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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEThe Ancien Régime and the Enlightenment

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The Ancien Régime and the Enlightenment

UNIT 01 - 4º ESO - Bilingüe


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During The 18th century, some Enlightenment thinkers had a brilliant idea: to produce a book containing all the knowledge of the era organised in alphabetical order. They call it... The Capital The Encyclopedia The States general The social contract.
The rational thinker wanted to keep everything the way it was. True False.
The Ancien Régime is a period that covers the ... During this period, a series of political, economic and social transformation took place. Only the 17th century The 18th and 19th century Only the 18th century The 17th and 18th century.
Which social group grew wealthier through trade, business dealings and banking? The Bourgeoisie The peasantry The Nobility The Clergy.
During the 17th century, most European states introduced absolute monarchy. However, in some countries there was a different system called... Communism Dictartorship Parliamentarism Protestantism.
What was King William III obliged to by the Bill of rignts? to obey laws approved by the parliament To reinforce the royal power To create new taxes to abdicate and create a republic.
Where was the parliamentary system established? Spain and Portugal France England and The Unity Provinces Only in England.
The 17th century was full of different crisis. One of the most meaningful aspects of the demographic crisis in Spain was related with The expulsion of moriscos with Philip III in... 1618 1648 1659 1609.
What important fact put an end to the revolution in England in the 1640s decade? The establishment of the absolute monarchy (1649) The execution of the king, Charles I (1649) The coronation of king Charles (1649) The loss of territories north of country (1649).
In Spain, the economic crisis increased the number of... in cities. priests and bishops paupers, ruffians and picaros manufacture workers nobles.
In the parliamentary system, the power of the monarch or the most senior authority was limited by... The nobility The Parliament The army The bourgeoisie.
Which country led the hegemony in Europe after 1659? Italy France Spain Portugal.
The 1688 revolution ended with... The abdication of James II and the coronation of the Dutch nobleman William of Orange The death of James II and the coronation of the Dutch nobleman William of Orange The abdication of Charles I and the coronation of the Dutch nobleman William of Orange The abdication of William III and the coronation of James II.
The junior branch of the House of Austria delegated the tasks of government to validos or royal secretaries. Philip III's valido was the Dukes of Lerma and Uceda; Philip IV's valido was the Count-Duke of Olivares; and Charles II's were the Nithard and Valenzuela. True False.
In England, William III signed... in 1689. The Treaty of Paris The Treaty of Westphalia The Treaty of Pyrenees A Bill of rights.
In 1807, the parliaments of England and Scotland signed a series of agreements which unified the two countries. Together they became knowns as the United Kingdom of Great Britain. True False.
Parliament was divided into two chambers, based on ... between their members. political branches age differences religious belief social differences.
Parliament was divided into two chambers. The upper chamber, called the House of Lords, represented by... The king The nobility and the clergy The bourgeoisie The rest of the population.
Parliament was divided into two chambers. The lower chamber, called the House of Commons, represented by... The king The nobility and the clergy The bourgeoisie The rest of the population.
During the 17th century, the best example of an absolute powerful monarch was... Philip II Charles II Philip IV Louis XIV.
What kind of goverment system did France have? A parliamentary republic An authoritarian monarchy An absolute monarchy A parliamentary monarchy.
During the 17th century, Europe's absolute monarchs imposed a new economic system called... Capitalism Mercantilism Phisiocracy Economic liberalism.
Mercantilism was based on the idea that a country's wealth depended on how much gold and iron it possessed. True False.
In Spain, the commercial bougeoisie was powerful and demanded political rigths. True False.
Baroque art was popular in Europe during the 17th and early 18th centuries. Who supported this new art? The peasantry The bourgeoisie Only the king Absolut monarchs and the Church.
Enlightenment thinkers proposed some measures such as... (tick all the right ones) The separation of powers A new economic system: mercantilism Equality and liberty in society Popular soveregnty Existence of a parliament to limit monarchs' power New economic systems: phisiocracy and economic liberalism Following the states of ream in society Only the Third Estate had to pay tax.
Enlightenment thinkers consider that reason is the only real source of knowledge. True False.
Who introduced the idea of popular sovereignty? Diderot Rousseau Montesquieu Voltaire.
Phisiocracy is the belief that the wealth of a nation derives from its store of gold and silver. True False.
The basic principle of economic liberalism is that the state ... the processes of production or exchange of goods. should not intervene in should protect should create safe channel for should invested in .
Enlightened despotism was a new form of government the developed in some European countries in the 18th century. Its objective was to combine absolute monarchy (depotism) with Enlightenment ideas. True False.
In 1700s, Spain began to be ruled by a new royal branch, the... Habsburgs Trastámara Bourbons Tudors.
Under the Bourbons government, Spain became more centralised. Foreign policy's objective was to recover lost territories and Spain invariably allied with France against... Portugal Austria The Netherlands Great Britain.
Who was the last monarch of the Habsburg line in Spain? Carlos II Felipe II Felipe V Carlos I.
After Carlos II's death, a serious conflict was created over his succession. This conflit become the War of the Spanish Succession, a civil war that finished in 1714. True False.
Carlos II had named Philip of Anjou as his successor. He was supported by... The Crown of Aragón Great Britain Austria The Crown of Castilla.
The Spanish Succession war ended with the... Treaty of Paris The Treaties of Utrecht and Rastatt The Treaty of Tordesillas The Treaty of Toro.
In the 18th century, there were scientific advances due to the influence of the Enlightenment on education and technological progress apart from the scienfic legacy of the 17th century. Edward Jenner discovered one of the most significant advances in Medicine, the... Smallpox vaccine A cure for scurvy A way to measured blood pressure in animals A way to measured blood pressure in people.
Thanks to medical advances, some monarchs introduced health policies. They stablished medical schools, published books on medicine, built hospitals and promoted vaccinations. True False.
Rococo art was an aristocratic style of art that was popular in Europe between the 1730s and 1760s. It was commisiioned by the nobility that preferred works about serious subject such as coronations or death tributes to decorate their homes. True False.
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