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You look at a lot taller when you wear _________. a. high shoes b. high heels c. sandals.
The weather is really hot in Brazil. Take _________ clothes. a. soft b. light c. warm.
I liked the first apartment we visited. _________ did you like? a. Whose one b. What c. Which one.
Whose is this calculator? I guess _________ Pablo’s. It has his name on ti. a. its b. it’s c. it.
You should put a nice _________ on the living room under your coffee table. a. mirror b. rug c. stove.
You have to turn off your cell phone during class. The teacher gets mad if it _________. a. rings b. raps c. knocks.
I hurt my _________ playing tennis. Now I can’t bend my arm. a. cushion b. elbow c. ankle.
She’s in better shape than me. I exercise a lot _________ than she does. a. lesser b. fewer c. less.
I find novels _________ movies a. interesting than b. more interesting than c. more interesting.
If you move to Guayaquil, do you promise we will keep in _________. a. cushion b. touch c. equipment.
I want to start wearing earrings. Really? How? You don’t have _________! a. pierced ears b. piercings c. spiked ears.
I can’t read the words on the TV. You might need to get some _________. a. mirrors b. glass c. glasses.
What are you going to do on Spring Break? I don’t know yet. _________ I will go to Loja. a. Maybe b. Might c. May.
Do you live with your bother? No, I don’t. He ___________. a. lives alone b. live with his wife c. lives with me.
What is your favorite outdoor activity? I really like _______. a. to ski b. in mounta in climbing c. camp.
My car is not working. Can you ________ it? a. work b. fix c. solve.
Were you a good student when you were young? Well, actually, I was a great student. I _______ good grades. a. was getting b. have got c. got.
Wait for me. I need to go to the _______ and wash my hands. a. restroom b. showroom c. laundry room.
You don't have a ticket yet? It is very important to ___ it early! a. getting b. get c. got.
I _________ when I saw an insect in my food. It was disgusting! a. were eating b. am eating c. was eating.
When I go to the gym, I enjoy ________ weights. a. carrying b. raising c. lifting.
My best friend Raul has a great job and _______ a really high salary. a. wins b. earns c. pays.
I'm selling some Poodle puppies. Do you want to see _____? a. it b. them c. they.
I'm going to wear a superhero _________ to your Halloween party! a. grown b. costume c. suit.
If you don’t have a _______ in your bathroom, how do you put on your makeup in the morning? a. sink b. glass c. mirror.
Does you mother have blond hair? Actually, no _______ light brown hair. a. She gets b. She’s got c. She is got.
Do you like to knit a lot? Yes, I am actually making a _______ for my daughter. a. jewel b. sweater c. cake.
How tall is your dad? ______ six foot three a. He’s got b. He’s c. Has.
______ Pamela do in Cuenca? She studies here. a. Where does b. Does c. What does.
Do you like shellfish? ________ shellfish because I'm allergic a. I’m not eating b. I don’t eat c. I will not be eating.
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