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Bioclimatic zones Descripción: UNIT 06 - 1ºESO - Bilingüe Autor:
Fecha de Creación: 16/02/2022 Categoría: Geografía Número Preguntas: 30 |
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The bioclimates in the hot zone main characteristic is their ... temperatures, which are high, always above 18 °C. average annual average summer average winter average equinox . The equatorial bioclimate occupies a narrow stretch of land to the north and south of the ... Tropic of Capriconr Tropic of Cancer North Pole Equator. In equatorial bioclimate, Temperatures are high and constant around ... with a temperature range of 3 °C. 10 °C 15 °C 25 °C 30 °C. In the equatorial bioclimate, the precipitation is over 1 500 mm per year and falls regularly throughout the year. In this climate there is only one season, which is hot and humid. the summer the year the winter the spring. In equatorial bioclimate there is only one season, which is hot and humid. For this reason, equatorial rivers are regular and slow-flowing. True False. Vegetation in the equatorial climate is the rainforest, also known as ... in Asia. jungle evergreen savannah deciduous forests. The tropical bioclimate extends from the limits of the equatorial climate towards the tropics. True False. In the tropical bioclimate, temperatures are over 18 °C and the temperature range goes from ... 10 °C to 15°C. 3 °C to 10 °C. 15°C to 20°C. 20°C to 25°C. In the tropic bioclimate, there is abundant precipitation, from 750 to 1 500 mm per year, but it is regular because there is a rainy season in summer, and a dry season in winter. True False. There are two subtypes of tropical bioclimate depending on how long the ... season lasts. dry humid hot cold. Depending on how long the dry season lasts, there are two subtypes: humid tropical, in which the dry season lasts for three months or less and dry tropical or ..., with a dry season that lasts for over three months. savannah jungle rainforest evergreen. The bioclimates in the temperate zone are located between the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic circle in the northern hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn and the ... in the southern hemisphere. Equator Antarctic Circle Indian Ocean Atlantic Ocean. For the bioclimates in the temperate zone, their most significant feature is the difference in ... between seasons. temperatures winds snow rain. There are three types of temperate bioclimates: mediterranean, tropical and continental. True False. The mediterranean bioclimate appears around the Mediterranean Sea and in parts of western America, Africa and ... Austria Australia Antarctica Alps. In the Mediterranean bioclimates, precipitation is irregular (summers are wet) and not abundant (300 and 800 mm per year). True False. Mediterranean rivers are not very fast-flowing and carry little water in autumn. True False. The oceanic bioclimate is located on the ... coasts of the continents. western eastern. The continental bioclimate is located in the inner part of the continents. True False. In the continental bioclimates, winters are very cold (some months drop below –3 °C), and summers are warm or hot. There is moderate precipitation (between 300 and 800 mm per year) usually concentrated in ... spring winter summer autumn. The desert bioclimate is present in the warm and temperate zones of the planet and covers around 30 % of land. True False. In the warm zone, deserts can be found close to the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. It is dry because of the permanent ... pressure, like in the Sahara. high low. In the temperate zone, deserts can be found in some inner areas of the continents. In this case, arid conditions are caused by the big distance from the ... sun sea tropics equator. In the temperate zone, deserts can be found in some inner areas of the continents. In other cases, arid conditions occur because a mountainous area stops ocean humidity from passing through. This is known as... Föhen effect Relief effect Rain effect Dry effect. The desert climate is characterised by humidity, or extreme dryness, and by irregular precipitation. True False. In deserts, vegetation is scarce and has to adapt to dry conditions. Then, they develop fleshy stems to store the water; leaves are small or become ..., so that they reduce transpiration. roots seeds thorns flowers. In deserts, abundant vegetation such as palm trees can only be found near ..., where there is water. lakes rivers seas oases. Polar bioclimates are found between the Arctic and Antarctic polar circles and the corresponding north and south poles. True False. In the polar climate, precipitation, which usually falls in the form of ..., is very infrequent, with less than 250-300 mm falling per year on the limit zones of the poles, and is almost non-existent on the polar icecaps. rain snow hail fog. When an area of land that is permanently frozen below the surface we call it... lichen oases xerophyte permafrost. |
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