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Conceptos Tema 4 Lite 2.2

Victorian Poetry

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A Victorian elegiac poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson that basees its lyrical exploration on issues of identity and religious faith.
Experimental monologue of Tennyson. Presents an alienated hero who feels bitterness towards the society.
Long elegy written over a period of seven years, emboding poet's reflections on relations of human beings to God and to nature. Tennyson.
A Victorian poem about a female figure who repeats the sentence "I am aweary, aweary, / I would that I were dead!".
The title of a poem published in 1862, and which situates within tis story of two sisters (Lizzie and Laura) a range of Victorian preoccupations- principally economic, sexual and religious.
A poem that tells the story of two sisters having opposites personalities. It deals with a number of Victorian preoccupations: economy, sexuality and religion.
A poem by Christina Rossetti where desire is portrayed through the narrative of delicious fruit being sold and eaten by strange creatures from the forest.
The title of a poem by Christina Rossetti whoch situates within its story of two sisters a range of Victorian preoccupations- principally economic, sexual and religious.
A group of seven young artists who banded together in 1848 to form a brotherhood. They admired early Renaissance Italian painting and drew inspiration from medieval artists seeking to emulate the simplicity of their vision and the sincerity of their religious devotion.
These young men -painters, poets and sculptors- banded together in 1848; shared commitment to the close study of nature to counter what they believed was the Royal Academy's slavish deference to the formalism typified by the late Renaissance masters who followed Raphael/Rafaello; drew inspiration from medieval artists, seeking to emulate the simplicity of their vision and the sincerity of their religious devotion; in their choice and careful delineation of subject matter, use of bright colour and reverence for the highly symbolic, Pre-Raphaelite paintings created a splash in the Victorian art world.
Authors of the magazine "The Germ".
Its members believed the Classical poses and elegant compositions of Raphael in particular had been a corrupting influence on the academic teaching of art.
The name of either of the two sisters in Christina Rossetti's poem Goblin Market.
Initial tytle of Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti.
Pseudonym used bey Christina Rossetti.
Poem by Christina Rossetti that addresses common themes in Victorian poetry at the time -death, tragic love, and the possiblity of an afterlife.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning's collection- one of the themes is love.
A poem (or "blanc verse novel") by Elizabeth Barret Browning; a revolutionary and epic presentation of the woman artist's journey towards social, artistic and financial independence.
A Victorian poet who experimented with the use of poetic voices as reflections of definite identities or complicated personalities. In one of his poems, the speaker recalls the circumstances of his wife's death.
Robert Browing's more crucial legacy. In resorting to this poetic form, the Victorian poet attempted to render the performative and theatrical nature of identity.
Robert Browning's more crucial legacy. In resorting to this poetic form, the Victorian poet attempted to render the performative and theatrical nature of identity poems that are "Lyric in expression" but "________in principle, and so many utterances of so many imaginary persons, not mine".
Poem by Robert Browning where we listen to the duke as he speaks of his dead wife.
Poem by Robert Browning that critique Darwinism and of natural religions.
A metric system created by Gerald Manley Hopkins, in which lines have a given number of stresses, but the number and placement of unstressed syllables is highly variable.
The short-lived magazine of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, which included contributions by Christina Rossetti.
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