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chemistry I

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Science that studies the composition, structure, properties and changes of matter chemistry physics biology.
Is anything that has mass and occupies space. weight mass element.
Have a fixed or definite composition. pure substance mixture.
is composed of one type of atom, cannot be separated into simpler substances by physical or chemical means. compound mixture element.
is composed of two or more elements and always combined in the same proportion. Can be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means. compound element mixture.
• Contain two or more different substances that are physically mixed but not chemically combined. • Proportions may change • Can be separated using physical methods. compound element mixtures.
the composition is uniform throughout; the different parts of the mixture are not visible. homogeneous heterogeneous.
the composition varies from one part of the mixture to another, the different parts of the mixture are visible. homogeneous heterogeneous.
physical processes that are based on differences in the physical properties of the substances. separation methods physical property.
match separation methods for heterogeneous mixtures separation methods for homogeneous mixtures .
choose the correct definition for decantation Is used when a solid is insoluble in a liquid or when two liquids are non-soluble. Uses a porous barrier to separate a solid from a liquid. The liquid passes through, leaving the solids trapped in the filter paper A system where suspended solids take time in settle down, it is used to accelerate sedimentation.
choose the correct definition for filtration It is used when a solid is insoluble in a liquid or when two liquids are non-soluble. Uses a porous barrier to separate a solid from a liquid. The liquid passes through, leaving the solids trapped in the filter paper A system where suspended solids take time in settle down, it is used to accelerate sedimentation.
choose the correct definition for centrifugation Is used when a solid is insoluble in a liquid or when two liquids are non-soluble. Uses a porous barrier to separate a solid from a liquid. The liquid passes through, leaving the solids trapped in the filter paper A system where suspended solids take time in settle down, it is used to accelerate sedimentation.
The mixture is heated until the boiling point. The liquid part evaporates and the solid part remains as a residue at the bottom of the container. evaporation distilation chromatography.
It is based on differences in the boiling points of the substances involved. A mixture is heated until the substance with the lowest boiling point boils to a vapor that can then be condensed into a liquid and collected. evaporation distilation chromatography.
Separates the components of a mixture based on the ability of each component to travel or be drawn across the surface of another material. evaporation distilation chromatography.
match solid liquid gas.
when a substance is cooled to temperatures very close to absolute zero. At this extremely low temperature, molecular motion comes very close to stopping altogether. The Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) plasma.
Consists of highly charged particles with extremely high kinetic energy. The Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) plasma.
can be observed or measured without affecting the identity of a substance. physical property chemical property.
describe the ability of a substance to combine with or change into one or more other substances. physical property chemical property.
choose physical properties Hardness hydrolysis melting point oxidation reduction viscosity.
choose chemical properties Hardness hydrolysis viscosity oxidation reduction melting point.
from solid to liquid melting freezing evaporation.
from liquid to solid melting freezing evaporation.
from liquid to gas melting freezing evaporation.
from gas to liquid condensation sublimation deposition.
from solid to gas without passing through liquid sublimation deposition condensation.
from gas to solid directly condensation sublimation deposition.
temperature at which a solid becomes a liquid. melting point freezing point boiling point.
temperature at which a liquid changes to solid. melting point freezing point boiling point.
temperature at which a liquid changes to gas. melting point freezing point boiling point.
Is any manifestation of the transformation of matter that can be perceived by our senses. chemical phenomena physical phenomena.
any phenomena that occurs by nature antropogenic natural.
any pgenomena that happens with the help of humans antropogenic natural.
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