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AWS DVA-C01 :: Practice Exam16

aws certifications


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You create an Auto Scaling group to work with an Application Load Balancer. The scaling group is configured with a minimum size value of 5, a maximum value of 20, and the desired capacity value of 10. One of the 10 EC2 instances has been reported as unhealthy. Which of the following actions will take place? The ASG will terminate the EC2 Instance The ASG will detach the EC2 instance from the group, and leave it running The ASG will keep the instance running and re-start the application The ASG will format the root EBS drive on the EC2 instance and run the User Data again.
Recently in your organization, the AWS X-Ray SDK was bundled into each Lambda function to record outgoing calls for tracing purposes. When your team leader goes to the X-Ray service in the AWS Management Console to get an overview of the information collected, they discover that no data is available. What is the most likely reason for this issue? Fix the IAM Role Enable X-Ray sampling X-Ray only works with AWS Lambda aliases Change the security group rules.
A development team is working on an AWS Lambda function that accesses DynamoDB. The Lambda function must do an upsert, that is, it must retrieve an item and update some of its attributes or create the item if it does not exist. Which of the following represents the solution with MINIMUM IAM permissions that can be used for the Lambda function to achieve this functionality? dynamodb:UpdateItem, dynamodb:GetItem dynamodb:AddItem, dynamodb:GetItem dynamodb:GetRecords, dynamodb:PutItem, dynamodb:UpdateTable dynamodb:UpdateItem, dynamodb:GetItem, dynamodb:PutItem.
A new recruit is trying to configure what an Amazon EC2 should do when it interrupts a Spot Instance. Which of the below CANNOT be configured as an interruption behavior? Reboot the Spot Instance Stop the Spot Instance Hibernate the Spot Instance Terminate the Spot Instance.
A company uses AWS CodeDeploy to deploy applications from GitHub to EC2 instances running Amazon Linux. The deployment process uses a file called appspec.yml for specifying deployment hooks. A final lifecycle event should be specified to verify the deployment success. Which of the following hook events should be used to verify the success of the deployment? ValidateService AfterInstall ApplicationStart AllowTraffic.
A pharmaceutical company uses Amazon EC2 instances for application hosting and Amazon CloudFront for content delivery. A new research paper with critical findings has to be shared with a research team that is spread across the world. Which of the following represents the most optimal solution to address this requirement without compromising the security of the content? Use CloudFront signed URL feature to control access to the file Use CloudFront signed cookies feature to control access to the file Configure AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) to monitor and control the HTTP and HTTPS requests that are forwarded to CloudFront Using CloudFront's Field-Level Encryption to help protect sensitive data.
A pharmaceutical company runs their database workloads on Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) volumes. As a Developer Associate, which of the following options would you identify as an INVALID configuration for io1 EBS volume types? 200 GiB size volume with 15000 IOPS 200 GiB size volume with 2000 IOPS 200 GiB size volume with 10000 IOPS 200 GiB size volume with 5000 IOPS.
A company has a cloud system in AWS with components that send and receive messages using SQS queues. While reviewing the system you see that it processes a lot of information and would like to be aware of any limits of the system. Which of the following represents the maximum number of messages that can be stored in an SQS queue? no limit 10000 100000 10000000.
Other than the Resources section, which of the following sections in a Serverless Application Model (SAM) Template is mandatory? Transform Parameters Mappings Globals.
A developer wants to package the code and dependencies for the application-specific Lambda functions as container images to be hosted on Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR). Which of the following options are correct for the given requirement? (Select two) To deploy a container image to Lambda, the container image must implement the Lambda Runtime API You must create the Lambda function from the same account as the container registry in Amazon ECR Lambda supports both Windows and Linux-based container images You can test the containers locally using the Lambda Runtime API You can deploy Lambda function as a container image, with a maximum size of 15 GB.
A business has their test environment built on Amazon EC2 configured on General purpose SSD volume. At which gp2 volume size will their test environment hit the max IOPS? 5.3 TiB 10.6 TiB 16 TiB 2.7 TiB.
A development team has configured their Amazon EC2 instances for Auto Scaling. A Developer during routine checks has realized that only basic monitoring is active, as opposed to detailed monitoring. Which of the following represents the best root-cause behind the issue? AWS Management Console might have been used to create the launch configuration AWS CLI was used to create the launch configuration SDK was used to create the launch configuration The default configuration for Auto Scaling was not set.
A company needs a version control system for their fast development lifecycle with incremental changes, version control, and support to existing Git tools. Which AWS service will meet these requirements? AWS CodeCommit Amazon Versioned S3 Bucket AWS CodePipeline AWS CodeBuild.
The development team at a retail company is gearing up for the upcoming Thanksgiving sale and wants to make sure that the application's serverless backend running via Lambda functions does not hit latency bottlenecks as a result of the traffic spike. As a Developer Associate, which of the following solutions would you recommend to address this use-case? Configure Application Auto Scaling to manage Lambda provisioned concurrency on a schedule Configure Application Auto Scaling to manage Lambda reserved concurrency on a schedule Add an Application Load Balancer in front of the Lambda functions No need to make any special provisions as Lambda is automatically scalable because of its serverless nature.
As an AWS Certified Developer Associate, you have been hired to work with the development team at a company to create a REST API using the serverless architecture. Which of the following solutions will you choose to move the company to the serverless architecture paradigm? API Gateway exposing Lambda Functionality Fargate with Lambda at the front Public-facing Application Load Balancer with ECS on Amazon EC2 Route 53 with EC2 as backend.
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