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Are working today? I you he.
My friends are at the park. play basketball plying basketball basketball.
A: My favorite team is losing. B:______ That's too bad. That's nice. That's amazing.
A:How much are_____glasses? these this that.
You wear this item over the rest of your clothes when it is cold. A coat Socks A scarf.
A: I am buying you a new coat. B: Oh. Thanks! Let's see. Uh-huh.
Who can_____ with tomorrow? going goes go.
Batidos are______milk shakes. kind of like kind of a kind.
Many countries in Africa speak_____. French french france.
Juan Carlos_____a lot of work last year. He is a great student. does did do.
I_____ study last night. don't didn't doesn't.
I have a horrible flu. B:_____! Good for you Good luck You poor thing.
Were you scared? B: Yes, I_____. wasn´t were was.
My best friend and I didn't_____when we first met. get along got along were along.
A: Let's go camping this weekend! B: Sounds great._____,I have to go now, but let's talk about this later. Really Anyway Wow.
A: Would you like to have eggs for breakfast? B: No,____toast please. I'd would like I'd like I'd liking.
What do you want for_____ tonight? dinner lunch breakfast.
Don't we have eggs or____? anything everything something.
Is____going to work right now? she I we.
It____a lot outside. Let's go play in it. 's snowing 's snow 'm snow.
I am going to Paris! B:____ That's too bad. That's terrible. That's wonderful.
You wear this item on your head. A baseball cap A coat A ring.
A: How much are_____?B: Only $7.99 they it's it.
A: How much does it cost? B:____it's $59.99 Let see Let us think Let's see.
She____coffee at Juan Valdez. can buys can to buy can buy.
Can you make____food? Peru peruvian Peruvian.
Cocada is______ Ecuadorian treat. kind of like kind of a kind of.
Julia______ me to the party last month. invites invite invited.
They______ a letter to their parents last week. written wroted wrote.
A: I am 30 years old today. B:______ Good luck Happy birthday Congratulations.
She ______ happy two days ago. is was were.
Julia ______ after school to stay healthy. go running went running get running.
I went out last night and had a great time. ______, what did you do last night? Really Anyway Wow.
A:Would you like some coffe? B: _____. Yes, I'd Yes, please Yes, I'd like to.
We never buy much _____. chips salmon peanuts.
Don't you want _____to drink? something anything everything.
What _____he doing? am is are.
In the _____, which is right before winter, it's a bit col and often cloudy, but it doesn't usually snow? summer fall winter.
A: I'm taking karate now, and I love it. B: _____. That's terrible. That's great. It's interesting.
I____that food. 'm eating not 'm not eating m not eating.
My parents are_____breakfast. get geting getting.
He____TV at his house. cans watch can watch can watches.
I have to wear a____ to work. jeans and a t-shirt suit and tie shoes.
A: Iam buying you a new coat. B:____ Oh. Thanks! Let's see Uh-huh.
Where can we get____ food here? Moroccan Moroco moroccan.
Llapingachos are___mashed potatoes. kind of like kind of a kind.
He____that movie two days ago. watch watches watched.
They___outside the theater last night. meet meeted met.
A: I am twenty-three today! B:____! You poor thing Good luck Happy birthday.
Javier and I____nervous for the test last night. are were was.
Did you____ a trip last year? took go on went on.
I always have an___for breakfast. egg tomato milk.
A: How was your day? B: It was fine. And you?___ Did you have a good day? What do you dp? Did you go out?.
Don't we have eggs or____? anything something everything.
I____having fun with my friends. 'm 're 's.
We are playing____together. basketball aerobics bowling.
I love to play tennis. B:____ That's cool. How often do you play? Wow! Congratulations!.
How much are____boots? those this that.
You wear this type of jewelry on your wrist. A bracelet Earrings A ring.
Do you need help? B:____, yes. Uh Ok Let's see.
She___ good Chinese food. can't make can't making can't makes.
In Korea, they speak____. Korean korea korean.
Batidos are____milk shakes. kind of like a kind kind of.
Bryan didn't___to go to the party yesterday. want wants wanted.
We have a big game on saturday. B:____! Good luck Congratulations Good for you.
Maggie___three exams last week. took toked takes.
A:____the weather like on your vacation? What was What were How was.
I____the answer to the test from my friends. got receive gived.
How was the test? B: It was okay. How about you? How did you do? Did you go out last night? Did you go out?.
____garlic did he buy? How much How many How.
___'s raining a lot today It I Is.
We are____. Do you want to come? doing bowling going bowling playing bowling.
A: I am having a wondeful day! B:___ I'm sorry to hear that. That's too bad. That's nice.
How much is___bracelet? those these that.
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