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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEComplementary theories and concepts for TEFL

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Complementary theories and concepts for TEFL

Complementary theories and concepts for TEFL


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The fact of temporarily permitting minority language students to use their mother tongue until they are considered proficient enough in the majority language to be placed alongside majority language students can be termed as: Mainstream education. Transitional bilingual education. Maintenance education.
What is a “Stay Abroad" Programme the programme that makes it possible for students to learn and study online in their countries of origins while being enrolled in universities abroad. the programme that makes it possible for students to have mobility and get immersed in countries where languages other than their L1 are used in all spheres of life, for example, in education. the programme that makes it possible for students to obtain a grant to do an internship in their field of expertise in international companies all around the world.
According to the author, what are the two reasons which make the CLIL approach different from previously existing experiences? its multifaceted nature since it comprises different levels: social, educational, and linguistic and cognitive and that it has benefited from earlier methodological lessons vocabulary and grammar are emphasized and reading and writing are the primary skills that students work on evaluation is always conducted in student's normal in-class performance and not through formal tests. Errors are corrected gently, with the teacher using a soft voice.
What are the objectives that the EU has put forward for promoting multilingualism? the learning of at least two more languages apart from the mother tongue, the possibilities of traveling, studying and working abroad to countries that hold an agreement with the country of origin the diversification of modern languages learned as early in life as possible; the promotion of democratic access to knowledge for all European citizens; and the prioritized development of linguistic abilities through nursery, primary and secondary school. the improvement in the communicative competences in varios languages other than the L1, the respect among different nationalities and beliefs, educational cooperation among countries in the EU.
When Pérez-Vidal refers to the CLIL programmes in Spain she talks about “minority language maintenance programmes”. What does this mean? where the learner will rarely, if ever, have opportunity for exposure to the target language outside of the classroom; for example a student who is studying German while living in Spain would be studying in a foreign language environment. where the language learner is exposed to the target language outside of the classroom in a variety of settings; for example, students who come to Canada to learn English are learning in a second language environment. where language minority children use their native, home or heritage language in school as a major medium of instruction. The goal of such education is full bilingualism, biculturalism and biliteracy.
The main competences established by the European Reference Framework are the following: communication in the mother tongue, communication in foreign languages, mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology, digital competence, learning to learn, social and civic competence, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, and cultural awareness and expression. critical thinking, creativity, initiative, problem solving, risk assessment, decision taking and constructive management. both answers are correct.
There are _____ levels of curricular implementation: three four two.
The Total Physical Response method is based on the premise that the more intense a memory connection is traced, the stronger the memory association will be and the more likely it will be recalled: True False.
Individuals' natural, habitual, preferred ways of absorbing, processing, and retaining information and skills which persist regardless of teaching methods or content area are broadly referred to as: learning styles. psychological leaner features. communication strategies.
Michael Halliday, John Firth and Dell Hymes are some proponents of the: Content-based instruction. Cooperative learning. Communicative approach.
The European Language Portfolio has three components: the language boigraphy, the language passport and: individual qualification record. the dossier. the personal ID.
In CLIL: a balanced focused between content and language in the classroom is intended. content dominates over language objectives. language is more emphasized than content.
________ is official defined by the European Reference Framework as a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to the context. The key ones are those which all individuals need for personal fulfilment and development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment: Competence. Ability. Proficiency.
The linguistic theory that bases on the idea that the learner begins with a clean slate and languages are then learned through positive and negative reinforcements is called: Bahaviorism Generative Grammar Cognitivism.
Diversity is not only about children with special needs, but about all the students, who learn in different ways, with different personalities and psychological styles: True False.
If a speaker starts to speak a language at the same time he/she learns another one, his/her bilingualism will be: overlapping. paring. simultaneous.
The specifications of the curriculum evaluation criteria that help define the learning outcomes and that fix what the students must know, understand and do in every subject are: the standards of learning outcomes. the assessment attitudes. the evaluation procedures.
Which approach ignores students' errors unless there is some communication failure? Task-based Language Learning. the Communicative approach. the Natural Approach.
A dominant language does not change overtime. It is always the same language that functions as dominant for a speaker and it is usually the native tongue: True False.
The fact that all the languages that an individual knows support each other in a certain way and there are no clear boundaries in the roles they carry out at the time of taking part in an act of communication is known as: plurilingualism. bilingualism. multilingualism.
The vehicular language which allows inter-comprehension among people speaking different mother tongues, as a neutral language or jargon of which nobody can claim ownership, but also as the mother tongue of one of the parties in the exchange is labelled: medium of instruction. lingua franca. parole.
The _________ of curricular implementation has to do with the design of the "Programación de Aula", which contains all the necessary elements for the daily work of every student: first second third.
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