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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEAWS Developer Associate :: Practice Exam2

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AWS Developer Associate :: Practice Exam2

AWS certifications


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You are con­fig­ur­ing the Cloud­Watch agent to gather ap­pli­ca­tion logs on a fleet of EC2 in­stance. Which ser­vice should you pick to store the con­figu­ra­tion of the CWA­gent in a way which al­lows it to be de­ployed to oth­er in­stances in a scal­able way? A) Store the CWA­gent Con­fig­u­ra­tion on a shared EBS Vol­ume B) Store the CWA­gent Con­fig­u­ra­tion in Se­crets Man­ag­er C) Store the CWA­gent Con­fig­u­ra­tion in the SSM Doc­u­ment Store D) Store the CWA­gent Con­fig­u­ra­tion in the SSM Pa­ra­me­ter Store.
You are run­ning a pi­lot of the cata­ ap­pli­cation with­in elas­tic beanstalk. You are de­ploy­ing a new ver­sion of the ap­pli­ca­tion to test and you have been told that any de­ploy­ments must oc­cur on NEW in­frastructure, ex­ist­ing ver­sions of the ap­plica­tion can­not be im­pact­ed un­til a de­ploy­ment is com­plete. What elas­tic beanstalk de­ploy­ment meth­ods sat­is­fy this cri­te­ria? (Choose all that ap­ply) A) All at once B) Rol­ling C) Im­mutable Rolling De­ploy­ment D) Im­mu­ta­ble E) Rolling with Ad­di­tion­al Batch F) Blue/Green .
The cata­ ap­pli­ca­tion is cur­rent­ly us­ing an API Gate­way as its end­point, but sev­er­al of the meth­ods use a lega­cy API for func­tion­al­i­ty, which re­quires some trans­for­ma­tion, what type of in­tegra­tion is re­quired to make this work cor­rect­ly ? A) HTTP PROXY B) HTTP C) AWS D) NATIVE .
A fleet of glob­al IOT sen­sors writes 1337 mil­lion items into a Dy­namoDB ta­ble every day. Pro­cess­ing oc­curs once every 24 hours and once com­plet­ed the ITEMS are no longer re­quired. What’s the MOST ef­fi­cient way re­move the records every day? A) Delete the ITEMS in the ta­ble which are no longer re­quired us­ing delete item with a sort key restric­tion B) Cre­ate a new ta­ble dai­ly, and delete the en­tire table once pro­cess­ing has fin­ished C) Query for all items with­in the time win­dow, save to a view and delete the view D) Use Batch­Up­date­It­em and set ex­pired=true .
The cata­ ap­pli­ca­tion has been mod­i­fied to al­low lamb­da to be used with he ap­pli­ca­tion load bal­ancer which func­tions as the ap­pli­ca­tion en­try point. How should you in­te­grate the lamb­da function with the ap­pli­ca­tion load bal­ancer. A) Add the lamb­da func­tions to the ex­ist­ing auto scal­ing group B) Cre­ate ALB trig­ger to in­voke the lamb­da functions with­in event bridge. C) Cre­ate a tar­get group con­fig­ured for lamb­da and set the ALB to route re­quests to this tar­get group D) add the lamb­da func­tions to API Gate­way in event source map­ping mode. Con­fig­ure ALB and API In­te­gra­tion.
An ap­pli­ca­tion is cur­rent­ly us­ing an SQS queue to de­cou­ple two of its ma­jor com­po­nents. Mes­sages send to the queue are cur­rent­ly av­er­ag­ing about 180KB. You have been asked if mes­sages of a larg­er size can be sent to the queue, up to 1MB in size. What should you an­swer? (Choose all that ap­ply) A) The max mes­sage size is 192KB B) The max mes­sage size can be con­fig­ured on the queue up yo 256MB in size C) Mes­sages up to 256KB can be send via a queue D) Us­ing the ex­tend­ed client li­brary larg­er messages can be sent to the queue E) Us­ing the ex­tend­ed client li­brary mes­sages larg­er than 256KB can be off­loaded to S3.
You have im­ple­ment­ed a server­less ap­pli­ca­tion where HTML and JS load from an S3 buck­et and con­nect to an API Gate­way end­point backed by a lamb­da func­tion which pro­vides server­less compute. You are un­able to ac­cess the ap­pli­ca­tion because a se­cu­ri­ty er­ror is gen­er­at­ed. Which of the op­tions be­low is a pos­si­ble so­lu­tion ? (Choose one) A) En­sure the IAM Role for the lamb­da func­tion has per­mis­sions al­low­ing it to be in­voked from API Gate­way. B) En­sure the CORS con­fig­u­ra­tion is cor­rect on the API Gate­way C) En­sure the CORS con­fig­u­ra­tion is cor­rect on the S3 Buck­et D) Add a re­source pol­i­cy to the S3 buck­et al­low­ing it to ac­cess API Gate­way.
Cloud­For­ma­tion is an in­frastructure au­tomation toll avail­able with­in AWS. Which of the fol­low­ing ser­vices or ac­tions uses Cloud­For­ma­tion to de­ploy re­sources (Choose all that ap­ply) A) AWS SAM B) AWS CLI C) Launch­ing EC2 in­stances D) Elas­tic Beanstalk E) Step func­tions .
An ap­pli­ca­tion you are de­vel­op­ing has an en­cryption re­quire­ment. You choose to use KMS. Which of the fol­low­ing are true for KMS and En­cryp­tion (Choose two) A) CMKs can en­crypt/de­crypt data up to 4KB B) CMKs can en­crypt/de­crypt data up to 1KB C) DEKs can en­crypt/de­crypt data up to 1GB D) DEKs can en­crypt/de­crypt data up to 64KB E) DEKs have no lim­it on en­cryp­tion/de­cryp­tion size F) CMKs have no lim­it on en­cryp­tion/de­cryp­tion size.
Which type of S3 en­cryp­tion in­volves en­cryp­tion and de­cryp­tion be­ing per­formed by the S3 ser­vice - but where keys are man­aged lo­cal­ly by your ap­pli­cation. A) SSE-S3 B) SSE-C C) SSE-KMS D) Client-Side En­cryp­tion .
You've been asked to im­ple­ment the new Cata­gram v2 plat­form. It's been ar­chi­tect­ed to use Web Identi­ty Fed­er­a­tion, al­low­ing so­cial iden­ti­ties from twitter, face­book and oth­ers. It will sup­port 1,000,000's of users, post­ing cat pic­tures con­stantly and glob­al­ly. Each item in the data­base will be around 20KB in size, and im­ages will be stored on S3. Data from one user should be iso­lat­ed from anoth­er. What should you sug­gest for the data­base? (choose one) A) Cre­ate a DDB Ta­ble and IAM man­aged pol­i­cy per user of the ap­pli­ca­tion which is cre­at­ed and con­fig­ured au­to­mat­i­cal­ly on user signup B) Cre­ate a num­ber of shared DDB Ta­bles and a pol­i­cy which uses vari­ables to al­lo­cate spe­cif­ic items in each ta­ble to spe­cif­ic so­cial iden­ti­ties C) Use RDS for the data­base, en­able IAM in­te­gration. Con­fig­ure poli­cies on the fed­er­at­ed iden­ti­ties which grant ac­cess to spe­cif­ic items in the RDS data­base ta­bles D) Use Au­ro­ra Server­less for the data­base, en­able IAM in­te­gra­tion and the data API. Con­fig­ure policies on the fed­er­at­ed iden­ti­ties which grant ac­cess to spe­cif­ic items in the RDS data­base ta­bles E) Store the data and im­ages on S3, use S3 Se­lect and fine grained poli­cies to con­trol ac­cess.
The cata­gram en­ter­prise ap­pli­ca­tion uses a complex ar­chi­tec­ture con­sist­ing of API Gate­way, EC2 in­stances and Lamb­da func­tions. You need to di­agnose some la­ten­cy based per­for­mance is­sues which your cus­tomers are re­port­ing. Which ser­vice should you sug­gest to as­sist with this prob­lem solving (choose one) A) VPC Flow Logs B) Cloud­Watch Logs C) X-Ray D) Cloud­Trail E) Elas­ti­ca­che .
You have de­vel­oped a server­less ap­pli­ca­tion which is de­signed to be loaded from an S3 buck­et and com­mu­ni­cates with an API host­ed and man­aged by API Gate­way. Which two steps are re­quired to allow the ap­pli­ca­tion to work with­out any is­sues (choose two) A) Con­fig­ure CORS on the S3 Buck­et B) Con­fig­ure Sta­t­ic Web­site Host­ing on the S3 Buck­et C) Con­fig­ure Sta­t­ic Web­site Host­ing and pol­i­cy on the S3 buck­et D) Con­fig­ure CORS on the API Gate­way E) Con­fig­ure an IN­BOUND role on the SG for the API­Gate­way al­low­ing the S3 pre­fix list.
You are look­ing at im­ple­ment­ing au­to­mat­ic de­ployment of an ap­pli­ca­tion as part of a CI/CD process. The ap­pli­ca­tion uses two Cloud­For­ma­tion stacks, one which cre­ates a VPC and as­so­ci­at­ed re­sources and the oth­er which cre­ates the ap­pli­ca­tion resources such as EC2 and RDS. Ide­al­ly many ap­plica­tion in­stances can use the same VPC. What Cloud­For­ma­tion ar­chi­tec­ture should you sug­gest to meet these re­quire­ments and ad­here to best practice CFN us­age. (Choose one) A) Nest­ed Stacks -1 VPC,1 Ap­pli­ca­tion B) One stac..VPC+Ap­pli­ca­tion C) Two stacks..1 VPC, 1 Ap­pli­ca­tion D) Two stacks..cross stack ref­er­ences .
An­i­mals for Life runs a mer­chan­dise store. it runs on EC2 in­stances, with­in an ASG be­hind an ALB. As an or­der is placed on the merch store, the ap­plica­tion im­me­di­ate­ly posts or­der data to an ex­ter­nal drop­ship­per. Dur­ing a mar­ket­ing pro­mo­tion, the num­ber of EC2 in­stances in­creased from 5 to 1337 The ap­pli­ca­tion con­tin­ued to work cor­rect­ly, but the in­creased re­quest rate over­whelmed the third par­ty drop­ship­per and re­sult­ed in failed or­ders. Which two changes could help to re­solve this problem? A) In­stead of call­ing the drop­ship­per API di­rect­ly - place all or­ders into an SQS Queue, in­voke lamb­da from the queue B) Ad­just the lamb­da func­tion con­cur­ren­cy C) Cre­ate a lamb­da func­tion which runs once every 3 hours D) Ad­just the max size of the ASG from 1337 to 20 E) Ad­just the max size of the ASG from 1337 to 13337 F) In­stead of call­ing the drop­ship­per API di­rect­ly - place all or­ders into an Ki­ne­sis stream.
You are notic­ing that with­in an auto-scal­ing-group man­ag­ing the front-end for a busy ap­pli­ca­tion with rapid­ly chang­ing load lev­els … in­stances are be­ing start­ed and ter­mi­nat­ed rapid­ly. This is caus­ing disrup­tion to the ap­pli­ca­tion and ex­ces­sive costs. What set­ting could you change to change this behaviour ? A) Change the de­sired ca­pac­i­ty man­u­al­ly B) In­crease the min­i­mum size C) In­crease the max­i­mum size D) De­crease the max­i­mum size E) Change the cooldown pe­ri­od .
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