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Basic English 2

Traduciendo palabras clave


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Número preguntas: 100
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How do you say "¿De verdad?"? In earnest? Of truth? In really? Actually?.
How do you say "¿Para qué?"? To what? Why? What... for? What to?.
How do you say "A pesar de"? Despite Despite of In spite In despite.
How do you say "A veces"? Often Some days Sometimes Any times.
How do you say "Así que"? So as Since Because Therefore.
How do you say "Aun cuando "? Even though Although Though Yet when.
How do you say "¿Aunque"? Even though Tough Though Thought.
How do you say "Cansado"? Tiring Dull Weary Fatigue.
How do you say "Casi"? Almost The most Mostly Case.
How do you say "¿Cómo?"? Like? As? What... as? How?.
How do you say "¿Cuánto?"? How many? How much? How long? How costly?.
How do you say "¿Cuánto tiempo?"? How long? What time? How many time? When time?.
How do you say "¿Cuántas?"? How much? A lot? How many? Quantity?.
How do you say "¿Cuándo?"? When? What time? Whenever? What long?.
How do you say "¿Cuál?"? Where? Whose? Such? Which?.
How do you say "Casi nunca"? Case never Seldom Never ever Not all time.
How do you say "¿De quién?"? Who? Who's? Whose? Whom?.
How do you say "De hecho"? Actual? As a matter of fact Of done? Infact?.
How do you say "Deberías"? Should Must Might Would must.
How do you say "Debería haber"? There should There should be Should have Should be.
How do you say "Debería haber (plural)"? There should be Should be Should have There must be.
How do you say "Debido a "? Due for Owing too Because to On account of.
How do you say "Debo"? Should Must Have to Ought to.
How do you say "Era"? Was Were Been Has.
How do you say "Eran "? Was Been Were Had.
How do you say "Éramos"? Were Had Has Was.
How do you say "Esas"? These Those This That's.
How do you say "Esos"? That's There Those These.
How do you say "Está "? Are This Was Is.
How do you say "Es"? Is Was Has Does.
How do you say "Estábamos"? Been Were Had Did be.
How do you say "Estaban"? Had Was Been Were.
How do you say "Estado"? Been Have Had Would be.
How do you say "Estarán"? Are going to Are being Will be Might be.
How do you say "Estas"? These Are This's Those.
How do you say "Este"? It This These It's.
How do you say "Estos"? Those These This's There.
How do you say "Esta"? This Is That These.
How do you say "Estuvimos"? Been Did be Were Was.
How do you say "Ha"? Has Had Have Has had.
How do you say "Habías"? There was There were Have Had.
How do you say "Habrá (plural)"? It will have There will be There will been It will be.
How do you say "Habrá (singular)"? There will be It will be There it will It will have.
How do you say "Habremos"? There will be There will have We will Will have.
How do you say "Habrás"? There you will Will have Will had There will be.
How do you say "Habríamos"? There would be Would be have Would have Would be.
How do you say "Hay (plural)"? There are There were There is There're.
How do you say "Hemos"? Has Had Has been Have.
How do you say "Hubiera"? Was have Did have Had Would have.
How do you say "Hubieran"? Had There would be Have Did have.
How do you say "Hubo (plural)"? There had There were There been There had been.
How do you say "Inmediatamente"? Inmediately At once Right now At the moment.
How do you say "-ísimo"? Very A lot Such indeed.
How do you say "Lo que"? What That It what Than.
How do you say "Mientras"? Meanwhile As Like Whereas.
How do you say "Mientras que"? Whereas While that As Since.
How do you say "Muchos"? Much Too Many Lot of.
How do you say "Muy"? More Berry Vary Quite.
How do you say "No obstante"? Neverinless Nonetheless Whatsoever Despite of.
How do you say "Nunca"? Never Ever Seldom Rarely.
How do you say "Para"? Order to What for So as to So what.
How do you say "Para que…"? So that In order to So as to To.
How do you say "Pocos"? A little A bit Few Some.
How do you say "Podíamos"? Could Was able to Would can Had been able to.
How do you say "Por"? Since As Because Because of.
How do you say "Por ejemplo"? For instant So as to exemplify Four example To illustrated .
How do you say "¿Por qué?"? Why? For what? Because? What... for?.
How do you say "Porque…"? Because of So that Consequently Since.
How do you say "Puedo"? Could Can Might Is able to.
How do you say "¿Qué?"? That? Than? What? Whichever?.
How do you say "¿Qué tan _____?"? How ____? Such ____? How much ____? What as ____?.
How do you say "¿Quién?"? Whose? Who's? Who? Whom?.
How do you say "Pue’ que"? May Might Maybe Perhaps.
How do you say "Rara vez"? Rare time Never ever Rarely Already.
How do you say "-rás"? Will Be going to Might Would.
How do you say "-rán"? Going to Would Might Will.
How do you say "-ríamos"? Would Will -ed Should.
How do you say "-rían"? Will Would Going to -ed.
How do you say "Seguido"? Often Usually Sometimes Seldom.
How do you say "Si"? Yes Absolutely Certainly If.
How do you say "Sí"? Undoubtedly If Unless Do.
How do you say "Sido"? Were Was Been -ed.
How do you say "Siempre"? Forever Always Ever Usual.
How do you say "Sin embargo"? However Although Even though Despite.
How do you say "Sólo"? On my own By myself Alone Just.
How do you say "Sino"? Except But Not at all Neither.
How do you say "Todavía"? Yet Already Just Ever.
How do you say "Usualmente"? Regularly Often Usually Sometimes.
How do you say "Ya "? Already Now Right now Immediately.
How do you say "Casi no"? Almost no Not casually Hardly Never ever.
How do you say "Para Mayo"? In May On May By May To May.
How do you say "A tiempo"? On time In time At time With time.
How do you say "Los lunes en la mañana"? In Mondays in the morings In Morning Mondays On Mondays in the mornings On Monday mornings.
How do you say "Entre semana"? At weekdays On weekdays Between the week In weekdays.
How do you say "Llegar a la escuela"? Arrive at school Arrive to school Arrive on school Arrive in school.
How do you say "Roto"? Breaks Breaking Broken Broke.
How do you say "Sepa"? Knew Known Knows To know.
How do you say "Corría"? Ran Run Running Would run.
How do you say "Pagaba"? Pay Pays Would pay Paid.
How do you say "Hablara"? Speaks Spoke Spoken Would speak.
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