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Estudio preguntas 2019


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Número preguntas: 39
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1. A: Have you ever tried pizza with anchovies? B: No, but________to try it. a. I always want b. I´ve always want c. I´ve always wanted.
2. If you want to go to the other side of the river, you need to swim. There is no________here. a. Trail b. Bridge c. Bride.
3. Your trash can is too full. You should_______. a. Empty it b. Put it down c. Drop is off.
4. I sent you an e-mail yesterday, but you never______. what happened? a. Returned b. Wrote back c. Came back.
5. A. My fridge is broken. I don’t know what to do! B: Don’t worry _____it. I already called someone to fix it. a. About b. Around c. Of.
6. Those pants are terribly old and torn. You should throw them_______. a. Down b. Away c. Up.
7. I try really hard, but I can’t learn how to play the guitar. B. Don’y get_____. If you practice harder, you’ll learn. a. Pleased b. Frustrated c. Frustrating.
8. Your dad never stops talking. He’s very friendly and______. a. Outgoing b. Stingy c. Inconsiderate.
9. A: What do you want to do during our vacation? B: I want to go on a____ship to the Caribbean. a. Cruise b. Dressy c. Expensive.
10. I don’t think i want dessert. I had_____rice. a. Too b. Too many c. Too much.
11. A: Who was that guy_____called you? B: My boss. a. Where b. That c. Whom.
12. I think you are ready to buy a house because you_______more money recently. a. ‘ve been earning b. Earned c. ‘ve earned.
13. A: Do you think_____exist?B: No way….because I think planet Earth is the only planet with life in the universe. a. Stunts b. Aliens c. Monsters.
14. This purse______yesterday in the hall. Does it belong to any of you? a. Was finding b. Was found c. Found.
15. Do you remember those guys who got lost in the Cotopaxi National Park? They were rescued last night by emergency_______. a. Freaks b. Workers c. Assistants.
16. This pool is not for small kids. It is too_______. a. Deep b. Proud c. Wide.
17. A: Do you have plans for tonight? B: I do.__________a movie with my Friends. a. I’m watching b. I watch c. I’ll watch.
18. A: Do you know______to our party? B: I’m not sure. Do you want me to call him and ask? a. If Fernando is coming b. If is Fernando coming c. If is coming Fernando .
19. A: ________tomorrow’s homework yet? B: Not yet, but I am about to start. a. Have you been doing b. Have you done c. Are you done.
20. My Little son is very________. He always shares his toys with other kids. a. Generous b. Practical c. Truthful.
21. _______only been on a plane once in his life. He is really scared! a. He was b. He’s c. He have.
How did you lose you purse?B: A thief _______it from my. a. strapped b. snatched c. shredded.
A: Ceviche is really good, but nothing is better than sushi. you know?B:_____.I think ceviche is better a: I'm not so sure b: All right c. That'd be good.
A: Adriana has had the same job for a long time. B: I know! She's been working in that company________1990. a. Since b. For c. In.
my little brother is so________. I hate that he follows me everything! a. excited b. annoyed c. annoying.
A: Why doesn't Paul speak to other people at parties? B:I think he is very_______. ¿Por qué Paul no habla con otras personas en las fiestas? B: Creo que es muy _________. a. extroverted(extrovetido) b. shy(timido) c. patient(paciente).
Cotopaxi has not________in a hundred years. Cotopaxi no ha ________ en cien años. a. erupted b. burst c. poured.
I never_______to the movies alone. it is too dangerous. Nunca _______ al cine solo. Es muy peligroso. a. let go my son b. let my son go c. let my son going.
A: I have a stepbrother and a setpfather. B: Oh, so you grew up in a______family. That's cool. A: Tengo un hermanastro y un setpfather. B: Oh, entonces creciste en una familia ______. Eso es genial. a. combined b. mixed c. blended.
A: what do I have to do to have a Facebok account?B: First of all, you have to____. R: ¿Qué debo hacer para tener una cuenta de Facebook? B: Primero que nada, debes ____. a. sing up b. write up c. show up.
A______ is a very dry place with lots of sand. a. desert b. dessert c. valley.
When I was a kid, my mother ________ do the dishes every day. Cuando era niño, mi madre ________ lavar los platos todos los días. made me to made me made my.
A: I have my final exams next week. B: ________ start studying. You've had to You ought to You'd.
22. The hottest place on Earth can reach 159_______Fahrenheit. a. degrees b. grades c. points.
23. you have to be careful with snakes. some of them are extremely________. tough poisonous distasteful.
24. how did your examen go? it went_____? a. well b. good c. best.
25. rafael, you should delete all the software you don't use. it_______space and slows you computer. a. takes up b. goes up c. makes up.
26. it's really cold outside. let me_____my sweater a. put on b. turn on c. turn away.
27. hello, teacher. did you like my science project. i did, carlo I was very______with it. a. pleased b. surprising c. pleasing.
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