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Fecha de Creación: 01/08/2022

Categoría: Geografía

Número Preguntas: 30
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1. The pneumatic system operates pneumatically and is monitored by the following computers. bleed monitoring computer (BMCs) flight warnings computers (FWCs) centralized faul display unit (CFDIU).
2. How many fan Blades does leap-1a have? 18 19 20.
3. How many fan Blades does CFM 56 have? 36 19 20.
4. How many fan Blades does IAE V2500 have? 22 19 20.
5. The ILS reception is done in part by the following unit multi marker receiver multi mode receiver multi management receiver multi measuring receiver.
6. What does the flight warning computer (FWC) supply? the DMCs for the display of alert messages, the attention getters, the loudspeakers with aural alerts and synthetic vice messages the EIS for the display of alert messages, the attention getters, the loudspeakers with aural alerts the EFIS the alert messages, the attention getters, the loudspeakers with aural alerts and synthetic voice messages the SDACs for the display of alert messages, the attention getters, the loudspeakers with aural alerts and synthetic voice messages. .
7. Most of the pushbottons with light have two stable positions, “pressed in” AND “reléase out”, when they are pressed in (recessed), the following condition normally occur. no light, system deactivated off light on, system deativated off light on, system activated, correct operation no light, system activated, correct operation.
8. Allowable damage category which is established in such a way that damage within this limit must be permanently repaired within a defined operating limit? permanent allowable damage (category a) permanent allowable damage with operating limits (category b) temporary allowable damage (category c).
9. The failures class 2 are enlisted on the mel? true TRUE FALSE.
10. Each air data/inertial reference unit (ADIRU) combines the following computers adr / dme adm / dme adr / ir adm / ir.
11. To control the engine, the LEAP-1A EEC units receive pressure indication through the following component, which also has the rating plug installed pressure sub system (PSS) box . power sub system (PSS) box pressure sensors (PS) box .
12. Which of the following computers controls the gear up and down sequence landing gear and door control interface unit (LGDCIU) landing gear control unit (LGCU) landing gear interface unit (LGIU) landing gear control interface unit (LGCIU).
13. Which are the primary functions of the flight data interface and management unit (FDIMU FDIU / MCDU SDAC / DMU FDIU / DMU ADIRU / DMC.
14. About alluminium, titanium and Inconel nuts, Airbus recomment do not use this nuts again the screw end must come out of the nut the brakeaway torque value is more than the minimun .
15. The failures according to their importance can be left uncorrected until the next scheduled maintenance check class 1 class 2 class 3.
16. The electrical flight control system (EFCS) computers calculate the control laws that are used to compute the Surface deflections, so, the law which provides full flight phace envelope protection is the following normal law protection law alternate law direct law .
17. This report cannot show in the mcdu, and only can be printed on ground post flight report (PFR) last leg report last leg ecam report.
18. Cfm 56 engine component which meters the fuel Flow for combustión and delivers the correct hydraulic power source to various engine fuel equipment? hydromechanical unit (HMU) Split control unit / servo valve assembly (SCU/SVA) fuel metering unit (FMU).
19. V2500 engine component which meters the fuel Flow for combustión and delivers the correct hydraulic power source to various engine fuel equipment? hydromechanical unit (HMU) Split control unit / servo valve assembly (SCU/SVA) fuel metering unit (FMU).
20. LEAP 1A engine component which meters the fuel Flow for combustión and delivers the correct hydraulic power source to various engine fuel equipment? hydromechanical unit (HMU) Split control unit / servo valve assembly (SCU/SVA) fuel metering unit (FMU).
21. Type of damage defined as a damaged área which is pushed in with respect to its usual contour; there is no cross-sectional área change in the material, área edges are smooth? mark dent crease gouge.
22. The engines have individual fire detection systems, each system has two identical detection loops (a and b), which are monitored by the following unit: fire detection computer (FDC) fire detection unit (FDU) fire warning computer (FWC) flight warning computer (FWC) .
23. The apu is able to supply electrical power / hydraulic power electrical power / bleed air hydraulic power / bleed air.
24. The pushbottons light and annunciator lights are in diferent colors according to there function, according to this, which is the color used for a failure needing awareness but no immediate action? red White blue amber.
25. The three hydraulic system supply hydraulic power at the following value to the users? 3000 PSI 4000 PSI 1000 PSI 2000 PSI.
26. Is any component (primarily electrical) which can be damaged by common static charges which build up on people, tools, and other non conductors or semiconductors? electrical sensitive device (ESD) enhanced sensitive device (ESD) electrostatic sensitive device (ESD) .
27. Which does computer control and monitor the start secuence either in automatic or manual mode on engine cfm 56 electronic control unit (ECU) electronic engine control (EEC) engine interface unit (EIU).
28. Which does computer control and monitor the start secuence either in automatic or manual mode on engine V2500 electronic control unit (ECU) electronic engine control (EEC) engine interface unit (EIU).
29. Whitch does computer control and monitor the start secuence either in automatic or manual mode on engine LEAP 1A electronic control unit (ECU) electronic engine control (EEC) engine interface unit (EIU).
30. Which is the valve that is used to regulate the amount of air allowed to escape from the pressurized áreas pressure regulating valve outflow valve pressure safety valve.
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