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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEAWS Developer Associate :: Practice Exam4

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AWS Developer Associate :: Practice Exam4

aws certifications


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An ap­pli­ca­tion al­lows users to up­load data to S3 via a web in­ter­face. The ap­pli­ca­tion has its own IAM cre­den­tials to use and a role which is as­sumed to up­load the data. Giv­en that users of the ap­pli­ca­tion lo­gin us­ing ap­pli­ca­tion cre­den­tials what AWS API call should be used by the ap­pli­ca­tion A) As­sume­Role­With­We­b­Iden­ti­ty B) As­sume­Role­With­I­AM C) As­sume­Role­With­SAML D) As­su­me­Ro­le .
A Server­less ap­pli­ca­tion uses API Gate­way to perform search­es. API Gate­way is con­fig­ured with a non proxy in­te­gra­tion to a back­ing lamb­da func­tion which queries Dy­namoDB. You need to en­sure that a search­String pa­ra­me­ter is in­clud­ed in the re­quest. What should you con­firm to en­sure this pa­ra­me­ter is re­quired? (Choose one) A) Con­fig­ure the in­te­gra­tion re­sponse B) Con­fig­ure the in­te­gra­tion re­quest C) Con­fig­ure the API Gate­way stage D) Con­fig­ure the method re­quest (E) con­trols the re­turn path, from in­te­gra­tion through API back back to the method.
Which of the fol­low­ing is the quick­est way to increase the CPU al­lo­ca­tion of a lamb­da func­tion? Choose one A) Change lamb­da run­time to one which sup­ports more CPU B) In­crease the CPU al­lo­ca­tion on the func­tion C) In­crease the mem­o­ry al­lo­ca­tion on a func­tion D) Change func­tion con­cur­ren­cy .
You have 5 cus­tom ap­plications run­ning on 5 EC2 in­stance. You in­stall the CWA­gent on each instance and want to make sure that any met­ric de­livered into Cloud­Watch can be eval­u­at­ed and displayed in­de­pen­dent­ly. Which of the state­ments below rep­re­sents a valid struc­ture for achiev­ing this (choose one) A) Set­up a Cloud­Watch met­ric name with a unique name­space for each ap­pli­ca­tion B) Set­up a Cloud­Watch di­men­sion with a unique name­space for each ap­pli­ca­tion C) Set­up a Name­space for the ap­pli­ca­tion with a unique met­ric for each ap­pli­ca­tion D)Set­up a unique di­men­sion for every ap­pli­ca­tion and de­liv­er into a cus­tom name­space.
You have con­nect­ed to an old EC2 in­stance which is run­ning an ap­pli­ca­tion you now main­tain. You run an AWS CLI com­mand and get an ac­cess denied mes­sage. When con­nect­ing to the EC2 console you no­tice there is no in­stance role at­tached. You cre­ate a role with the re­quired per­mis­sions, attach it to the in­stance and try and run the command again. What hap­pens? A) Not enough in­for­ma­tion to tell. B) The com­mand works C) The com­mand fails D) It de­pends on the role pri­or­i­ty val­ue .
Giv­en a val­ue of 10 WCU which of the state­ments be­low is cor­rect? (Choose all that ap­ply) A) You can write 10 1KB ITEMS B) You can write 20 1KB Even­tu­al­ly con­sis­tent Writes C) Writes can be even­tu­al­ly or strong­ly con­sis­tent D) Writes aren’t strong­ly or even­tu­al­ly con­sis­tent - they are just writes E) You can write 10 4KB ITEMS F) You can write 20 4KB Even­tu­al­ly con­sis­tent Writes.
You are look­ing to se­lect a tool for your mo­bile appli­ca­tion. The tool should be able to send a message to cus­tomer mo­bile phones when a new version of the ap­pli­ca­tion is avail­able in­clud­ing a link to down­load the new ap­pli­ca­tion or, de­pend­ing on plat­form gen­er­ate a push notif­ication to no­ti­fy the cus­tomer. What prod­uct should you sug­gest? (Choose one) A) Mo­bi­le Hub B) SQS C) SES D) SNS .
A com­mand you are run­ning against a S3 buck­et with 1,000,000’s of ob­jects is tim­ing out. Which of the an­swers be­low is a po­ten­tial so­lu­tion? (Choose two) A) Use more pre­fix­es in the buck­et B) Edit the buck­et op­tions C) Edit the buck­et pol­i­cy D) Add max-items pa­ra­me­ters E) Add page-size pa­ra­me­ters .
You have been asked to im­prove per­for­mance on a cat based VR game. You need to al­low for more users with a read heavy work­load and re­duce la­tency. How can you ac­com­plish this is the most cost ef­fec­tive way, with a sec­ondary pri­or­i­ty of as lit­tle code changes as pos­si­ble. A) RCU In­crease + Elas­ti­cache B) DAX C) DAX + RCU In­crease D) Glo­bal Ta­bles .
You have been asked to mi­grate a large mi­cro service ap­pli­ca­tion into AWS which cur­rent­ly uses Dock­er run­ning on vir­tu­al servers. It's been suggest­ed by your client that they can run dock­er contain­ers on EC2 in­stances. Which prod­uct should you sug­gest the busi­ness uses. They have giv­en you the di­rec­tive that they care about cost ef­fi­ca­cy and low ad­min over­head equal­ly A) EC2 Run­ning dock­er B) EKS C) ECS EC2 D) ECS Far­ga­te .
What is true of an even­tu­al­ly con­sis­tent read from Dy­namoDB (Choose all that ap­ply) A) It uses more RCU than a strong­ly con­sis­tent read B) It uses less RCU than a strong­ly con­sis­tent read C) It takes longer to per­form the op­er­a­tion (it waits for con­sis­ten­cy) D) You re­ceive con­sis­tent data E) You can re­ceive out­dat­ed data .
You need to store files in S3 .. and they need to be en­crypt­ed at rest. You need a so­lu­tion which match­es the FIPS 140-2 Lev­el 3 frame­work the rest of your or­gan­i­sa­tion works with­in. Which so­lu­tion meets this re­quire­ment? (Choose one) A) CLOUDHSM + Client-Side En­cryp­tion B) SSE-S3 C) SSE-KMS D) SSE-S3 + CLOUDHSM .
Part of an ap­pli­ca­tion you man­age uses S3 and Cloud­Front to dis­tribute cat pic­tures to a glob­al audi­ence. One of your de­sign staff have up­dat­ed one of the cat im­ages, the orig­i­nal had im­age cor­ruption. Users of your ap­pli­ca­tion are still see­ing the orig­i­nal im­age. Which of the fol­low­ing could resolve the is­sue with the least amount of dis­rup­tion to your cus­tomers ? A) Dis­able ob­ject ver­sion­ing on the S3 buck­et B) Delete and recre­ate the Cloud­Front dis­tri­b­u­tion C) Delete the ob­ject and re-up­load the new ver­sion rather than up­load­ing over the ex­ist­ing ob­ject D) In­val­i­date the ob­ject on the S3 buck­et E) In­val­i­date the ob­ject on the Cloud­Front Dis­tri­bu­tion.
You have a sin­gle EC2 in­stance run­ning a small pub­lic web ap­pli­ca­tion. You use an S3 buck­et as a ‘main­te­nance’ page for when the ap­pli­ca­tion is offline or has failed. Cur­rent­ly this process is man­u­al, what AWS prod­uct and fea­ture can you use to automate this process. A) API Gate­way B) Ap­pli­ca­tion Load Bal­ancer C) Route53 + Healthchecks D) Cloud­Front .
What fea­ture with­in AWS al­lows you to con­trol access to an S3 buck­et so that every­thing BUT CloudFront Ac­cess is de­nied ? A) Buck­et ACL B) OAI C) SSE-KMS D) Block Pub­lic Ac­cess Set­tings .
You are re­ceiv­ing large SQS bills every month for a queue which is in­volved in a work­er pro­cess­ing tier. The tier has 5 in­stances which are sta­t­ic and not scaled us­ing an ASG. There ap­pears to be only low vol­ume run­ning through your SQS queue. What would like­ly re­duce bills? (choose 2) A) Switch to short-polling B) Switch to long-polling C) Switch to on­de­mand-polling D) Re-pro­vi­sion the in­stances us­ing an ASG based on queue length E) Re-pro­vi­sion the in­stances us­ing an ASG based on queue through­put.
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