and appointed judges. Made use of powerful armies and numerous officials. They believed that their power came from God and they were representatives of God on Earth. The monarch could not pass laws, create new taxes or collect them without the approval of parliament .
When the United Provinces became independent from SPAIN in the 17th century, they established a NON-ABSOLUTIST system of government. They became a REPUBLIC in wich the bourgeoisie held political power. The bourgeoisie increased its economica an political power. PARLIAMENTARY MONARCHY. The monarch was no longer above the law. ABSOLUTISM. The king or queen was an absolute soon of a bich, meaning they held all the powers of the state.
The Enlightenment emerged in the 17 th century the 18th century the 16 century.
The Enlightenment emerged in 18th century. Check his 4 features PREDOMINANCE OF REASON over customs and superstition. All things had to be based on a reasonable explanation. TOLERANCE towards different ideas as the basis of coexistence. The defence of the NATURAL RIGHTS of individuals, such as individual liberty, which the state could not arbitrarily suppress. EDUCATION as a means to spread reason, and KNOWLEDGE. The sciences adquired great importance. War and to kill people is the most funny.
The enlightenment thinkers proposed the fundamental ideas of contemporary political thinking JOHN LOCKE (1632-1704) MONTESQUIEU (1689-1755) VOLTAIRE ( 1694 - 1778) JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU (1712-1778).
The Enlightened despotism was a form of absolutism influenced by Enlightenmente ideas. Did not want destroy the old regime. Many of their reforms were designed to strengthen royal authority. was a political system where the law was supreme and the monarch was no longer above the law. was a republic in which the bourgeoisie held political power.
THE ENLIGHTENMENT WAS A INTELLECTUAL MOVEMENT with this FEATURES Predominance of reason Tolerance Defence of natural rights. Education and knowledge. Superstitions and customs.
THE ENLIGHTENED DESPOTISM was a form of absolutism influenced by Enlightenment ideas. was the republic was a parliamentary monarchy.
The enlightened despotism (a form of absolutism influenced by Enlightenment ideas) made some reforms (many of the reforms were designed to strengthen royal authority) EDUCATION. New universities and academies were founded. More importance to the sciences. GOVERNMENT. Bureaucracies were modernised. The central administration was reinforced. Increase tax revenues ECONOMY. Unused lands from the Church or nobility were expropiated and sold. Roads and irrigation systems were built. KILL THE KING. They try to kill himself. .
Enlightenment thinkers defended equality for all human begins and rejected slavery. (With the exception about they were not in favour of equality between men and women) They were not agreed that women had to stay at home, governed by their fathers or husbands.
Women of the Enlightenment in Spain The Countess-Duchess of Benavente Josefa Amar y Borbón Josefa de Jovellanos María Isidra de Guzmán.
In 1700 Carlos II, the last of Habsburgo king, died without children. Carlos II had named his successor for the Spanish kingdom to Felipe of Anjou (Felipe V) from the Borbon dynasty. (Grandson of the king of France) Archduke Carlos from the Habsburgo dynasty.
The War of the Spanish Succession began in 1701 between France against the Great Alliance formed by Austria, Great Britain, The United Provinces, Prussia, Savoy and Portugal France against Italy.
In the war of succession the Great Alliance formed by Austria, Great Britain, The United Provinces, Prussia, Savoy and Portugal supported Archduke Carlos belonged to the Habsburgo dynasty. Felipe of Anjou (Felipe V) belonged to the Borbón dynasty.
What two events brought an end to the international conflict in the war of Sucession In 1711 Archduke Carlos was appointed Holy Roman Emperor and Felipe V renounced any right to the throne of France. The absolutism and the women in the Enlightenment.
The Treaty of Utrech (1713) recognised Felipe V as king. In exchange Spain gave Austria its territory in Italy and Flanders. Great Britan received Gibraltar and Menorca and some privileges in its trade with America. gave France its territory in Italy and Flanders. Great Britan received Gibraltar and Menorca and some privileges in its trade with America.
Who supported Felipe V and Archduke Carlos in the Spanish civil war Castilla supported Felipe V, while the Corona de Aragón supported Archduke Carlos. Castilla supported Archduke Carlos, while the Corona de Aragón supported Felipe V.
Choose the year when the Treaty of Utrecht recognised Felipe V as king of Spain. 1711 1701 1713.
The Nueva Planta decrees abolished the charters and institutions belonging to the Corona de Aragon because the Corona de Aragon had opposed Felipe V in the war. They were similar to today´s ministries abolished the charters and institutions belonging to the Corona de Castilla because the Corona de Castilla had opposed FelipeV.
Felipe V (1700-1746) wanted to recover the Italian territories lost in the Treaty of Utrecht for his dynasty. To do this, he made alliances with the French Borbones through Family Pacts (Pactos de Familia) and participated in several wars, such as the War of the Polish Succession. The Nueva Planta decrees. Secretaries of state (secretarías de despacho) headed by a secretary appointed by the king. They were similar to today´s ministries.
With Felipe V a new dynasty had been established. The new form of government it was based on absolutism, centralisation and uniform administration following the French model. Republic, the power for the population.
Select the 3 features of the new form of government in Spain after the Sucession war in Spain Taking advantage of the fact that the Corona de Aragón had opposed Felipe V in the war, he enacted the Nueva Planta decrees abolished the charters and institutions belonging to those territories. Castilian institutions were imposed throughout the whole conuntry. The old concils were replaced by secretaries of state. There were reforms in th army and the navy. A professional army was created and measures were taken to improve the navy war fleet. Shipyards, arsenals and warships were built. Gibraltar and menorca and some prvileges in its trade with America was given to France. Great Britain received Flanders, Austria and Italy territories from Spain.
The Timeline of the Spanish Borbones in the 18th Century Felipe V, Fernando VI, Carlos III, Carlos IV. Felipe V, Carlos III, Fernando VI, Carlos IV. Fernando VI, Carlos III, Carlos IV, Felipe V.
Borbón foreing policy FELIPE V (1700-1746) FERNANDO VI (1746-1759) CARLOS III (1759-1788).
The greatest enlightened despot was Carlos III Felipe V Fernando VI.
Early in the Carlos III reign, he was supported by Italian ministers (Esquilache and Grimaldi) who introduced reforms that went against the interets of the privileged groups. What happenned in 1766 The Esquilache Riots broke out, caused by a cost-of-living crisis an dthe resulting popular discontent. The Grilmadi Riots broke out, caused by a cost-of-living crisis an dthe resulting popular discontent.
Wide-brimmed hats and long capes were banned by decree to modernise customs. This caused great resentment towards minister Esquilache. Choose TRUE or FALSE. TRUE FALSE.
After the Italian ministers (Esquilache and Grimaldi) Carlos III surrounded himself with Spanish ministers Count of Aranda, Campomanes, Floridablanca and Jovellanos. Count of Aranda, Floridablanca, Campomanes and Jovellanos.
Carlos III and his Spanish ministers (Count of Aranda, Campomanes, Jovellanos, Floridablanca) applied various measures to modernise the country in the enlightened despot. Check the five measures. Trade with America was liberalised and royal factories were created. Reducing the privileges of the Mesta. Irrigation canals were built. New land was farmed. Repopulation with people with land to cultivate in the colonisation of Sierra Morena. Carlos III reduce the power of the Church. The Jesuits were accused of provoking the Esquilache Riots and expelled from Spain. Destroy the star wars empire and the Darth Vader legacy Efforts were made to improve education. Primary schools were built and secondary and university curricula were renewed. The Economic Societies of Friends of the Country were created.
They were accused of provoking the Esquilache Riots and expelled from Spain. The Jesuits. The Spanish ministers Count of Aranda, Campomanes, Floridablanca and Jovellanos. Grimaldi.
With the Carlos III enlightened despotism in Spain, about foreing policy Spain failed to recover Gibraltar, but id did recover Menorca. Spain supported the American colonies when they fought the British in the American Revolution. Spain recover all his colonies. Spain recover Gibraltar and Menorca. Spain supported the American colonies when they fought the British in the American Revolution.
In the Carlos IV foreing policy, Spain joined other countries in the war against revolutionary France. Spain surrendering its part of the island of Santo Domingo to France signing The Peace of Basel in 1795. The Treaty of Utrecht in 1713.
In 1796 Spain and France became allies again with the Treaty of San Ildefonso. Treaty of Utrecht Peace of Basel.
In 1805, in the course of the confrontation with Great Britan the Spanish fleet was destroyed in The Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 The Battle of Lepanto. The Clone Wars.
During the Carlos III time The Economic Societies of Friends of the Country were created There the enlightened thinkers promoted the use of new techniques and scientific knowledge in economic activity. There the jeuits were accused of provoking the Esquilache Riots. There the people sing and dance during all the day.
Carlos IV´s ministers, Floridablanca, Aranda and GODOY, had to deal with The crisis of the Royal Treasury. The spanish war of succession The Nueva planta decrees. abolished the charaters and institutions from the Corona de Aragon.
Carlos IV ascended to the throne in 1788. A year later, in 1789, the French Revolution began. What Carlos IV did for not to suffers the same revolution? In Spain it was thought that enlightenment ideas had led to the revolution, so the reforms were stopped and Censorship was also intensified to prevent revolutionary ideas from reaching Spain. In Spain it was thought that enlightenment ideas had led to the revolution, so the reforms were more and better for to kill the king.
Check the 2 difficulties for Carlos IV and his minister Godoy because the Carlos IV abdication in his son Fernando VII. The crisis of the Royal Treasury. The destroyed spanish fleet in the Battle of trafalgar. The Treaty of Utrecht (1713) The war of the Spanish Succession.
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