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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEThe bourgeois revolutions- The Spanish War of Independence

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The bourgeois revolutions- The Spanish War of Independence

UNIT 02 - 4º ESO - Bilingüe


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The bourgeois revolutions enabled the bourgeoisie to gain political power and a social status which had only been avalaible to the nobility under the Ancien Régime. The revolutions took place in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. True False.
The American Revolution was the bourgeoisie's first triumph. True False.
In 1787, the United States Constitution was adopted. What kind of government did it stablish? A federal republic A parlamentiary monarchy A dictartoship An absolute monarchy.
In the American War of Independence, the 13 colonies located on the Atlantic Coast of North America fought against... Great Britain France Spain Portugal.
The colonies refused to pay taxes. There were various protests such as the one in Boston (1773) called... Boston Revolution Boston America Independence Boston Tea Party Boston Colony Party.
The French Revolution began in ... and is considered to be the first European bourgeois revolution. 1789 1887 1787 1889.
The French Revolution was a period of pacific political and social change, which saw the aboliion of absoulute monarchy and the end of the Ancient Régime. True False.
Privileges enjoyed by the nobility in their fiefdoms are called... Ancient privileges Feudal privileges French privileges Noble privileges.
Although most of the clergy and nobility were opposed to losing their privileges, there were exeptions that supported the need of implemented some changes. True False.
Who was ruling France when the Revolution started? Fernando VII Luis XIV Francisco I Luis XVI.
In France, the only body that could approve new taxes was... The King The Estates General The Parliament The Pope.
Related to the political crisis in France, in order to improve royal finances, Louis XVI's ministers suggested that... The bourgeoisie should become a new privilege estate The king ask for help to his foreign allies The privilege estates should pay taxes The thrid estate pay double tax.
What sort of document did the State General to claim their petitions to the king? The State General Archives Ordinary post letter The privilege files The Book of grievances.
The meeting of the Estates General started with the discussion of the voting system in which the Third State has one vote as the Clergy and Nobility. True False.
When their demands were rejected, the representatives of the Third Estate redefined themselves as ..., representing the people of the nation. The New Estate General The National Assembly The Constituent Assembly The Consulate.
The National Assembly move to a tennis court nearby and took a solemn collective oath not to separate until a constitution has been stablished. It's known as Tennis Court Oath, but in Spanish we know it as... El Juramento Nacional El Juramento del Juego de Pelota El Juramento del Juego de Tenis El Juramento Constitucional.
Which violent event was the first one of the French Revolution? The Tenins Cout Oath The Call of the Estates General The Storm of the Bastille The Storm of Versailles.
The first orders approved by the National Constituent Assembly were... (Chosse the right ones) To call the Estates General To approve a Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen To restore Louis XVI in his throne To abolish the feudalism To create the Holy Alliance To approve the first French Constitution (1791).
Apart from the Storming of the Bastille, rioting continued in other cities and in the countryside, where peasants attacked houses and properties of the bourgeoisie. True False.
After approving the first French Constitution, the National Constituent Assembly was dissolved and was substituted by... The Estates General The Legislative Assembly The National Convection The National Assembly.
Louis XVI undertood the beginning of the revolution and accepted to establish a parliamentary monarchy. True False.
Among the revolutionary followers, there were clashes between... Girondins (moderate ones) and Jacobins (radical ones) Girondins (radical ones) and Jacobins (moderate ones).
To deal with problems, the Legislative Assembly was dissolved and they created a new assembly called... The National Constituent Assembly The National Assembly The National Convention The Consulate.
What happend to Louis XVI eventually? He restored the Absolute Monarchy during the Restoration He was sentenced to death and guillotined He was sentenced to life imprisonment and died when he was 75 years old He scaped to Austria and neve come back France.
Which government system was established in 1792? A parliamentary monarchy A republic A dictatorship An absolute monarchy.
In 1793, the radical Jacobins got to power. Their leader, Roberspierre helped create a more democratic constitution that allowed for... Universal suffrage Limited male suffrage Universal limited suffrage Universal male suffrage.
Robespierre defeated his enemies with terror and life imprisonment sentences. True False.
Out of fear, the National Convention depose and guillotined Louis XVI and his supporters. True False.
After Robespierre, a more moderate constitution, which established a limited suffrage, was approved in... 1793 1799 1795 1791.
According to the Constitution of 1795, the power was concentrated in a five-members... Assembly Directory Consulate Estate General.
In 1799, using his military prestige to his advantage, ... dissolved the Directory and created a Consulate made up of three consuls. He became First Consul and seized power. Louis XVIII Napoleon Bonaparte Roberpierre Joseph Bonaparte.
As First Consul, Napoleon was able to implement internal reforms. What did he approve in 1804? A new Constitiution A Concordat with the Holy See A new Declaration of the rights of Men and the Citizen A Civil Code.
When did Napoleon declare himself Emperor of France as Napoleon I? 1799 1801 1804 1795.
Napoleon's greatest desire was to create a ..., made upa of kingdoms that were dependent of France and were under the control of the French emperor. A world Empire A United Europe A Federal European Republic An Absolute Monarchy .
Which country did Napoleon never defeat? Spain Great Britain Grand Duchy of Warsaw Italy.
Where was Napoleon last defeated at? Waterloo (1815) Leipzip (1815) Berlin(1815) Wagram (1815).
The Spanish War of Independence saw the Spanish population fight against the French from 1808 to... 1811 1812 1813 1810.
The Central Council signed a military alliance with ... in order to defeat Napoleon. Russia Italy Germany Great Britain.
Who led the Anglo-Spanish and Portuguese troops? Joseph Bonaparte Duke of Wellington Francisco Goya Benito Pérez Galdós.
During the French occupation, the Regency Council called the Cádiz Cortes that approved ... in 1812. The Spain's First Constitution The alliance with Great Britain The Treaty of Valençay Manifiesto de los Persas.
The key principles that 19th century nationalists supported were: (Choose the right ones) The nation-state based on a population with common links, such as a common culture, history and language. It should also have clear territorial boundaries. Popular sovereignty, so that citizens would feel part of the nation. The restoration of abosolute monarchies. The consolidation of the Napoleon's project of an European Empire. Each nation should choose its own form of government. The need for a strong Holy Alliance.
There were two types of nationalism in 19th-century Europe: unification nationalism such as Italian Unification or separatist nationalism, case of ... Spain Germany Portugal Greece.
For many centuries, Germany and Italy had been divided into numerous small states. In the 19th century, nationalist movements succeeded in unifying these countries. True False.
Victor Emmanuel II and his minister ... tried to extend their Kingdom's constitutional system to other parts of Italy. Cavour Bismark Garibaldi Mendizabal.
The Italian unification happened from ... until 1870. 1866 1859 1860 1848.
In the south, Italian nationalists, led by the pretigious politician and military leader, ..., conquered the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Garibaldi Manzini Espartero Bismarck.
The German unification happened from 1864 until ... 1859 1871 1869 1870.
Italy became a republic, with Cavour as its president. True False.
Who started the process of the German Unification in 1866? Wilhelm I Napoleon III Bismack Victor Emmanuel II.
In the 19th century, Spain experienced similar liberal political processes to the rest of Europe. During the reign of ..., absolutism was restored. Amadeo of Savoy Fernando VII Isabel II Carlos IV.
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