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B2-Units 19-27 Review

B2 grammar test


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I need a machine .... can cut steel. who which where whose.
The man, ..... name I can't remember, is over there. who whose which whom.
I'd love to go back to that pretty village .... we went last year. that which where whose.
Didn't you say you knew someone .... parents were born here? whom who whose which.
That's the place .... I met your father. that where which who.
He's the man ..... won the competition. whose who whom which.
If she ....her exams last semester, her parents .....her go on holiday. didn't fail/would let hadn't failed/would have let won't fail/ let fails/will let.
I .... out last night if I .... so ill. would have gone/hadn't felt would go/didn't feel go/don't feel will go/didn't feel.
You shouldn't .... so long getting ready. spend to spend spending have spended.
I wouldn't .....him about the party if I'd ..... it was a secret. tell/knew have told/known told/knew.
He really wishes he .... you this morning, but you weren't here. see had seen were seen would see.
I need someone to repair my car urgently. I need to have my car repaired urgently I will get my car repaired urgently I should have my car repaired urgently.
The mayor is opening the museum tomorrow. The mayor is having the museum opened tomorrow The mayor will have opened the museum tomorrow The mayor is going to opening the museum tomorrow.
The police should start an investigation. The police should have an investigation started The police should start investigate The police must investigate.
The farmers are growing a new type of corn. The farmers will grow a new type of corn The farmers are having a new type of corn grow The farmers are having a new type of corn grown.
They have finished the building work on my house. The building work on my house is finishing The building work on my house has been finished They have had the building work on my house finish.
There isn't enough water The guide has warned us that there isn't enough water The guide warns us that there isn't enough water The guide warns us that there won't be enough water.
It was a long trip. He tells us that it was a long trip He told us that it was a long trip He had told us that it had been a long trip.
She's sad because her dog died. My mum told me that she's sad because her dog died. My mum told me that she was sad because her dog had died. My mum told me that she's sad because her dog would die.
We shouldn't have come here. I told you we shouldn't have come here I told you we shouldn't come here I'm telling you we shouldn't come.
I advise you to eat more vegetables The doctor had advised him to eat more vegetables The doctor advised him to eat more vegetables The doctor advises him to eat more vegatables.
I'm working tonight; ......., I'll arrive a bit later than you. so therefore however despite of.
She said she was happily married; ....., I heard they were separated. despite however therefore in spite of.
Sheila is really kind and friendly; her sister, ....., is the exact opposite. however despite of therefore so.
..... the weather is so bad, why don't we stay in night? So Since However Therefore.
...... the increase in traffic in the city, the council are thinking of banning cars altogether. Despite In spite However Therefore.
-I don't think they'll win. -Me ......... either neither neither do I.
-He wouldn't like that. -I wouldn't like it ....... either neither so nor.
-I wonder if he ever smiles. - ....... I. So do Neither don't Neither do Either do.
-They went to Rome last week. - We .......... did so did too neither either nor.
I went home early in order to tidy the house. I went home early so I could tidy the house I went home early for tidying the house.
We arrived on time even though there was a traffic jam. We arrived on time despite of there was a traffic jam We arrived on time despite there was a traffic jam We arrived on time despite the traffic jam.
You should start studying. You should better start studying You had better start studying You would better start studying.
I made her cry and I regret it now. I wish I hadn't made her cry I wish she wouldn't cry I wish I didn't make her cry.
I want to see him but it's not possible. I wish I saw him I wish I could see him I wish I would see him.
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