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la casa de mou



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The plural of boy is ¨boys¨ T F.
The singular of boy is ¨boys¨ T F.
The singular of girl is ¨girls¨ T F.
The plural of girl is ¨girls¨ T F.
The plural or man is ¨men¨ T F.
The singular of man is ¨men¨ T F.
The plural of woman is ¨women¨ T F.
The singular of women is ¨woman ¨ T F.
The plural of she is ¨they¨ T F.
The plural of party is ¨partys¨ T F.
A day of the week is monday T F.
A month of the year is may T F.
A day of the week is friday T F.
A day of the week is sunday T F.
A month of the year is friday T F.
A month of the year is saturday T F.
A day of the week is july T F.
A day of the week is june T F.
Christmas is celebrated in december T F.
A day of the week is november T F.
¨Verde¨ in english is green T F.
¨Negro¨ in english is black T F.
¨Amarillo¨ in english is orange T F.
¨Rojo¨in english is red T F.
¨Blanco¨ in english is brown T F.
¨Azul¨ in english is red T F.
The contraction of (I am) is (I'm) T F.
The contraction of (you are) is (your) T F.
The contraction of (She is) is (she's) T F.
The contraction of (he is) is (he's) T F.
The contraction of (It is) is (its) T F.
The contraction of (they are) is (they're) T V.
The contraction of (we are) is (we're) T F.
The cardinal number 15 is written (fifty) T F.
The cardinal number 23 is written (twenty three) T F.
The cardinal number 54 is written (fifty five) T F.
The cardinal number 19 is written (ninety) T F.
The cardinal number 200 is written (Three hundred) T F.
(A,an, the) are articles T F.
(Boy,girl,australia,book) are nouns T F.
(I,he,it,we,they) are pronouns T F.
(Write,listen,read) are verbs T F.
(From,at) are preposition T F.
(From,at) are articles T F.
(I,he,it,we,they) are nouns T F.
(beautifull,small,tall) are adjetives T F.
(Write,listen,read) are adjectives T F.
(Beautifull,small,tall) are verbs T F.
The possessive adjective of (I) is (my) T F.
The possessive adjective of (You) is (our) T F.
The possessive adjective of (he) is (her) T F.
The possessive adjective of (she) is (her) T F.
The possessive adjective of (we) is (our) T F.
The possessive adjective of (they) is (your) T F.
The nationality of australia is australian T F.
The nationality of china is chinese T F.
The nationality of Italy is italian T F.
The nationality of ecuador is ecuatorian T F.
The nationality of france is french T F.
The nationality of brazil is brazilian T F.
The ordinal number 1st is written (first) T F.
The ordinal number 2nd is written (third) T F.
The ordinal number 3rd is written (third) T F.
The ordinal number 15th is written (fifteen) T F.
The ordinal number 17th is written (seventeenth) T F.
The ordinal number 18th is written (eighteenth) T F.
The ordinal number 21st is written (tweenty one) T F.
The ordinal number 26th is written (tweenty sixth) T F.
The ordinal number 90th is written (ninetieth) T F.
The ordinal number 19th is written (nineteenth) T F.
The past simple of the verb (feel) is (fel) T F.
The past simple of the verb (say) is (said) T F.
The past simple of the verb (take) is (took) T F.
The past simple of the verb (speak) is (spoken) T F.
The past simple of the verb (drive) is (drove) T F.
The past participle of the verb (come) is (come) T F.
The past participle of the verb (drink) is (drunk) T F.
The past participle of the verb (catch) is (caught) T F.
The past participle of the verb (cut) is (cutten) T F.
The past participle of the verb (know) is (knew) T F.
In the following sentence¨the to be verb¨ is correct?¨camila are a pilot¨ T F.
In the following sentence¨the to be verb¨ is correct?¨I am police officer¨ T F.
In the following sentence¨the to be verb¨ is correct?¨julieta are a musician¨ T F.
In the following sentence¨the to be verb¨ is correct? ¨They are world champions¨ T F.
In the following question¨the to be verb¨ is correct?¨Are he at home¨ T F.
In the following simple present question,is the auxiliary correct? ¨does they live in new york?¨ T F.
In the following simple present question,is the auxiliary correct?¨Do they have any children?¨ T F.
In the following simple present question,is the auxiliary correct?¨does she work every saturday?¨ T F.
In the following simple present question,is the auxiliary correct?¨do you read books?¨ T F.
In the following simple present question,is the auxiliary correct?¨Do peter play fooball? ¨ T F.
The eyes of a person are in the head T F.
The hair of a person is on their foot T F.
The neck of a person is on their legs T F.
The hand of a person has fingers T F.
The ears of a person are on the head T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct?¨Carlos was going to his home¨ T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct?¨marco and ruth was studying all the day¨ T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct?¨You was sleeping in her home¨ T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct?¨She was writting a letter¨ T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct?¨Luciana were riding a horse¨ T F.
John, este es mi lápiz./Jhon............. is my pencil this that these.
mira, aquellos son mis padres./ look...........people are my parents those this these.
Disculpe,¿es este su monedero?./ excuse me , is........ your wallet those this these.
Entre estas películas no se cual quiero ver./ between,..........movies,I don't know which one I want to see. these this that .
¡Mira esos hermosos animales!/ Look at .......beautiful animals! that this those.
Estas son nuestras chaquetas ./ ........... are our jackets. these this that.
¿Esos son tus amigos?/ are .......... your friends? those this these.
Entre estos dos vestidos,¿Cuál prefieres? / between......... two dresses,which one do you prefer? that this these.
¡este es mi teléfono móvil! / my mobile phone! that this these.
este es mi nuevo abrigo./.............. this is my new coat. this that these.
Aquellas naranjas parecen deliciosas./ .......... Orange look delicious those that this.
Estos son los temas que necesitamos para estudiar./........... are the units we need to study . this these those.
Puedes escoger entre estas dos plantas./ you can choose between ............ two plants these this those.
creo que conozco a esa mujer./ I think I know ........... woman that this these.
there are many tourist.......... new york at on in.
I met him ......... the south of spain on in at.
My apartment is............. the first floor on in at.
the meeting is............ 3:30 at in on.
what do you do ........... weekends? at in on.
we often go to the beach.......... the summer in on at.
My birthday is............ the 10th of june on in at.
My birthday is.......... May in on at.
Every year I go home ............. Christmas in at on.
we are getting married...... the spring. in on at.
I'm seeing my grandmother............ Tuesday on in at.
susan.............. my new friend is are am.
I....... a very good driver are is am.
My neighbours....... very noisy are is am.
your black cat......... in the garden is are am.
susan and mike.............. my parents is are am.
They....... my best friends are is am.
I...... sure are is am.
your best friend ......... at home is are am.
we............... from spain are is am.
luke and tom .......... actors is are am.
We .................. in the park are is am.
last night we ......(walk) to the cinema walked walk weak.
sam........... (stop) the car to take a picture spell stop stopped.
I............... (study) for the exam for there hours studied study start.
the school............ (begin) three weeks ago began begin begun.
when she was younger she........... (hate) cheese hot hat hated.
she....... (miss) the party. missed miss mis.
When I was young, we always.......(go) to florida for the summer went want wanted.
my father never.........(play) football when he was a child play played play.
it........(take) us five minutes to get to the office last friday token take took.
we...... (meet) them at the restaurant met mit meet.
he.......... (find) a book fear found fat.
.............. she want to come? does do don´t.
He................. play tennis (negative) doesn´t don´t do. want to go to london ? (negative) does doesn´t don´t.
They ........ like pineapple (negative) don´t doesn´t do.
why ............ we fight for this ? do don´t does.
.......... she like pears? do does don´t.
yes,she...... does doesn´t don´t.
It......... Hurt! (negative) doesn´t don´t do.
............... she want to live in valencia? don´t do does. want to stay here? do doesn´t does.
she.... like it(negative) doesn´t don´t do.
mis padres son geniales ./ ...........parents are great me my your.
tu nombre es peter ./ ........... name is peter your our their.
Su nombre es mario./ is Mario. our his her.
su nombre es Claire./............. name is Claire her his our.
tengo una mascota su nombre es trek./ I have a is trek my its our.
nuestro nombre de familia es smith./ name is smith our his her.
sus nombres son peter and claire ./......... name are peter and claire his our your.
sus nombres son charles y osar./ are charles and oscar their his my.
me gusta tu bolso nuevo./ I bag her is your.
Su madre no sabe los del accidente ./......... mother doesn´t know about the accident. his our their.
nos llevo a todos en su coche./ she drove all of us in his her our. home when I called was were were n´t.
we........... so tired that we decided to stay at home wasn´t was were.
The game......... very funny was were weren´t.
I ......... very happy during my childhood were was weren´t.
He............ stick the whole weekend was were weren´t.
We....... so young back then! wasn´t was were.
They...........bored were was wasn´t.
I think that they .........(negative)so professional as they said weren´t was wasn´t.
the weather .......amazing during our vacations was were weren´t.
My parents................ at the supermarket this afternoon was were wasn´t.
we .......... (negative)married back then. weren´t was wasn´t.
Nariz in english is......... nouse eye foot.
pecho in english is......... mouth arm chest.
ojo in english is......... eye knee stomach.
pie in english is......... hair foot face.
pierna in english is......... leg arm neck.
brazo in english is......... lips arm shoulder.
boca in english is......... mouth eye knee.
cuello in english is......... neck fingers hair.
diente in english is......... ankle face tooth.
labios in english is......... lips face waist.
actor in english is......... judge actor doctor.
arquitecto in english is......... architect lawyer surgeon.
juez in english is......... judge firefighter manager.
doctor in english is......... police engineer doctor.
abogado in english is......... lawyer vet dentist.
cirujano in english is......... writer surgeon nurse.
cientifico in english is......... scientist nurse journalist.
profesor in english is......... teacher musician actor.
veterinario in english is......... vet actor architect.
dentista in english is......... doctor judge dentist.
rojo in english is......... red blue gree.
azul in english is......... black blue orange.
verde in english is......... green purple golden.
negro in english is......... yellow silver black.
naranja in english is......... orange grey yelllow.
morado in english is......... purple silver beige.
dorado in english is......... pink golden white.
plateado in english is......... silver golden white.
amarillo in english is......... yellow red green.
gris in english is......... white grey black.
lunes in english is......... monday march may.
martes in english is......... may thursday tuesday.
miércoles in english is......... wednesday saturday march.
jueves in english is......... tuesday thursday march.
12:15 it´s quarter past twelve it´s ten to twelve it´s quarter to six.
6:30 it´s quarter to six it´s haltf past six it´s twelve past six.
5:02 it´s two past five it´s twenty past ten it´s quarter past twelve.
11:50 it´s ten to eight it´s two past five it´s ten to twelve.
7:00 It´s seven o´clock It´s ten to eight It´s six o´clock.
10:20 It´s quarter past ten It´s quarter to ten It´s twenty past ten.
7.55 It´s five to eight It´s quarter to eight It´s halft past seven.
6:12 It´s quarter to six It´s half past six It´s twelve past six.
7:50 It´s ten to eight It´s five to eight It´s eight past seven.
5:45 It´s quarter to six It´s five part six It´s quarter past five.
2:30 It´s half past six It´s half past two It´s quarter to six .
6:15 It´s quarter past six It´s quarter to eight It´s half past seven.
11:20 It´s twenty past eleven It´s five past six It´s quarter past five.
10:55 It´s two past five It´s five t eleven It´s ten to eight.
9:50 It´s ten to nine It´s ten to twelve It´s quarter to six.
10:22 It´s two past five It´s t twenty two past ten It´s ten to eight.
6:50 It´s ten to seven It´s quarter to eight It´s half past seven.
1:45 It´s quarter to two It´s five to eight It´s quarter past seven.
12:10 It´s twelve past six It´s quarter to six It´s ten past twelve.
5:40 It´s twenty to six It´s twenty past ten It´s quarter past twelve.
It´s halft past seven 7:30 17:30 8:30.
It´s ten to seven 6:10 6:45 6:50.
It´s twenty two past ten 10:22 10:20 10.30.
It´s five to eight 8:05 7:55 8:55.
It´s quarter to eight 7:45 7:50 7:15.
It´s twenty to six 5:40 6:40 6:45.
It´s quarter to ten 9:40 10:15 9:45.
It´s half past two 2:45 2:30 2:00.
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