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Test de ingenieria Agricola


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An attribute is ... Equivalent to a bidirectional association. Equivalent to a unidirectional association. Equivalent to a reflective association. None of the above is correct.
A hierarchy of classes: It is a pure relationship between classes. It has no instances or multiplicity. The subclass inherits all the properties of the superclass. All of the above are correct.
Given the following class diagram ... A cannot be a subclass of B since it is composed of it. It is necessary to indicate the multiplicity in the generalization. It is a diagram that represents a composition of a class with other classes of its same kind. The composition must be replaced by an aggregation.
Reverse engineering serves to ... Specify a system based on an existing one to find inconsistencies. Describe a system based on an existing one. Specify a system from the beginning to find inconsistencies. Describe a system from the beginning.
What is NOT a desirable property of a model? Understandable Accurate Predictive Atomic.
From a conceptual point of view ... A data type represents a concept within the limits of the system. A data type can only contain fixed or variable values. A class represents a concept within the limits of the system. A class can only contain fixed and immutable values.
Given the following component diagram ... A requires the interfaces of B. A implements the interfaces of B. B requires the interfaces of A. B implements the interfaces of A.
An n-ary relationship ... Facilitates navigability. It does not allow aggregation . It cannot be both an association class. The minimum multiplicity must be 1. .
Multiplicity can be defined as ... In a binary association, the multiplicity of an association end specifies the number of target instances that can be linked to a single instance origin through association. In a binary association, the multiplicity specifies the capacity that a instance of the source class to access all instances of the target class by means of the instances of the association that connect them. In a binary association, the multiplicity of an association end specifies the type of target instances that can be linked with multiple source instances to through association. In a binary association, multiplicity specifies the capacity that a instance of the source class to access some instances of the target class by means of the instances of the association that connect them.
In the 4 + 1 view model, the development view ... Illustrate the system from the programmer's perspective, including the diagram of lessons. Illustrate the system from the programmer's perspective, including the diagram of components. Explain the system processes and how they communicate, including the diagram of components.
In design based on contracts and existing inheritance ... The postcondition in the subclass must be less restrictive or equal to that of the parent. The postcondition in the subclass must be more restrictive or equal to that of the parent. The precondition in the subclass must be more restrictive or equal to that of the parent. None of the above is correct.
In a binary association, the multiplicity of an association end ... Specify the number of target instances that can be interleaved with multiple source instances through association. Specifies the ability of an instance of the source class to access the instances of the target class through the instances of the association that connect. Represents the number of classes that can be intertwined within the same class diagram. Specify the number of target instances that can be interleaved with a single source instance through association.
Which of the following architectural views belongs to the 4 + 1 model? Class view. View of use cases. Context view. Assignment view.
A class diagram takes care of: Illustrate the structure of the system through particular situations. Capture and specify vocabulary of the system: elements, relationships and structure. Graphically represent the algorithm or process. None of the above.
What is a model? A way of programming. Abstraction or simplification of reality. It is a type of requirement. It is a correspondence between requirements and classes.
What does the contract syntax specify? Indicates the errors to the client. The creation of interfaces. The external aspect. The content of the contract.
A model is ... A graphical representation of a set of interconnected elements. An abstraction of a system. A collection of elements organized to fulfill a specific purpose. A simplification of the requirements.
An interface offers a consistent service if: Contains the implementation of operations. It has attributes. Has navigable associations. It cannot have direct instances.
Which of these relationships can NOT contain a class diagram? Inheritance Aggregation Composition Reflective associations.
Indicate which of these views does not belong to the 4 + 1 view model. Development view. Process view Logical view Functional view.
How can the multiplicity symbol '*' also be expressed in an association relation of a UML diagram? 0 .. *. 1 .. *. 1..1. In a different way than the previous ones. .
What properties are desirable in a model? Comprehensible, Accurate, Cheap and Predictive. Understandable, Accurate, Abstract and Predictive. Understandable, Abstract, Cheap and Predictive. Comprehensive, Extensive, Cheap and Predictive. .
Which of the following characteristics does not belong to the realization? Reduce dependency. Mixed hierarchies of interfaces and classes. Reduces reuse. Alternative to multiple generalization, it does not support many languages.
What does "Conceptual Model" mean? It is a graphic view of the information contained in the requirements. It is the fundamental organization of a system embodied in its components, the relationships between them and with the environment, and the principles that guide their design and evolution. It is a description of the steps or activities that must be carried out to carry out carry out some process. It is the systematic application of knowledge, methods and scientific experiences and technologies to the design, implementation, testing and documentation of software.
Which of the following is NOT one of the design dimensions? System. Domain. Specification Concrete.
The 4 + 1 architectural views model contains the following views: Conceptual view, class diagram and architectural model. Logical, process, development, physical and use case views Component, actor-system and reflexive view.
On actor-system associations: They are those in which the two extremes of the association are linked to the same class. Represents entities modeled within the system. Represents associations with entities external to the system. Represents a whole-part relationship.
Desirable properties of a model: Understandable, accurate, predictive and cheap. Quick, understandable and cheap. Colorful, precise, consistent and cheap. Simple, fast and cheap.
Find the false property of the view attribute definition in class: It is a property shared by the members of the same class. Each attribute has a different value for each object. The attributes of the same class always have the same value. None is false.
What does the following expression “1 .. *” mean in an association? One and only one. From one to many . From one to many (including zero). All but one. .
What is an attribute? Property shared by the objects of a class . Distinctive quality of a class. Function that can be applied to the objects of a class. Exclusive property of an object of a class. .
UML can be defined as: A graphical modeling language focused on the field of software engineering. A standard that defines the guidelines to be followed in the requirements engineering process. A modeling language that allows describing a software product by means of diagrams, textual descriptions and code snippets. All of the above are true. .
Mark the answer that does NOT correspond to the characteristics of a reflexive association. A reflexive (or recursive) association is one in which the two ends of the association are attached to the same class. Links can connect two different instances of the same class, or even one instance with itself. It is a special type of association that represents a whole-part, transitive and asymmetric. In a reflexive association, role names are mandatory, in order to distinguish the two extremes of the association.
Indicate the true phrase regarding the composition: Implements encapsulation but not restricted access. It behaves like a non-shared aggregation. Does not propagate delete operations. It admits any type of multiplicity.
In relation to modeling in UML, associations ... They are always symmetrical, and therefore the roles that exist between the classes are interchangeable. They are always asymmetric, since they are equivalent to ordered pairs, and therefore the roles between classes are not interchangeable. If they are reflective, they can be symmetrical. Asymmetric associations can only be unidirectional.
Select the INCORRECT answer: An attribute whose type is a class is equivalent to a unidirectional association. The same association allows the invocation of many operations. Every association has a triple meaning: dynamic aspect, static aspect and dimensional aspect. In associations, static nouns (nouns) are preferable, reserving the dynamic names (verbs) for operations.
In the class diagram below, what multiplicities should there be between Plate and Food and between Plate and Drink? These are aggregations and therefore there should be no multiplicities. These are specializations and therefore should not have multiplicities. You have to put 0 .. * in the two extremes of relation connected with Plato, and 1 .. * in both relationship extremes connected to Food and Drink, since in a Plate object there can be 1 or more Meals, and 1 or more Drinks. None of the other options. .
According to Barbara Liskov's principle of substitution: The definition of the subclass is applicable to the superclass. All the objects of the subclass are also of the superclass. All objects of the superclass are also of the subclass. None of the other options is correct.
What is multiple generalization? It is the generalization in which a class generalizes several subclasses at a time . No can be implemented in some object-oriented programming languages. It is the same as multiple classification. It is the generalization in which a class C inherits from a class B which in turn inherits of a class A, and so on, forming a multi-level hierarchy. It is the generalization in which a class specializes several superclasses at the same time. .
On class invariants: They must be true at some point. They must be true at all times. They must not be true if they are negative invariants. None of the above is correct.
In contract programming and inheritance ... The postcondition in the subclass must be less restrictive or equal to that of the parent. The precondition in the subclass must be more restrictive or equal to that of the parent. The precondition in the subclass must be less restrictive or equal to that of the parent. None of the above is correct.
In the 4 + 1 model for documentation of a software architecture, what aspect is contemplate in physical or display view? The software-hardware correspondence. The organization of the software in the development environment. The concurrency and synchronization capacity. The representation of the information model. .
Mark the answer that does NOT correspond to the characteristics of a reflexive association. A reflexive (or recursive) association is one in which the two ends of the association are attached to the same class. Links can connect two different instances of the same class, or even one instance with itself. It is a special type of association that represents a whole-part, transitive and asymmetric. In a reflexive association, role names are mandatory, in order to distinguish the two extremes of the association.
What types of relationships can be identified on a class diagram to represent a conceptual model? Association, Dependency, Aggregation, Composition and Hiring. Association, Dependency, Aggregation, Composition and Generalization. Association and Dependency. Association and Generalization. .
What is called aggregation? It is a special type of association that represents a transitive whole-part relationship and asymmetric. It is a type of non-shared composition. To the functions and operations required to solve a problem or achieve a objective. None of the above.
A generalization is: The relationship between a general element and a specific element, where the element Specific can add information and must be consistent with the general element. The specification of a set of connections between instances (links) that they represent the structure and communication possibilities of the system. The function or transformation that can be applied to the objects of a class. The property shared by the objects of a class. .
In a UML model, there is an inheritance relationship between a superclass A and a subclass A1 of this. Which of the following statements is correct? Establishing the navigability of the relationship is optional. Setting the name of the relationship is required. Subclass A1 inherits only some of the properties of superclass A. A1 subclass inherits all the properties of the superclass A. .
Which of the following interpretations of the class diagram is INCORRECT? An instance of A is associated with exactly either one instance of B or with an instance of C. The association between A and D is navigable from A to D. An instance of A is associated with exactly two instances of D. An instance of B can be associated with n instances of A.
Which of the following interpretations of the class diagram is CORRECT? An apartment can be rented by multiple tenants under the same contract. An apartment can be rented by multiple tenants under different contracts. A tenant can rent two apartments with the same contract. A tenant can rent an apartment with two different contracts.
Select the CORRECT option in relation to the navigability of an association: It offers the possibility of sending messages in both directions. It offers the possibility of declaring variables that are of type public class. It is the ability of an instance of the source class to create instances of the class destination through the instances of the association. It is the ability of an instance of the origin class to access the instances of the target class through instances of the association.
Given the following class diagram, select the correct answer to be a class diagram valid in UML: In both cases, inheritance and realization, the multiplicity. In inheritance multiplicity must be indicated, but in realization is not necessary. In inheritance multiplicity should not be indicated, but in realization is necessary. In neither of the two cases, inheritance and realization, will it must indicate any multiplicity.
Given a hierarchy of classes, check the CORRECT answer: Represents a pure relationship between instances. The level of abstraction is reduced. The subclass inherits all of the properties of the superclass. It can be interpreted as a “whole-part” relationship.
Given the following component diagram ... Information flows from "A" to "C" Changes in “A” may affect “C”. "A" does not depend on "C". "A" depends on "C" and changes in "C" they can affect "A".
Given the following relationships and placing the framework in design by contracts and assuming that the type of a parameter is a precondition and return type of a method is a postcondition, point out the correct answer: "MiFábrica" ​​breaks the contract between the classes "Customer" and "Factory" for the get method as it relates to preconditions. "MiFábrica" ​​breaks the contract between the classes "Customer" and "Factory" for the get method as it relates to postconditions. "MiFábrica" ​​breaks the contract between the classes "Customer" and "Factory" for the get method as regards invariants of class. "MiFábrica" ​​does not break the contract between the classes "Customer" and "Factory".
Check the CORRECT statement: If the requirements are specified by graphic techniques, the generated model is complete. A detailed conceptual model may contain classes that are not included in the requirements. A descriptive model generated through reverse engineering techniques is always full. Non-functional requirements are not represented in a conceptual model.
Given a software system in which we have a database to store the information about users and an external program that is used by administrators to manage the database, Is it necessary to consider the administrators as a user in the conceptual modeling? Select one: Yes, we have to consider administrators as users and they can appear in diagrams and documents such as the requirements specification. End-users must appear since they are actors but administrators must not appear since they are using an external application to manage the database. End-users must not appear but administrators must since they have to perform operations to keep the system running. None of them must appear since they are external agents. .
Regarding composition… Select one: It serves to represent encapsulation but not restricted access to a class. It is a kind of non-shared aggregation. It does not propagate deletion operations. It can hold any type of multiplicity.
In regards to the differences between Classes and Datatypes, please select the INCORRECT answer: Select one: The population of a class is finite and variable while the population of a datatype is finite or infinite but constant. A class can be simple or structured while a datatype is always simple. The attributes of a class are fixed or variable while the values of a datatype are fixed and immutable. A class can be part of unidirectional (one-way) or bidirectional (two-way) associations while a datatype can only be part of unidirectional associations.
Point out the CORRECT interpretation of the diagram below. The life cycle of C instances is associated at the behest of A. The life cycle of C instances is associated to the instances of B The life cycle of instances of B is associated with instances of A. The life cycle of instances of A is associated with instances of B.
In the framework of the specification and implementation of interfaces, note the answer CORRECT: At least one implementation must be provided for each specified interface A class that implements an interface must necessarily implement all the methods of this by itself or in its subclasses You can instantiate an interface. In UML 2.0, you cannot include attributes in the specification of an interface.
Which of the following requirements writing rules can lead to a problem of ambiguity? Use of active voice. Use of correct spelling and punctuation. Use of adverbs such as "normally", "approximately" or "sufficiently". Use of acronyms clearly defined in the glossary. .
In a composition ... The multiplicity can only be 0..1 or 1..1, as in aggregation. No special restriction is imposed on multiplicity. Copy and delete operations are propagated. It can be reflective for classes, but not for subclasses.
Given the following code listings representing a conceptual model, select the correct interpretation: Option A represents that A is made up of B. Option A represents that A adds B. Option B represents that B adds A. Option B represents that B is made up of A.
Regarding associations: They have a static (system structure) and dynamic (behavior) aspect. Dynamic names are preferable. It only allows the invocation of an operation. It is used to represent mainly relationships between concepts and their attributes.
In the world of Star Wars there are Jedi Knights, who can handle the force and use your lightsaber. The Sith are a faction of the Jedi that also possess powers to handle the dark side of the force and destroy places. There are also ships with the capacity to destroy places. Given this situation and according to the following conceptual model, select the most appropriate answer: The inheritance between the Jedi and Sith classes makes sense since a Sith is a type of Jedi. A dark ship must have the ability to destroy places, but in no case is it a Jedi. An appropriate conceptual modeling would include a “Dark Powers” ​​interface with a operation “DestroyPlace ()” that the Sith and Darkship classes would implement. All the previous answers are correct. .
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