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Complex online Test

Complex test

Jonathan Guamán
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1. READING AND WRITING At first glance, there is in Horton to attract people. The other nearby towns have much more to offer: Brandfield has its river and historic buildings, while Newton has shops and entertainment. The buildings of Horton look dirty and unloved. For shops, there is an small supermarket, a few bargain shops, a bakery which, strangely, does not sell bread and a florist which has one stand of sad-looking flowers. Even so, Horton has several advantages over its neighboring towns. Firstly, it has a country park. Four thousand years ago, this is an important fort. There are not historic remains here now, but there are wonderful views over the countryside. On sunny weekends you can often see kinds out with their parents, kicking balls or flying kites. There aren’t many job opportunities in Horton, and the roads to nearby cities are really fast, but there are excellent rail links. You can be in London in an hour and a half, and other cities are less than an hour away. That means that parents can earn a good salary and still get home in the time to spend the evenings with their families. House in Horton aren’t pretty, but theyr’e functional and cheap. The street are quiet and safe and there are plenty of parks and playgrounds. It has a library, three primary schools and a secondary school, St. Mark’s. It’s not as academically brilliant as other schools in the area, but it is friendly and offers a wide range of subjects and activities to children of all abilities and backgrounds. The town also has a swimming and a sport center, and the community halls hold regular clubs and events for the people of all ages. What is the writer’s main purpose? a. To explain why Horton is a good place to live. b. To explain why Horton is not as pleasant as other towns. c. To describe the history of Horton.
2. According to previous reading, what part of Horton does the writer find disappointing? a. The school b. The country park c. The shops.
3. According to the previous reading, what type of people is Horton most situable for? a. Wealthy professionals b. Low income families c. Sport and history students.
4. According to the previous reading, what advantages does Horton bring to workers? a. You can drive to nearby sities in a short time b. You can get to several cities quickly by train c. Working conditions are better here than in other towns.
5. According the previous reading, wich of the following is the best description of Horton? a. A quiet, country town which has a number of good leisure facilities b. A friendly, historic town which is a great place to live, work and take a holiday c. A busy, industrial town which has good links to neighboring cities .
6. Choose the option which indicates the correct order of paragraphs. Cheating and plagiarism 1. Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the University Code of Student Conduct, as well enrollment with the University the students have placed themselves under the polices and regulations of the University and all of its duty constituted bodies. Disciplinary authority is exercised through the Student Conduct Commitee. The Commitee has procedures in place for hearing allegations of misconduct. Copies of the student conduct code are available at the Student Service Office. 2. Cheating includes but is not limited to obtaining or given unauthorized help during an examination, getting unauthorized sources of information about the contents of an examination before it is administered, using unauthorized sources of information during an examination, altering or falsifying the record of any grades, altering of supplying answers after an examination has been handed in, falsifying any oficial University record, and misrepresenting the facts to get exemptions from or extentions to curse requirements. 3. Academic dishonesty is never condoned by any University. This includes cheating and plagiarism which violate the Student Conduct Code and could result in expulsion or failing the course. a. 1, 2, 3 b. 2, 3, 1 c. 3, 1, 2.
7. Choose The best topic sentence of the following paragraph: The more we learn about dolphins, the more we realize that their society is more complex than people previously imagined. They look after other dolphins when they are ill, care of pregnant mothers and protect the weakest in the community, as we do. Some scientists have suggested that dolphins have a language but it is much more probable that they communicate which each other without needing words. Could any of these mammals be more intelligent man? Certainly the most common argument in favor of man’s superiority over them what we can kill them more easly than they can kill us is the least satisfactory. On the contrary, the more we discover about these remarkable creatures, the less we appear superior when we destroy them. a. Dolphins are the most intelligent animals in the word according to sailors to whom they have helped since Roman times. b. Dolphins are regarded as the friendliest creatures in the seas and stories of them helping drowning sailors have been common since Roman times. c. One of the most intelligent animals in the world are Dolphins which have helped many sailors since Roman times.
8. Choose the most situable title for the following reading. Where would modern be without advertising? Individual advertisers might think they are just trying to sell a particular product but advertising as whole sells us an entire lifestyle. If it weren’t for advertising the whole of society would be quite different. The economy, for instance, would be plunged into a crisis without the adverts and all the publicity that fuel our desire for limitless consumption. As John Berger observed in his book “Ways of Seeing”, all advertising conveys the same simple message: my life will be richer, mere fulfilling once I make the next crucial purchase. Adverts persuade us with their images of others who have apparently been transformed and are, as a result, enviable. The purpose is to make me marginally dissatisfied with my life-not with the live of society, just my individual life. I am to supposed to imagine myself transformed after the purchase into an object of envy of others-an envy which will them give me back my love of myself. a. The power of advertising b. Advertising and its limits c. Advertising and potential consumers.
9. INTRODUCTION TO APPLIED LINGUISTICS The “Universal Grammar” theory states that _________________. a. The grammar of any language is commonly approached in a descriptive and prescriptive way. b. All humas create their own set of grammar rules to be able to communicate properly. c. All humans begins have an inner ability to use grammar rules in their native language. .
10. _______________ is a term, in linguistics which refers to a language user’s grammatical knowledge of syntax, morphology, phonology and the like, as well as social knowledge about how and when to use utterances appropiately. That is why, it is the goal of language education and an important element for students’ efficient classroom practice. a. Communicative competence b. Linguistic competence c. Lexical competence.
11. The field of study that identifies, investigates and offer solution to language related problems and deals with the study of a second and foreing language learning and teaching is called_____________________. a. Discourse analysis b. Pragmatic c. Applied linguistics.
12. When learners show to have unconscious knowledge of grammar that allows them to use a language, it is say that they have _______________. a. Communicative competence b. Linguistic competence c. Lexical competence.
13. Morphology, Semantics, Syntax and Phonology are the branches of ______________. a. Linguistic b. Applied linguistic c. Sociolinguistics.
14. A variety of a spoken language to peculiar to a region, community, social group, or occupational group is know as ___________________________. a. nonstandard language b. accent c. dialect .
15. Applied linguistics is know as a language-related problem solving discipline because it ______________________. a. focuses on description of language and its function b. contains several branches and application that make it versatile c. provides an insight in how language are learned, taught, and used in different context.
16. PSYCHOLOGY AND LANGUAGE LEARNING Read the example below and choose the correct proposal for teaching a second or foreing language. According to James in Mr. Hunik’s eight grade World Language (French) class, this is a “boring class” Taking a look of his instruction we notice that he uses lots of types and cd’s with recording or native French people talking to each other. The main instructional approach for Mr. Funtnik is “listen and repeat” modality along with a large amount of grammar translation. Students show their aversion for that particular class. a. Just listen…and read: based on comprehensible input. b. Get it right from the beginning: Focus on audio-lingual method c. Let’s talk: Focus on comprehensible input and conversational interactions.
17. Read the example below and choose the correct proposal for teaching a second or foreing language. Pedro is an immigrant to the USA from Peru, he attends third grade at P.B Ridge elementary. He recieves classes in the content subject in English, when he is facing vocabulary problems he recieves assistance from the ESL teacher. What type of instructional approach is he recieving? a. Get two for one: focus on content-based instruction b. Let’s talk: focus on comprehensible input and conversational interactions c. Teach what is teachable: focus on linguistics structures developed along a predictable order.
18. Read the information below and match the age with the corresponding language communication skills that children are able to produce from three months old to one year. 1. 3 months a. Jargons loudly in ‘conversation’, includes most vowels sounds. 2. 6 months b. Makes sing song vowel sounds, for example ‘aah-aah’, ‘goo’ 3. 9 months c. Vocalices when spoken to and when alone. 4. 1 year d. Babbles loudly and tunefully using dual syllables in long strings. a. 1c, 2b, 3d, 4a b. 1d, 2b, 3c, 4a c. 1b, 2a, 3d, 4c .
19. Which of the following is a key point underlying the concept of Universal Grammar (UG). a. UG is common to all languages b. UG is learned in the environment c. All of the above.
20. Jim, the child who was raised by deaf parents who did not teach him sing language, demostrates that a child cannot learn language from television because of lack of _____________. a. interaction b. input c. stimulus.
21. What is the essential difference between cognitive and psychologists and innatists? a. Children learn through imitation and repetition b. Innatists believe a neurological module (language device) is responsible for language acquisition c. The environment is the key factor in language development.
22. Which best describes the idea of a “critical period” in language acquisition? a. a time in the life of a person in which children are meat to learn how to acquire an specific skill or ability. b. a time in the life of people in which they get critical ill and require care. c. a time in the life of people in which they are reluctant to understand their limits to second language production.
23. There are some theories, models and perspectives that have different points of view of second language acquisition. Which of the following options refers to the statement that says “Knowledge is constructed through interaction and collaboration with others?” a. The cognitive perspective b. The behaviorist perspective c. The sociocultural perspective.
24. ENGLISH PHONOLOGY _______________phonetics studies the physical properties of speech sound as transmitted between mouth and ear. a. Acoustic b. Auditory c. Articulatory .
25. Phonetics is described as ___________________________. a. the study of how sounds are organized and used in a natural languages b. the science that deals with the physical production of these sound c. the science that deals with the sound with of speech their production, combination, description and representation by written symbols.
26. The smallest contrastive unity in the sound system of a language which changes the meaning of a word is called ____________________. a. variation of a phoneme b. phoneme c. allophone.
27. /th/ is a/an ___________of /t/. a. allophone b. symbol c. pair.
28. A/an ____________is a speech sound produced by comparatively open configuration of the vocal tract, with the vibration of the vocal cords but without audible friction. a. consonant b. vowel c. phoneme .
29. The most movable organ/organs of speech is/are the __________________. a. lips b. teeth c. tongue.
30. the /k/ and /g/ are ____________sounds. a. dental b. glotal c. velar.
31. CULTURE AND LITERATURE _____________________ implies the possible application of interpreting by means or performance as well as analysis. a. Interpretation b. Culture c. Reality.
32. Both speech and writing are literary activities that need to be experienced in the view of developments in audio-visual media since they scramble and reconstitute traditional distinctions between __________________. a. subject and object b. mind and person c. speech and writing .
33. ________________is any activity which results in a story being told and a event presented and reported. a. Voice b. Narrative c. Discussion.
34. The narrative, literary undertaking is not concieved as the story itself but rather the telling of the story which could be ___________________. a. told or grammatical read b. written or spoken c. mimed or represented.
35. COMMUNICATIVE GRAMMAR I heard a title polite laughter when I told my jokes but everyone laughed loudly when Gaby was telling hers. Her jokes are always __________than mine. a. far funnier b. much funnier c. more funnier.
36. The negative effects of watching too much television are _________ than they appears to be at first glance. a. a lot complicated b. lot more complicated c. a lot more complicated.
37. I pretended __________ sick so I didn’t have to go work. a. being b. to be c. am.
Can you imagine ___________without TV? a. are living b. to live c. living.
39. I ___________speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Morocco. But after we moved back to Canada, I had very little exposure to the language and forgot almost verything I knew as a child. Now, I __________ just say a few things in the language. a. must/may b. could/can c. can/must.
40. The teacher say we _________ read this book for our pleasure as it is optional. But we __________ read it if we don’t want to. a. can/needn’t b. must/could c. should/mustn’t.
41. Mandy: “Are the boys reading the book?” Yesterday Mandy asked me if the boys __________. a. are reading the book b. had read the book c. were reading the book.
42. A man: “When did the train to Liverpool to leave?” Yesterday a man asked me ____________________. a. when did the train to Liverpool leave b. when the train to Liverpool had left c. when the train to Liverpool left.
43. The type of phrasal structure English is determined by one special element, the headword. For example, in a prepositional phrase, the headword is the preposition. Therefore, _______________________. a. verbs, modals, verbs, and complements can work as the head of a phrase b. conjunctions, nouns, verbs, and adjectives can constitute the head of a phrase c. nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and prepositions can be the head of a phrase.
44. The structure Tom Hanks has acted in many movies perfectly, illustrates an English clause, which according to the rule, contains basically the following elements: a. verbs phrases followed by a noun phrase and at the end and adverb phrase. b. a noun phrase referring to the person performing an action, and a verb phrase referring to the action being performed c. phrase referring to an event or action and a phrase referring to the person performing the action or event .
45. Analyse the following clauses: (1) George bought a new book for the Math class next week and (2) George bought it. Then decide with explanation is correct. Both expressions a new book for the Math class next week and it are recognized as a noun phrases. b. Only the strings of words a new book for the Math class next week is recognized as a phrase.(ojo) c. The word it functions just as a pronoun in the proposed example and it is not considered as a noun phrase. .
46. In passive construction, the passive subject is placed in an initial position in certain construction; that passive subject has to agree in number and person with the verb. This type of agreement can be observed in which of the following structures: a. Please, give me the orange in the refrigerator b. Some oranges were left in the refrigerator c. There were left in the refrigerator some oranges .
47. In English grammar, subordination refers to the joining to the dependent clause to an independent one to form complex sentences. Depending on the type of subordinate clause, it can be introduced by either a subordinating conjunction or a relative pronoun. For example in the sentence “The 19th century Novel that we read in class last month was very interesting”, the subordinating is introduced by a relative pronoun, therefore, it is a /an ______________________________. a. complement clause b. adverbial clause c. relative clause.
48. There are some characteristics that distinguish subordinating clauses from main clauses; for example, relative and adverbial clauses cannot stand on their own because they do not express full meaning when they are not attached to a main clause; in addition, they only appear______________________. a. as interrogative and declarative structures b. as declarative constructions c. as imperative and declarative construction .
49. Identify the complement clause included in the following paragraph written by Andreas Zingg & Martin Schutz (2005). “Forest are generally percieved as being static. However, anyone who spends any lenght of time studying forest will notice __________________________. a. that they are actually incredibly dynamic b. who spend any lenght of time studying forests c. anyone will notice that they are static.
50. Syntax is a branch of Linguistics that deals with the formation of meaningful grammatical structures. Thus, Syntax focuses on the theorical and descriptive aspects of English Grammar from two different points: a. Receptive and productive functions of grammar b. A functional Approach and theorical approach c. Internal and External Syntax.
51. Read the following book “Overview” In this series of lesson, students read newspaper article obtained from newspaper websites. Students identify student’s journalism’s “5 Ws and 1H” (who, what, when, where, why and how) and complete a template with the corresponding information they have found in the article. Finally, students use their notes to write a 20-words summary called a GIST. Once students have mastered writing a GIST using newspaper articles, the strategy then is applied to the content area texts to support comprehension and summarizing skills.” What does the writer intent to do? a. Summarizes briefly what is contained in the book b. Applies a new writing strategy c. Present a number of series.
52. Read and choose the best alternative. Different colors can affect us in many different ways; that’s according to Verity Hallen. In her new TV series “Color me Healthy”, Verity looks a the ways that colors can influence how hard we work and the choice we make. They can even change our emotions even influence how healthy we are. Have you ever noticed how people always use the same colors for the same things? Says Verity. “Our toothpaste is always white or blue or maybe red. It’s never green. Why not? For some reasons we think that white and blue is clean, while we think of green products as being a bit disgusting. It’s the same for business. We respect a company which writes its name in blue or black, but we don’t respect one that uses pink or orange. People who design new products can use these ideas to influence what we buy. What is the writer doing in this reading selection? Given information about how colors influence us Reporting what happens in a new television series Given information about a television presenter.
53. Read the following statement and choose the correct alternative to complete it. In a reading the main idea is ________________________________. a. a process by which we reach a conclusion based on specific evidence b. the central thought or subject which is being presented or discussed in the passage c. a group of words with a meaning of its own that is different from the meaning of each separate word.
54. Choose the answer from the choices presented. In an English classroom, the students are asked to write an essay about their father’s life. Then the teacher reads the piece of writing and identifies the following mistakes: Mr. Rodriguez is my father’s boss actually. My father bought a house very beautiful a. Pragmatic error b. Learning mistake c. Language interference.
55. Involves too many complexities for learners to strive for a complete elimination of accent, but improving "lt" will boost self-esteem, facilitate communication, and possibly lead to a better job or a least more respect in the workplace. a. Pronunciation b. Accent reduction c. Voicing.
56. Read the following passage. Choose the letter that contains the correct ideas to complete the statements below. Teotihuac5n is the largest and most impressive urban archaeological site of ancient America, covering an area of roughly 20 square kilometers. The city was at one time thought to be the religious center of the Toltecs but is now believed to be a creation of an earlier civilization about whose origins little is known. The earliest artifacts from Teotihuacdrn date from over 2,000 years ago, but the period of greatest expansion dates from 200 CE to 500 CE. At its peak the city is estimated to have had a population of up to 200,000 inhabitants, with residential areas extending throughout the built-up area. Judging by regionally dispersed finds of the image of the rain god Tlaloc, of "thin orange wea/' pottery, and of the characteristic architectural forms, the influence of TeotihuacSn was widespread. It is not clear what caused the city's decline and eventual abandonment, but the evidence points to overpopulation, a depletion of resources, and the possible sacking by adversaries. The primary axis of the city was the Avenue of the Dead, which extends for 2.5 kilometers through the center of the urban area, starting in the north at the Moon Plaza and continuing beyond the Great Compound complexes to the south. The avenue divided Teotihuacan into two sections with apartment compounds arranged on either side, often symmetrically, suggesting a highly planned layout from the earliest phases of construction. The vast Pyramid of the Sun, located in the middle of the central zone, is the tallest and most dominant structure of Teotihuacan, with a height of 65 meters and a base covering aproximately 10 acres. At one time the edifice was surmounted by a temple. A cave located underneath the pyramid and possibly used for ritual activities hints at its religious importance. The pyramids of the Moon and Feathered Serpent are other notable ceremonial sites nearby. A particular feature of the architecture of many of the pyramidal platforms at this site is the series of sloping apron walls, known as taluds, interspersed with vertical panels-tableros-producing a step-like appearance. Originally all such structures would have been covered with a layer of stucco and then painted, often with pictures of animals and mythological creatures. STATEMENTS: According to the passage, the dispersed finds from Teotihuacán indicate that …… According to the passage, the symmetrical layout around the Avenue of the Dead ...... According to the passage, ..........are not mentioned in the Teotihuacán area ……. a. the city is over 2,000 years old. ... started at the Moon Plaza, continued past the Great compound complexes, and extended as far as the center of the urban area. ... religious artifacts... b. … the city greatly influenced the surroundings areas Indicated that the city layout was planned before building began …market streets… c. the residential areas extended throughout the urbanized area ... included a primary axis of the city. ... ceremonial structures ...
57. Read the article. Use the information to choose the option that contains true statements. In the words of most scientists, climate change works something like this: humans burn fossil fuels, which release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. As a result, the atmosphere becomes thicker and traps more of the sun’s energy. Consequently, the Earth gets warmer, and various environmental problems result. If one accepts this explanation, then the problem of climate change begins with the use of fossil fuels. Supporters of not using fossil fuels say it would bring both environmental and economic benefits. If cars used less fuel, people would save money by not having to go to the gas station as often. Furthermore, cars would emit less carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. Currently, 6% of the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere comes from cars in the United States. Supporters say this number could easily be reduced to 4%. Currently, the average car in the U.S. gets 27 miles per gallon of gas. Twenty years ago, it was only 17 miles per gallon. Now, the technology exists for cars to get 36 or more miles per gallon. Other people are not so sure. Some people say there is no evidence that carbon dioxide causes climate change. They also argue such rules could seriously harm U.S. carmakers and make cars too expensive for the average person. According to General Motors Vice Chairman Bob Lutz, following these rules would cost $5,000 to $7,000 more per car. Environmentalists are quick to disagree with Lutz’s opinion. “Everyone has to adapt to climate change,” says Marie Lefferts of Earth First, an organization that studies climate change. “That includes the car companies.” a. Most scientists think the origin of climate change is warmer temperatures in the ocean. Scientists know that carbon dioxide comes from the burning of fossil fuels. Today most cars in the U.S. get 36 miles per gallon. b. Most scientists think the origin of climate change is humans’ use of fossil fuels. Scientists know that carbon dioxide comes from the burning of fossil fuels. Today most cars in the U.S. get 27 miles per gallon. c. Most scientists think the origin of climate change is warmer temperatures in the ocean. Scientists know that carbon dioxide leads to cooler temperatures. Today most cars in the U.S. get 36 miles per gallon.
58. Syntactic linkage refers to the way in which speakers and writers recognize how words are put together within phrases or clauses. Word order signals one important form of syntactic linkage; another form is illustrated by… a. the typical position of adjectives in noun phrases. b. the typical position of prepositions in sentences. c. the typical position of determiners in verb phrases.
59. Performative Constructions can be used in common situations in simple present tense; however, they are mainly used for… a. actions that are habitual as routines b. legal and religious affairs c. actions that will happen at any time.
60. The oblique object is a type of structure that is used when… a. the beneficiary of a verb is the complement of to or for b. the beneficiary of a verb is the complement of a noun. c. the beneficiary of a verb is modifying a noun phrase.
61. Read the information below and choose the correct option. Which of the following statements is not a characteristics of the interactional perspective: a. Linguistic structures will emerge only if there is an already established cognitive foundation. b. Focuses on exploring the links between the stages of cognitive development and language skills. c. Primary data is then used to make sentences or structures after a process of trial and error, correspond to those in adult speech.
62. Sociolinguistics is a discipline that focuses on the study of how language and social factors are related. It basically explains: a. the cognitive processes that enable human beings to acquire languages (native, second, foreign), construct a grammatically correct and meaningful sentences, and understand utterances, words, text, etc. b. how learning environment influences the process of language acquisition in general c. how people of different social status, gender, age, race, ethnicity, speak and how their speech changes in different situations. .
63. It is often said that ¨A picture is worth a thousand words¨. In what way can a painting or photo be considered literature? a. They can show the style of clothes or architecture of the time b. They can show specific details of a given moment c. They can express emotion, culture and behavior all at the same time.
64. If you were reading an unknown piece of text, which textual cues would help you to determine the approximate time period the story was set in? a. Clothing, speech patterns, vocabulary and behavior b. How old the book appears, the names of the characters and the type of food eaten c. There really isn´t a way to determine the time period. You just have to wait for the author to reveal it.
65. The following example illustrates one of the determinants of cognitive development. Select the correct one: a. Motivation b. Anxiety c. Curiosity.
66. Which of the following examples will you use as a source of information for investigating learners´ lacks in order to designing an English course? a. The educational and public policy b. The scope and sequence of English books c. Analysis of learners' assignments.
67. Choose the letter of the answer that best completes the following sentence. They _______________ supervise the work of the employees. This is one of the responsibilities. a. must to b. have got to c. have got.
68. If you ask the director why his has changed his mind, he____________________it. a. might explaining b. might to explain c. might explain.
69. Senator Jackson ______________comment on creating jobs. a. may b. maybe c. may be.
70. It’s too early to have finished the exam. He ___________ have finished it already. a. must b. can’t c. may.
71. it is very important to give each patient special attention. Nurses ____________forget that each patient is an individual and that he or she deserves the best care possible. a. don’t have to b. haven’t got to c. can’t.
72. Lissa ______________________to work yesterday. She wasn’t feeling well. a. didn’t go b. hasn’t gone c. doesn’t go.
73. The report ______________________ soon. a. will have published b. will be publishing c. will be published.
74. Q: When can we see the finished product? A: The work _________________before the end of the year, but I’m not really sure. a. might have completed b. might be completed c. may complete.
75. If you __________________carefully, you _________ have an accident. a. will drive/don’t b. will drive/not c. drive/wont.
76. Choose the correct conditional sentence. a. If I studied more, I would pass the course b. If i studied more, I will pass the course c. If I study more, I would pass the course.
77. Circle the letter of the phrasal verb that has the same meaning as the boldfaced verb in the following sentence: I would have told you the solution for the equation if I _______________it. a. would know b. had know c. know .
78. circle the letter of the adjective clause that best combines the following pair of sentences: I left the band when I found out that our manager ___________our money for a long time. a. had been taking b. is been taking c. has been taking .
79. The fire spread through the building very quickly, but fortunately everybody ___________. a. managed to escape b. could escape c. was able to escape.
80. I know I looked the door. I clearly remember _________it. a. looking b. to look c. to looking.
81. Phonology _________________________________. a. focuses on the sound that is produced when a person speaks b. is concerned with the abstract, grammatical characterization of systems of sounds. It deals with the systematic organization of sounds in languages. c. is the field of study devoted to the investigation of sound waves; it is the study of the physical properties of sounds .
82. When a person articulates a consonant sound ___________________________. a. there is friction in the flow of air expelled through the oral cavity b. there is not friction in the flow of air expelled through the oral cavity c. there is friction or no depending of the consonant.
83. I ______________ to the cinema. a. usually don’t go b. don’t usually go c. don’t go usually.
85. I eat pasta ____________________. a. twice in a week b. on time a week c. twice a week.
85. I don’t have __________________________free time. a. many b. any c. some.
86. A: “__________________ to the cinema tomorrow?” a. We will go b. Do we go c. Shall we go.
87. We went to the market ___________________ some vegetables. a. to buy b. for to buy c. for buying.
88. A: “We don’t have any milk.” B: Really? I ____________ more.” a. ‘m going to buy b. ‘ll buy c. ‘m buying.
89. We _______________ to seeing you next Thursday. a. hope b. are looking forward c. rally wish.
90. I ________ your book. It’s fantastic. I’ll finish it tonight. a. ‘ve been reading b. read c. ‘ve read.
91. If I ____________ you. I wouldn’t to do it. a. was b. were c. would be.
92. The boat sank, but they ______________ swim to the shore. a. could b. were able to c. can.
93. He _________him with his homework. a. told me to help b. said me that I help c. told me that I help.
94. Syntax focuses on English grammar from two different but complementary points of view: internal and external. Internal syntax deals with how a given phrase is constructed as a well-formed structure; while, external syntax… a. is concerned with how clauses are biult out phrases. b. is related to the estructure of clausules and sentences c. deals with the function a given phrase performs in a clause or sentence.
95. Verbs that express movement as the verb GO in the clause “Mike goes to the beach on holidays” usually are followed by prepositional phrase of: a. direction like on holidays as the complement of the verb b. direction like to the beach as the complement of the verb c. manner like to the beach as the complement of the verb.
96. According to syntax analysis, in the declarative clause “Gabriela’s children love ice cream”, the noun phrase “Gabriela’s children” is… a. the possessive subject of the clause b. the grammatical subject of the clause c. the grammatical object of the clause.
97. The grammatical device know as Voice presents events from different perspectives, for example, when the subject is… a. a patient b. in the plural c. an abstract noun.
98. Indirect questions are a type estructure in which the interrogative construction is a dependent clause that might function as the complement as certain verbs – ask, tell, wonder, know- as it is illustrated in the sentence “She know how to solve this problem”. In addition, in indirect question… a. the verb is tensed b. the verb is unmarked for tense c. the main verb goes in the infinitive.
99. A paragraph should cover_________________ topic (s). a. two to three b. five to six c. one.
100. Transition are used _______________. a. between subject and verbs b. between two sentences or pargraphs c. as little as possible.
101. What is smooth and logical flow of sentences in a para paragraph called? a. Paragraph coherence b. Paragraph incoherence c. Paragraph unit.
102. What should a topic sentence try to do? a. A topic sentence should try to tell the reader what the paragraph is going to be about b. A topic sentence try to summarize verything that has just been explained c. A topic sentence should try to mislead the reader so that they are surprised by the paragraph.
103. How should a writer consider ending a paragraph? a. With a rhetorical question, every time b. With a sentence that attempts to sum up with that has been explained but that also leads into text paragraph c. With a sentence that will leave the reader trying to guess what is lined up for them next .
104. Applied Linguistics is useful for teachers because_____________________. a. it deals with language acquisition, cognition and teaching methods b. it offers language teachers a practical set of skills for untrained teachers c. both are correct.
105. Applied Linguistics builds on ___________________________. a. other subjects such as Psychology, Mathematics, and others. b. findings of Theorical linguistics c. examining circumstances under which language a language is acquired.
106. Sociology studies ________________________. a. human social behaviour and the study of society b. the origen and behaviour of man including the physical, cultural and social development c. the study of the nature, structure and variations of language.
107. _________________studies how people comprehend and produce a communicative act or speech act in a concrete speech situation it deals with how sounds are put together to form words, and everything related to word formation. a. Syntax b. Semantics c. Pragmatics.
108. Dialogue is _________________. a. a kind of language that does not follow the grammar or pronunciation rules of standard language b. the form or variety of a spoken language peculiar to a region, community, or social group c. a regional variation of language, which does not differ in grammar and vocabulary, particular to a country.
109. English is a ___________________when it has a special proposal in communities. a. foreing language b. native language c. second language.
110. Applied Linguistics is known as a language-related problems solving because it: a. Provides and insight in how languages are learned, through and use in different contexts. b. explains language functions from Scientific point of view and adapts them to the teaching-learning.
111. The ability to treat language as an object is called ________________________. a. Metalinguistic acquisition b. Metalinguistic awareness c. Metalinguistic ability.
112. Innatist theory states that all human languages are fundamentally innate and they all share the same ____________________. a. Universal principles b. Universal grammar c. Universal innateness.
113. The theory that is easier for learners to acquire a second language if its patterns are similar to native language is called _______________________. a. Behaviorism hyphotesis b. Acquisition hyphotesis c. Contrastive analysis hyphotesis.
113. Which of the following situation my be a reason for fewer adults to achieve the same high level of second or foreing language ability as children? It is widely accepted that children are more successful language learners than adults. However, the reasons for this are less well understood. Onthe other hand, there are some exceptions in which adults acquire a good language level. a. Adults make use of their same access to their innate abilities as children b. Adults are not as willing to take risks and practice their new language c. Adults are often embarrassed by their lack of mastery of the language .
115. Phonetics. a. is a branch of Linguistics that comprises the study of the sounds of human speech. It is concerned with the physical properties of speech sounds like their physiological production, acoustic properties, auditory perception, and neurophysiological status. b. it studies the nature and limits of human ability to produce speech sounds and describes the way these sounds are deliverated. c. is concerned with hearing and perception of speech; our response to speech sounds as recieved through the ear and brain .
116. Phonology _________________________________. a. focuses on the sound that is produced when a person speaks b. is concerned with the abstract, grammatical characterization of systems of sounds. It deals with the systematic organization of sounds in languages. c. is the field of study devoted to the investigation of sound waves; it is the study of the physical properties of sounds .
117. __________________ is a percieved unit of language that signals a difference in meaning when contrasted another. a. Allophone b. Phoneme c. Minimal pair.
118. Stress, intonation, rhythm, are considered as ___________phonemes. a. suprasegmental b. segmental phonemes c. minimal.
119. When a person articulates a vowel sound… a. there is no narrowing of the air passage anywhere in the oral cavity b. there is a turbulence that causes audible friction c. there is narrowing of the air passage at the certain point in the oral cavity .
120. I _________________ bus Mondays. a. ‘m going to work by b. go to working by c. go to work by.
121. _______________ are very friendly and very intelligent. a. Dolphins b. The dolphins c. A dolphin.
122. Somebody stole _____________yesterday. a. the car of my mother b. my mother’s car c. my mother car.
123. ____________ with me? a. Would you like dancing b. Do you like to dance c. Would you like to dance.
124. ___________ Japan? a. Have you ever gone in b. Have you ever been to c. Have you ever been into.
125. Tomorrow I _____________ get up early; It is my day off. a. mustn’t b. haven’t to c. don´t have to.
126. When I arrive home, I going to have a __________bath. a. relaxing b. relaxed c. relax.
127. I _________________fifty pages, but I have to read fifty more. a. ‘ve been reading b. was reading c. ‘ve read.
128. If I had known that she was there, I _____________hello. a. would say b. had said c. would have said.
129. In English there is a small number of distinctions such as: wife/husband, son/daughter, boy/girl, among others, which illustrates differences in… a. grammatical person b. grammatical gender c. grammatical number.
130. Find the meaning of the following italicized statement and choose the correct alternative. Reality Telivision. Reality tevision is a general of television programming which. It is claimed, presents inscripted dramatic or humorous situations, documents actual events, and features ordinary people rather than professionals actors. It could be described as a form of atificial or “heightened” documentary. Although, the genre has existed in some form or another since the early years of television, the current explosion of popularity dates from around 2000. In the first sentence, the writer says “it is claimed” because: a. They (the writer and the audience) agree with the statement b. Everyone agree with the statement c. No one agree with the statement.
131. Reality telivision has ____________________________. a. been popular since well before 2000 b. only been popular since 2000 c. been popular since 2000.
132. Read the following paragraph and select the correct option tah best represents the topic of the paragraph. Compared with the technical resources of a theater of today, those of a London public theater in the time of Queen Elizabeth I seem hopelessly limited. Plays had to be performed by daylight an scenery had to be kept simple a table, a chair, a throne, perhaps an artificial tree or two to suggest a forest. But these limitations were, in a sence advantages. What the theater of today can spell out for us realistically, with massive scenery and electric lighting. Elizabeth than playgoers had to imagine and the playwright had to make vivid for them by means of language. Not having a lighting tachnician to work a panel, Shakespeare had to dedícate the dawn by having Horatio, in Hamlet, say in a speech rich in metaphor and descriptive detail. Bu look, the morn in russet mantle clad Walks o’ er the dew of yon hight eastward hill. a. impact of the technological limitations on Elizabeth than theater b. benefits of modern technology in theater performances c. effects of Shakespeare ’s writing style.
133. Read the following paragraph and decide from the option provided the most appropiate topic sentence. In colonial days, huge flocks of snowy egrets inhabited the coastal wetlands and marshes of the southeastern United States. In the 1800s, when fashion dedicated fancy hats adorned with feathers, egrets and other birds were hunted for their plumage. By the late 800s, egrets were almost extinct. In 1886, the newly formed National Audubon Society began a press campaign to shame “feather wearers” and end the practice. The campaign caught on, and gradually, attitudes changed; new laws followed. Government policies that protect animals from overharvesting are essential to keep species from the brink of extinction. Even when cultural standards change due to the efforsts of individual groups (such as the National Audubon Society), laws and policy measures must follow to ensure that endangered populations remain protected. Since the 1800s, several important laws have been passed to protect a way variety of species. a. In colonial days, huge flocks of snowy egrets inhabited the coastal wetlands and marshes of the southeastern United States b. Since the 1800s, several important laws have been passed to protect a wide variety of species. c. Government policies that protect animals from overharvesting are essential to keep species from the brink of extinction.
134. Read the following statement and choose the correct alternative to complete it. In reading, the main idea is __________________________________. a. a process by which we reach a conclusion based on specific evidence b. the central thought or subject which is being presented or discussed in the passage c. a group of words with a meaning of its own that is different from the meaning of each separated Word .
135. Complete: Applied Linguistic uses information from Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology, and information theory as well as from linguistics in order to develop: _______________. a. A communicative act of speech b. Social class differences c. Theorical models of language and language use .
136. The sentence “The mouse that the cat the dog chased ate had a little white tail” is grammatically correct. However, it is quite difficult to grasp its meaning at the first glance. This language phenomenon is known as: a. code switching b. appropiateness c. feasibility.
137. Read the example below and choose the correct proposal for teaching or foreing language. According to James in Mr. Huntik’s eight grade World Language (French) class, this is a “boring class” Taking a look at his instruction we notice that the use lots of tapes and cd’s with recordings or native French people talking to each other. The main instructional approach for Mr. Huntnik is “listen and repeat” modality along with a large amount of grammar translation. Students show their aversion for that particular class. a. Just listen … and read based on comprehensible input b. Two for one focus on content-based instruction c. Get it right from the beginning. Focus on audio-lingual Method.
138. Read the example below and choose the correct proposal for teaching a second or foreing language. Pedro is an immigrant to the US from Peru. He attends third grade at P.B. Ridge Elementary. He recieves classes in the content subjects in English, when he is facing vocabulary problems he recieves assistance from the ESL teacher. What type of instructional approach is he recieving? a. Get two for one focus on content-based instruction b. Let’s talk: focus on comprehensible input and in conversational interaction. c. Just listen …. and read: based on comprehensible input hypothesis.
139. Which answers best describes the difference between a dialogue and monologue? a. Dialogue is a many directional communication, monologues is one way communication. b. Dialogue is any kind of communication, monologues is specific type of communication. c. Dialogue is more important than monologue.
140. When doing a Initial Analysis and asking the Core Questions, which of the following is a good example of asking the question Where? a. Asking where the story is going on in term of plot b. Asking where in the world and time period the story is set c. Asking where the story was written originally.
141. When determining “what sort of text is this”, which of the following is not necessary? a. is this a whole text, part of a text or a series b. What language is it writing it c. It is serious, humorous, entertaining, instructive.
142. Choose the letter of the ONE underlined word or group of words that is NOT CORRECT. Usually, it’s raining a lot here every Winter, but this year it’s very dry. a. Usually b. it’s raining c. but.
143. I’m sorry we can’t meet today. _______________ meeting tomorrow instead. a. How about b. Why don’t we c. Why not.
144. Choose the correct option to complete the convesation. Tanisha: “We can start building the rocket as soon as we find some bottles. Would you mind looking for some?” Amber: “I just looked. I ______________find any.” a. couldn’t b. ‘d better not c. shouldn’t.
145. Read the context of the paragraph and choose the correct option to complete it. Amboso has grown the quickest of all bookselling organization in the United States over the past 10 years. They have increase sales more steadily than the sales organizations in the country. ____________________ the organization is in business the more rapidly the profits increase. a. As long as b. The longer c. The longest.
146. Read the following context and choose the correct option to complete the sentence. A: Do you think Ned’s team will win again today? B: I hope so. If they do, they __________________ a game all year. a. won’t lose b. won’t have lose c. won’t have been losing.
147. Read the following context and choose the correct option to complete the sentence. A: Your English is so good! How long you have been living here? B: Let me think…On December 1, I_______________ in this country for three years. a. ‘ll live b. ‘ll have lived c. ‘ll have been living.
148. Read the following context and choose the correct option to complete the sentence. A: In June, Don and Thea _______________ married for fifteen years. B: Let ’s throw a party for them! a. will be b. will have been c. will have been being.
149. Read the following conversation. Tessa Bradley is working on a script for a movie that takes place in Vancouver. Then answer question 149, 150, and 151. 1. BEN: It’s been a long time. Joe, ________________? 2. JOE: That dependends what you mean by a long time, ______________________? BEN: Aren’t you afraid to show your face here in Vancouver? 3. JOE: I can take care of myself. I’m still alive, ____________________? BEN: Ontil someone recognizes you. You’re still wanted by the police. Read the conversation and choose the tag that is correct for statement N° 1. a. hasn’t it b. is it c. isn’t it.
150. Read the conversation and choose the tag that is correct for statement N° 2. 1. BEN: It’s been a long time. Joe, ________________? 2. JOE: That dependends what you mean by a long time, ______________________? BEN: Aren’t you afraid to show your face here in Vancouver? 3. JOE: I can take care of myself. I’m still alive, ____________________? BEN: Ontil someone recognizes you. You’re still wanted by the police. Read the conversation and choose the tag that is correct for statement N° 2. a. doesn’t that b. doesn’t it c. don’t it.
151. Read the conversation and choose the tag that is correct for statement N° 3. 1. BEN: It’s been a long time. Joe, ________________? 2. JOE: That dependends what you mean by a long time, ______________________? BEN: Aren’t you afraid to show your face here in Vancouver? 3. JOE: I can take care of myself. I’m still alive, ____________________? BEN: Ontil someone recognizes you. You’re still wanted by the police. a. am not I b. can’t I c. aren’t I.
152. Read the following passage and answer questions 152, 153, and 154. The crystal clear blue water and the magnificent sun make the Caribbean island of a Saint Maarten a favorite vacation spot, one that is popular with Nort Americans during their winter holydays from December throug March, as well as South Americans and Europeans from April through August. The French and Dutch settled on the island in the 1600s, and do this day, the island is divided between the two of them. The French capital is Marigot; the Dutch capital is Philipsburg. Tourists soon descover that St. Maarten has an intriguing history. Anciet artifacts found on the island date back to the Stone Age, 6,000 years ago! tourists also learn at 1,200 years ago the Arawak indians inhabited all the islands of the west Indies and were a peaceful people living under the guidance of their chiefst. Three hundred years after the Arawaks first arrived on St. 40 Maarten, in the 1300s, they were defeated and forced to avandon the islan by a hostile trive of Indians originating in South America. This new trive was called the Carib. The Caribbean Sea was named after them. Unlike the Arawaks, they had no permanent chiefs or leaders, excep in times of strife. And they were extremly warlike. Worse, they were cannibalistic, eating the enemy warriors they captured. In fact, the very word cannibal comes from the Spanish name for the Carib Indians. The Spanish arrived in the fifteenth century and, unfortunately, they carried diseases to which the Indians had not immunity. Many Indians succumbed to common European illnesses; others died from the hard labor forced upon them. One can infer from the passage that the Stone Age people lived on St. Maarten arround the year _______________. a. 6000 B.C b. 800 A.D c. 4000 B.C.
153. Which of the following is NOT true about the Caribean Indians? a. They were peaceful fishermen, hubnters, and farmers. b. The sea was named after them. They ate human flesh.
154. According to the passage, the Carib Indians were finally defeated by ________________. a. the Dutch West Company b. sickness and forced labors c. the more aggressive Arawak tribe.
155. Read the following sentence and choose the best definition for the italicized word by researching for context clues in the sentence. Even though she'd read her supervisor's memo four or five times, she still found his rambling message ambiguos. a. unclear b. inspiring c. ridiculous.
156. Read the following sentence and choose the best definition for the italicized word by researching for context clues in the sentence. The suspect gave a plausible explanation for his prsence at the scene, so the police decidem to look elsewhere for the perpetrador of the crime. a. unbelievable b. credible c. insufficient.
157. Read the following example and choose the correct option that indicates what type of figurative language is used. "Elderly American laidies leaning on their cannes listed toward me like towers of Pisa" a. methapor b. simile c. personification.
158. Read the given paragraph whose topic sentence is missing, and choose the best topic sentence from "a" to "c". ...This method has advantages of being inexpensive and convenient to administer (Malloy, 1999). However its reliavility can easly be undermined for two reasons. If the atlete answers the cuestionnaire before or during the competition, these risks impeding the athlete's performance, as the questionnaire requires the atlete to concentrate deliberately on his/her anxiety about the competition, and concentrating in this way can tend to increase anxiety about the competition (Smityh, 2003). On the other hand, when athletes complete the questionnaire after the competition, there is a tendency for them to remember their behavior inaccurately (Mally, 1999)... a. Anxiety in sport is most commonly measured by means of the self-report questionnaire (Dilthey, 2003). b. Anderson (1999) argues that measuring athlete's hearth-rates breating his probably the most reliable way to gauge levels of anxiety. c. Furthermore, self-report questionnaires are often designed in unhelpful, confusing ways which may undermine the validity of results (Malloy, 1999). .
159. Read the given paragraph whose concluding sentence is missing, and choose the best concluding sentence from "a" to "c". ...This method has advantages of being inexpensive and convenient to administer (Malloy, 1999). However its reliavility can easly be undermined for two reasons. If the atlete answers the cuestionnaire before or during the competition, these risks impeding the athlete's performance, as the questionnaire requires the atlete to concentrate deliberately on his/her anxiety about the competition, and concentrating in this way can tend to increase anxiety about the competition (Smityh, 2003). On the other hand, when athletes complete the questionnaire after the competition, there is a tendency for them to remember their behavior inaccurately (Mally, 1999)... a. Anderson (1999) argues that measuring athlete's hearth-rates breating his probably the most reliable way to gauge levels of anxiety. b. Furthermore, self-report questionnaires are often designed in unhelpful, confusing ways which may undermine the validity of results (Malloy, 1999). c. The consensus of opinion among sports spychologists today is that self-report questionnaires cannot relied upon as genuine measurements of anxiety in sports performance.
160. Read the paragraph below and choose the best concluding sentence for the paragraph. ... First, leaders must ensure that their own understanding of the change process is clear and complete before they begin to implement change (Calabrase, 2002). In particular, leaders must recognize that change almost inevitably results in some degree and resistance on the part of school staff, and must identify any issues wich are likely to cause particular resistance. Having done this, leaders need to design communication strategies and any related CPD in order to minimize the effect of this resistance. a. Before this question can be addressed, definition of terms 'educational leader' and 'institutional change' must be established. b. Badely (2013) recommends that in any situation of mayor institutional change, educational leaders should always design and implement a series of dedicated training sessions. c. According to Zimmerman (2004) there are four basic types of educational changes.
161. Read this conclusion taken from an essay about social interprises, and choose the sentence that should not be here. Considering the three features of writing a good essay conclusion: A. Parasphrase the thesis statement, in diferent words. B. Summarize the main poits in the essay, again in different words. C. Make a final statement about how the thesis relates to the context ( often a statement about why the topic is important), To conclude, no existing model can genuinely predict the succes or failure of social enterprises. Balasu's (1998) and Cranston's (2012; 2013) models are replicable only in very limited geographical and political circumstances, and even in their validity is highly cuestionable. Boxer and Urquhart's (2003) model proves on closer examination to lack any predictive power whatsoever. It should also be mentioned at this point that Baumann (2006) has recently proposed an 'innovative' model for predicting the success of social enterprises, but the structure of her model is almost identical to Boxer's and Urquhard's, and thus it suffers from thwe same deficiences. In the absence of a genuinely predictive model, there seems to be little hope in the short term for more rational, evidence based polyci in this area. a. existing model can genuinely predict the success or failure of social enterprises. Balasu's (1998) and Cranston's (2012; 2013) models are replicable only in very limited geographical and political circumstances, and even then their validity is highly questionable. b. the absence of a genuinely predictive model, there seems to be little hope in the short term for more rational, evidence based polyci in this area. c. ... it should also be mentioned at this point that Baumann (2006) has recently proposed an 'innovative' model for predicting the success of social enterprises, but the structure of her model is almost identical to Boxer's and Urquhard's, and thus it suffers from thwe same deficiences.
162. Which of the following examples correspond to the Second Language acquisition? a. A french person studies German for six years because the system school requires it. b. In India, native speakers of Tamil learn English to participate in official Indian governmental proccedings. c. A Chinese family immigrates to Canada and studies English as so as to enter to school systems and the work forced. .
163. Choose the response that is NOT related to Spycholinguistics, the field that deals with how: a. Human languages influence each other b. Our brains process language in speaking, reading, and understanding c. people produce and acquire first. second/foreing language.
164. Choose the most situable aplication of PSYCHOLINGUISTICS for education: a. It provides an insight in to language variations and explains how to choose the most convenient language form. b. It offers different methodologies for language acquisition. c. It focuses in language attitude and contributes to developing a higher motivation for EFL learning.
165. Applied Linguistic is known as a language-related problem solving discipline because it _______________. a. provides an insight in to language variations and explains how to choose the most convenient language form. c. focuses in language attitude and contributes to developing a higher motivation for EFL learning. d. explains language functions from scientific point of view and adap them to the teaching-learning purposes. .
166. These kind of learners like to take notes, and then to be very organized. These students ilke to sit in the front of room to be in contact with information written on the board, they have a/an _________learning style. a. kinaesthetic b. visual c. auditory.
167. Some who has studied a bit of the language months or even years ago but he/she did not progress very far in these lessons and his/her English skills are severely limited, is known as a/an ______________student. a. elementary student b. real beginner c. false beginner.
168. It is a kind of phenomenon that refers to a situation in which the learner in the course of learning, despite all the efforsts of learning and practice, seems to make no significant progress. In the beginning of the process, the learning curve is steep, then it gradually starts leveling out. It is a _____________. a. Plateau effgect b. Mozart effect Critical period effect.
169. This kind of motivation occurs when we are motivated to perform a behavior or engage in an activity to earn a reward or avoid punuishment. You engage in a behavior not because you enjoy it or because you fit in satisfying, but just to get something unpleasant. It is _____________ motivation. a. intrinsec b. extrinsec c. praising.
170. What is the characteristic of rapptor? a. spending time in from of the class, copying information on the boards, deciding how to treat students, assuning different roles, giving instructions, assessing student's progres. b. Varying the pitch and tone of voice, using lots of TTT, correcting student's tasks, assigning group work activities, using different seating arrangements. c. Showing a sence of humor; availavility before, after, or outside of class; encouraging course discussion; showing interest in them; knowing student's names; sharing personal insights and experiences with the class, relating course material in everyday terms and examples.
171. When you learn through meaning-focus input, you are exposed to _____________________ materials. a. listening and reading b. speaking and reading c. vocabulary and grammar.
172. A teacher who applies listen and do activities should be aware that they are ______________. a. activities which involve the teacher listening and acting on instructions b. the basis of the natural approach to teaching c. the basis of total physical response language teaching.
173. A teacher should know that to teach a beginner group, and to be sure that the input can be understand through ___________. a. simple group activities where learners listen b. the activities where all the language items are with their previous experience c. the suse of visual aids and contextual support for new language including pictures, gestures, mime, objects, and experiences out of class.
174. The process of measuring and judging the text to which the planned courses, programs, learning activities, and opportunities as expressed in the formal curriculum actually produce the expected results at a national, local or institutional level is called curriculum __________. a. coherence b. evaluation c. alignment.
175. Which of the following courses could be very effectively be based on a list of things that learners suggest they want to be able to do in English? a. A course for immigrants who have been in the country a few months. b. An elementary English course for novice learners in a language institute. c. A curriculum design course which is part of the English learning program.
176. Which needs analysis procedures is the best situed to measure student's interets? a. observation b. interview c. diagnostic quiz.
177. Which principle does the following activity exemplify? Reading a text containing the target language in a topically-focused contest a. Meaning focused input b. Language focused-learning c. Meaning foused-output.
178. How often should evaluation occur throughout the duration of a course? a. Periodically in order to evaluate the content knowledge b. Rarely in order to assess ability to apply content knowledge in pre-determined contexts c. Constantly in order to adapt instructional approaches.
179. How you could overcome the contraints of large class sizes when you design a language course? a. provide individual material b. Use group work activities c. Use teacher-centered activities.
180. In the word CRAK there are ___________ phonemes. a. 4 b. 5 c. 2.
181. Voiced phonemes are in the words: a. brick, stubborn, smile b. eyelash, cough, phone c. trick, soil, apron.
182. The example " It cost an arm and a leg" belongs to what in English is known as a/an ____________. a. collocation b. set phrase c. entry.
183. In Syntax, a constituent as defined as _______________. a. a word or group of words that function as a single unit within a hierarchical structure b. a node that connects different parts of a grammatical structure c. the relation among several linguistics units tha form a sentence.
184. Analyze the sentence "Cynthia told Marcela THAT Paul had sent her a beautiful present". In this syntactic structure ____________. a. The complementizer THAT introduces additional information to the sentence b. The complementizer THAT cannot be deleted because the meaning of the sentence could change c. The complementizer THAT can easily be deleted because the meaning of the sentence could change.
185. Subcategorization refers to the complement configuration of verbs, nouns, and adjectives in English; for example, some verbs might take a noun phrase as a direct object complement, while other verbs might take two complement or no complement. Then, the clause Alexa sent your sister an email has has the following complement configuration _____________________. a. SEND: V+NP+AdvP b. SEND: V+NP+NP c. SEND: V+VP+NP.
186. The main characteristics of adjectives is that they are used to describe nouns or noun phrases and to enrrich a clause. For instance, predicate adjective always _________________________. a. change from nouns to adjectives in order to describe the NP b. are placed before the NP they describe c. are placed after the copula verb in order to add meaning to the clause.
187. Derivational and inflectional affixes include the use of prefixes and suffixes __________ are those morphemes that come after a base form a word, while ____________ come before the word. a. prefixes/suffixes b. affix/prefix c. suffixes/prefixes.
189. The strategy applied during a course, in which the teacer observes and documents the studen's performance or academic tasks rather than on their fluency in English to identify weak students by using rubrics and checklists is called _________________. a. portafolio assessment b. performance sampling c. anecdotal records.
189. The following example correspond to the which strategy? writing samples, anecdotal records, photos, periodic assessment, summary of the student's progress. a. parts of the rubrics b. contents of the portafolio c. performance sample.
190. The resources below are helpful for applaying _____________. internet images resours illustration from big books parent-take photos a. syntax surgery b. visual scaffolding c. verb action.
191. To allow children to interact in a way unique to one of the intelligences. Mr. Barry has set up centers. read the following centers and decide which multiple intelligence they belong to _________________________. -Game center: where the children play traditional games. -History reenactment center: where the children work in groups a. Kinestetic intelligence /interpersonal intelligence b. Linguistic intelligence/visual intelligence c. musical intelligence/logical intelligence.
192. The panning that is involved in providing _________ beneficies all students in the class room because it requires teachers to expand their teaching strategies and to find new and innovative ways od delivering isntructions. a. tutorials b. assessment c. grammar.
193. Reasd the example below and choose the correct type of hythotesis. "There is differences between smokers and no smokers on depression scores" a. Alternative hyphotesis b. Null hyphotesis c. Directional hyphotesis.
194. I___________ research, we systematically identify our participants and sites through random sampling; in ___________ research, we identify our participants and sites on purposeful sampling, based on plases on people that can best help us understand our central phenomenon. a. quantitative/cualitative b. ethnical/purposeful c. qualitative/cuantitative.
195. A ___________ is a group of individuals who have the same characteristic, as teachers or high schools administrators. a. unid of analysis b. population c. sample.
196. A ___________ is a subgroup of individuals from whom researchers get data from. a. population b. participant c. sample.
197. Choose the correct alternative to complete the text below. Whe using _______________, the researches select participants because they are willing and available to be studied. a. simple random sampling b. stratified sampling c. convenience sampling.
198. A problem CAN be researched if you have the _______________. a. oportunity to fill a gap or void in the existing literature b. time, resources, skills to carry out the research c. oportunity to extent past research or examine the topic more thoroughly.
99. While assessing grammar, tasks such as multiple-choice tasks, descrimination tasks, noticing tasks or consciousness tasks belong to the group of _____________________. a. limited production b. extend production c. selected responce.
200. If we wat to conduct a listening test, we should provide a room which is very confortable to listening environment. The noise from ouside the room cannot enter the room. The audio system should be clear to all students. Even, we have to consider the lightening, the condition of the desks and chairs as well. These aspects refer to ______________. a. rater reavility b. test administration reavility c. student related reavility.
201. This type of assessment is focused on student-focused assessment and enquiry-based learning. In this kind of assessment are usaually developed final proyects, where students work collaboratively on researching or developing an broad topic, and then represent their findings to a teacher or scholastics experts. They get their scores according their presentation, based on a rubric. This type of assessment is called ________________. a. traditional assessment b. alternative assessment c. performance-based asessment.
102. Among other characteristics, a test is considered to be valid when it _______________. a. measures exactly what it proposes to measure, it meas that the test does not measure irrelavant or contaminating variables. It also offers usiful and meaningful information about a test-taker's ability. b. contain language that is natural as posible; has items that are contextualized rather than isolated. A valid test also offers tasks that replicated real-world tasks. c. positively influences what and how teachers teach and learners learn. It also offers learners a chance to adedequately prepare for the tes. .
203. When doing a initial analysis of a text, a person would ask about 4 Opening Movies. These are: what do you notice; look for patterns, look for contrasts and gauge how the text makes you feel. When looking for patterns you would __________________. a. try determine how people relate to each other b. look for poetic or rythmic sound in the text c. look for anything that repeat or is similar.
204. Select the options the encloses the main VARIABLES involved in language learning which must be primarily taken into account in the process of IFL curriculum development and syllabus design: a. the learning outcomes, the social and context contarins b. the environment analysis, the learner's needs and the four language skills c. the teacher, learners, and the role of the instructional materials.
205. /Ph/ is a / an _________________ of /p/ a. symbol c. pair d. allophone.
206. /t/ and /d/ are ______________ sounds. a. dental b. alveolar c. affricate.
207. I know I locked the door. I clearly remember ___________ i. a. locking b. to lock c. to locking.
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