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I was sitting in the park when a bird ________ me. It was very funny, actually! a. was attacking b. attacking c. attacked.
Yesterday at work, I fell in front of everybody. Everybody laughed! I was so _______! a. surprised b. mad c. embarrassed.
If you don’t sit correctly, you could hurt your ________. a. toes b. back c. front.
________ you father is going to love this book. He loves to read. a. I mean b. I bet c. I mind.
On my trip to Paris, I visited the Eiffel Tower. It was so amazing! _________. a. Oh, that’s funny b. I bet c. I guess.
My phone _______ was really high last month. I paid 180 dollars! a. connection b. bill c. fact.
Does anybody in your family ______ you? No, I’m the only one with blue eyes. a. look like b. seem like c. look at.
Who’s the girl _______ to Clark Kent? You don’t know her? That’s Lois Lane a. speaks b. speaking c. spoke.
My _______ next year is to eat less junk food and do more exercise. a. up b. out c. off.
My tooth hurts a lot. I’m going to make an appointment with my _______. a. nurse b. doctor c. dentist.
I have four pets. I guess I am _______. a. a veterinarian b. a big fan c. an animal lover.
I really like my _______. It has a nice park a. house b. neighborhood c. garden.
I don’t like soccer. I can’t believe it! Everybody I know __________ soccer. a. likes b. like c. liked.
I really like Messi. He is really good ________. a. to play soccer b. for play soccer c. at soccer.
Monopoly, Scrabble, and Parcheesi are types of ________ a. jigsaw puzzles b. board games c. skills.
I hardly ever ______ to other countries, but I really want to visit Italy. a. am traveling b. am going to travel c. travel.
There are too many _________ on your birthday cake. You are getting old! a. flames b. candles c. toppings.
________ are the things you wear when you graduate. a. A cap and scarf b. A hat and suit c. A cap and gown.
Did you pass your final exam? I did. I answered ________ of the questions correctly. a. none b. a few c. most.
If you want to get to my house, _______ a left on Pichincha Street. a. walk b. turn c. make.
I want _______ to draw, so I need to buy some pencils and stuff. a. to learn b. for learn c. learning.
I’m going to climb Chimborazo. I am very excited! Awesome, ________ take a lot of pictures. a. You would b. You need c. Don’t forget to.
Where can I find a clean glass to drink water? You can get one from the _______ on the right. a. carpet b. cabinet c. stove.
If you want very loud music, you should buy bigger ________. a. cushions b. speakers c. equipment.
Could you please wait a few minutes? We have another call. ______ I’ll wait. a. No problem b. I bet c. Actually.
When my sister _______ my new sweater, she spilled coffee on it. a. wear b. had worn c. was wearing.
I ________ my ankle last weekend. It still hurts a lot. a. sprained b. slipped c. turned.
Did you bring the chocolate ice-cream I asked? Sorry, I bought vanilla by _______. a. error b. wrong c. mistake.
Sorry I didn’t answer your call. My cell phone is _______: a. hurt b. broken c. sprained.
_______ got red hair in your family? a. Who’s b. Who is c. Whose.
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