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El C1 en nuestras manos

El C1 en nuestras manos

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He absolutely loves chocolate. If _______ him some, he'll be happy. We give We'll give We're giving.
Anna really enjoys _______ her friends. To visit Visiting Visit.
If I ______ it myself, I wouldn't have believed it. Haven't seen Hadn't seen Didn't see.
He ______ have taken a taxi. I could have driven him to the airport. Didn't Mustn't Needn't.
We know smoking ______ bad for you. Is Are Does.
Is this pen yours or ____? Him He His.
When I was a child I _______ watch television every day. Might Should Would.
I was looking for you. Where did you _____? Went Gone Go.
I was born in Egypt, but my parents didn't ______ from there. Coming Came Come.
My friend _____ cheese before she came to Europe. Didn't ate Wasn't eating Hadn't eaten.
A: Milk? B: No, thanks. I always _____ black coffee. Having Have Had.
I ______ to live in London, but now I live in Rome. Would Used Had.
This time next year, he _____ as a doctor for 20 years. Will have been working Will be working Is going to be working.
When I was a child, I ______ go to the cinema most weekends Use to Would Should.
Thanks, but I can't join you because ______ at work on Thursday I'm going I will not be I'm going to be.
That film was _____ scary for me - I couldn't watch it. Too So Very.
They _____ to the market every weekend Going Go Goes.
He said he ______ have time to meet you at the library Hadn't Wouldn't Couldn't.
Tariq's _______ his friends in another city next summer. Visit Visiting Visited.
If you're going to Scotland, you _____ to take the train Should Ought Must.
You ____ have got me a present - but it's very kind you Mustn't Needn't Can't.
______, i'd like to welcome you all to the monthly staff meeting. Beginning To begin For begin.
When I'm 65, I ______ not going to work anymore Am Will Have.
She _____ a new dress yesterday. Buy Bought Buying.
I want to tell you something, but please ______ be angry Won't Don't Can't.
I'm surprised they haven't called. They ____ have got home by now. Can May Should.
My doctor says I ______ to drink milk every day Have Must Can.
How _____ money do you have in your pocket? Any Much Many.
When I arrived home Yusheba _____ speaking on the phone. Were Is Was.
The meeting _____ finished by the time we arrived Has Have Had.
When we were young we _____ spend our money on sweets and magazines Had Did Would.
How _____ is that blue watch? Much Many Cost.
When ____ you get married? Did Was Have.
Call me at six. The meeting will ____ finished by then. Have been --- Have.
I liked the film because it _____ me think about life Was making Made Make.
There were ______ people at the party who I didn't know Several A number A lot.
Raul read a bad report of the hotel. ____ he cancelled the reservation. Therefore However Furthermore.
They _____ cycling more often recently Went Have been Were going.
I missed the bus, so when I arrived the film ____ already started Was Has Had.
She _____ been listening to some music when the light went out Was Has Had.
You weren't very impressed by his last book, ___? Was he Weren't you Were you.
I heard the traffic is going to be bad due to some ____ snow Strong Heavy Big.
If I pass the exam, I _____ go to university Would Wouldn't Will.
The new collection in the National Gallery is _____ interesting Extremely Absolutely Completely.
Sorry, I ____ talk now. I'm very busy Don't Aren't Can't.
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