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Compass 2

Compass 2


Fecha de Creación: 27/05/2018

Categoría: Psicotécnicos

Número Preguntas: 55
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Cual de estos dispositivos es el mas efectivo en la acción de frenado:.
En que momento son mas efectivas las reversas?.
La Vmcg:.
La niebla en el NW Europeo se disipa:.
Para descender de FL370 a FL070 cuantas millas se necesitan?.
Tiempo util de conciencia a 33000 pies:.
El motor se demora de ralenti a take off power:.
Los slats/flaps en el 737:.
Estando a 1700´en ILS app, se activa alarma "PULL UP", que hace?.
Si el consumo de fuel durante la espera alcanza la reserva minima de la Compañía:.
Luces de pista, cambian de color blanco a rojo:.
Color de las luces de Taxi Way:.
En pista con 1% de slope positivo.
El uso del Wing A/Ice:.
Un avion con ala en flecha despegando con viento fuerte de la derecha.
Para que sirve el ala en flecha.
Que efecto tienen los flaps fowler.
Si se viene a 900ft y el PF se desvia del glide, que hago.
Que efecto tienen los Spoilers.
Como se contrarresta/previene el Dutch Roll en aviones como el 737.
Si se vuela por debajo de un CB que se puede esperar.
Como pueden los pilotos tener desorientación instrumental.
Aterrizando en pista mojada el avión se desvía del centro de pista, medida a tomar.
If the cabin altitude rises (aircraft in level flight), the differential pressure: .
Cabin pressurization is regulated by the:.
A balanced field length occurs when:.
The elevators control the aircraft around:.
The maximum range for a jet airplane occurs at the speed:.
In a descent from FL370 to 7000ft at a rate of descent of 3000fpm, and airplane flies 10Nm every 3000ft, what would be de distance covered?.
In 2h you have burned 200gl of fuel, what´s your fuel consumption per hour?.
Anti-ice fluid contains a mix of 75% glycol and 25% of water, if you have 150lts of glycol how many anti-ice fluid can it be produced?.
If at sea level Mach 1 equals 800mph and you are flying at M .4 at sea level, what´s your speed in mph?.
A turbo fan engine would take to accelerate from idle to takeoff thrust:.
The yellow lights at the edge of the runway are positioned in the last:.
Cambio de luces de pista de blanco a rojo:.
When should a pilot turn the aircraft anti-ice system on?.
If the pilot flying goes one dot below the glide slope:.
Does wing anti-ice reduce engine performance and increases fuel consumption? .
Si tienes un engine failure en el glide slope, el copiloto que hace?.
Si se te va el avion en el aterrizaje, como lo controlas?.
Cual es la función de los winglets en el avión?.
What is the name of a plane beyond the end of a runway which does not contain obstructions and be considered when calculating takeoff performance of turbine powered aircraft?.
What is an area identified by the term stopway?.
Considering the takeoff decision speed V1, which of the following is correct?.
Which is a definition of V2 speed?.
The maximum speed during takeoff that the pilot may abort the takeoff and stop the airplane within the accelerate-stop distance is:.
In the event of engine failure below V1, the first action to be taken by the pilot ir order to decelerate the airplane is to:.
Loss of cabin pressure may result in hypoxia because as cabin altitude increases:.
What effective runway length is required for a turbojet-powered airplane at the destination airport if the runways are forecast to be wet or slippery at the ETA?.
At what speed, with reference to L/D(MAX), does maximum rate of climb for a jet airplane occur?.
What effect would a change in ambient temperature or air density have on gas-turbine-engine performance?.
The most important restriction to the operation of turbojet or turboprop engine is:.
After landing, in case of high temperature of the brakes you:.
When regards to the optimum altitude during cruise, the aircraft is:.
To minimize the risk of hydroplaning during landing, the pilot should:.
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