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Dalsay E1

Dalsay 1 al 516

(Otros tests del mismo autor)

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Número preguntas: 516
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1- No fue culpa mía/ It wasn't ____ fault. a) mine b) my c) me d) none.
2- Me rasqué la cabeza/ I scratched ___ head a) my b) yo c) his d) her.
3- ¿Cuál es tu habitación?/ Which is ___ room? a) them b) his c) your d) you.
4- Quiero hablar con vuestra madre/ I want to speak to___ mother. a) you b) her c) their d) your.
5- Su novia/ ___ girlfriend. a) his b) hy c) her d) my.
6- No fue culpa suya (de él)/ It wasn't ___ fault a) he b) his c) her d) him.
7- Su padre (de ella)/ ___ father. a) her b) their c) him d) he.
No fue culpa suya (de ella)/ It wasn't ___fault. a) his b) he c) him d) her.
9- El perro enterró su hueso/ The dog buried ___ bone. a) it b) those c) its d) this.
10- Anuncia sus cursos en la televisión/ It advertises ___ courses on TV. a) it b) those c) its d) this.
11- No fue culpa nuestra/ It wasn't ___ fault. a) ours b) us c) we d) our.
12- Dejamos el equipaje en el aeropuerto/ We left ___ luggage at the airport. a) we b) our c) ours d) us.
13- Sus primos (de ellos)/ ___ cousins. a) They b) Their c) Them d) Her.
Se pusieron los zapatos/ They put on ___ shoes. a) them b) the c) they d) their.
15- Me lo dijo un amigo suyo (de él)/ A friend of ___ told me. a) hers b) him c) hos d) he.
16- El coche no es suyo (de ella)/ The car is not ___ a) his b) he c) her d) yours.
17- Estas gafas son mías/ These glasses are ___ a) I b) me c) mine d) of me.
18- La mía es la roja/ ___ is the red one. a) the mine b) the me c) mine d) I.
19- Ese dinero es tuyo/ That money is ___ a) you b) yours c) yuyu d) your.
20- Nuestra casa/ ___ house. a) your b) our c) hour d) we.
21- Es suyo (de ellos) / It is ___ a) their b) theirs c they d) thoy.
22- Me pegó/ She hit ___ a) I b) my c) me d) mine.
23- ¿Lo-le viste?/ Did you see___? a) he b) it c) she d) him.
24- Nos odian/ They hate ___. a) we b) us c) ours d) you.
25- No los-las vio/ He didn't see ___. a) they b) theirs c) theri d) them.
26- Esta tarde voy a la playa/ This afternoon ___ go to the beach. a) I b) it c) we d) she.
27- Mañana hablarás con tu maestro/ Tomorrow ___ will talk with your teacher. a) he b) she c) you d) they.
28- No comprendemos esta lección/ ___ don't understand this lesson. a) you b) he c) we d) us.
29- ¿Cómo estáis?/ How are ___? a) I b) we c) you d) it.
30- ¿Por qué no sale esta noche? / Why doesn't go out tonight? a) I b) she c) he d) he/she.
31- Ella estuvo enferma/ ___ was ill. a) they b) me c) our d) she.
32- ¿Qué es? / What's ___? a) he b) she c) It d) they.
33- Ellos no trabajan/ ___ don't work. a) I b) you c) we d) they.
34- Compré mantequilla/ ___ bought some butter. a) me b) he c) I d) you.
35- Ella fue a Londres/ ___ went to London a) she b) I c) they d) you.
36- Ellos cenaron ayer en un restaurante/ ___ had dinner in a restaurant yesterday. a) he b) it c) we d) they.
37- Lavé el suelo esta mañana/ ___ washed the floor this morning. a) you b) he c) we d) I.
38- Me duele la cabeza/ ___ have a headache a) I b) you c) they d) it.
39- Hicimos varias paradas/ ___ stopped several times. a) she b) we c) you d) they.
40- Es el caballo más lento que he visto/ ___ 's the slowest horse ___ 've ever seen. a) I/ it b) It/ I c) He/ I d) We /you.
41- Esta mañana no he desayunado/ This morning ___ haven't had breakfast. a) me b) it c) we d) I.
42- ¿Cuál de las siguientes palabras NO es un pronombre personal? a) it b) she c) the d) I.
43- Señala el pronombre personal. a) this b) that c) it d) these.
44- Nunca me he roto la pierna/ ___'ve never broken my leg. a) want b) you c) be d) I.
45- Imagina que estás viajando de Madrid a Barcelona/ Imagine ___ are travelling from Madrid to Barcelona. a) you b) we c) they d) I.
46- Normalmente, me afeito yo solo (mismo)/ Usually I shave ___. a) yourself b) itself c) himself d) myself.
47- Hazlo tú mismo/ Do it ___ . a) yourself b) itself c) myself d) ourself.
48- Se compra la ropa él mismo / He buys his clothes ___. a) itself b) themselves c) himself d) herself.
49- Mi madre se peina ella misma / My mother combes her hair ___. a) ourselves b) herself c) itself d) himself.
50- La botella se ha abierto por sí sola / The bottle has opened ___. a) herself b) itself c) themselves d) himself.
51- El gato se alimenta él mismo. / The cat feeds ___. a) herself b) himself c) itself d) ourselves.
52- Preparamos la fiesta nosotros mismos. / We prepared the party ___. a) ourselves b) yourselves c) themselves d) myself.
53- Mis padres y yo hicimos el pastel nosotros mismos / My parents and I made the cake ___. a) themselves b) myself c) yourself d) ourselves.
54- Oye tios, ¿Por qué no lo haceis vosotros mismos? / You guys, why don't you do it ___? a) themselves b) ourselves c) itself d) yourselves.
55- Mis vecinos se construyen sus casas ellos mismos. / My neighbours build their houses ___. a) themselves b) myself c) himself d) yourselves.
56- Hay un animal / There is ___ animal. a) a b) an c) the d) thes.
57- Tengo una máquina / I have got ___ machine. a) the b) an c) a d) one.
58- Tengo las copas. / I have ___ glasses. a) thes b) that c) the d) ours.
59- Una bonita casa. / ___ beautiful house. a) those b) a c) an d) the.
60- El jabón está cerca del baño. / ___ soap is near the bath. a) your b) my c) a d) the.
61- Ten cuidado con las escaleras. / Be careful with ___ stairs. a) this b) thes c) the d) ninguna es correcta.
62- Este es el sofá para el gato. / This is the sofa for ___ cats. a) the b) one c) whit d) by.
63- Es una máquina. / It's ___ machine. a) an b) one c) a d) the.
64- Escucha el diálogo. / Listen to ___ dialogue. a) your b) a c) the d) ninguna es correcta.
65- ¿Quieres el rojo o el azul? / Do you want ___ red one or ___ blue one? a) those/ the b) these/ this c) that/ those d) the/ the.
66- Los ingleses. / ___ English. a) they b) the c) les d) ninguna es correcta.
67- Él está debajo de la mesa. / He's ___ the table. a) between b) behind c) under d) nex to.
68- Estaremos allí a las 8 en punto. / We will be there ___ 8 o'clock. a) in b) from c) behind d) at.
69- El ratón está entre estas lamparas. / The mouse is ___ the lamps. a) in front of b) into c) between d) under.
70- Estamos a sábado. / We are ___ Saturday. a) on b) in c) at d) from.
71- Yo estuve allí en 1994. / I was there ___ 1994. a) on b) at c) in d) since.
72- ¿De qué color es tu bici? / ___ What colour is your bike? a) of b) No lleva preposición c) in d) on.
73- Tú eres el responsable de lo que pasó. / You are responsible ___ what happened. a) of b) five c) from d) for.
74- El libro está dentro de la caja. / The book is ___ the box. a) from b) next c) in d) at.
75- El gato está bajo la silla. / The cat is ___ the chair. a) in b) by c) under d) no lleva preposición.
76- Estaban jugando al fútbol. / They were playing ___ soccer. a) at b) next c) in d) no lleva preposición.
77- Yo viajé en autobús. / I travelled ___ bus. a) in b) on c) by d) to.
78- Son las ocho de la tarde. / It's eight o'clock ___ the evening. a) on b) in c) no lleva preposición d) of.
79- El tren a Londres. / The train ___ London. a) from b) to c) the d) at.
80- Es hora de las noticias. / It's time ___ the news. a) of b) for c) to d) from.
81- El autobús de Madrid. / The bus ___ Madrid. a) by b) behind c) on d) from.
82- Llegamos a Madrid a las 9. / We arrived ___ Madrid at nine. a) on b) in c) to d) at.
83- Me ofrecí para ayudar. / I offered ___ help. a) by b) under c) at d) to.
84- Le agradecí el regalo. / I thanked him ___ the present. a) to b) above c) in d) for.
85- Sabe a queso. / It tastes ___ cheese. a) of b) for c) at d) to.
86- Pinté la pared de azul. / I painted the wall ___ blue. a) of b) in c) no lleva preposición d) a.
87- ¿Cuál de los siguientes adverbios NO es de LUGAR? a) across b) near c) there d) too.
88- ¿Cuál de los siguientes es un adverbio de CANTIDAD? a) already b) formerly c) once d) almost.
89- ¿Cuál de los siguientes adverbios es de MODO? a) up b) never c) slowly d) quite.
90- Los adverbios de MODO se forman generalmente añadiendo: a) -uli b) -luy c) -ly d) -yl.
91- Los adverbios son palabras que: a) sustituyen al nombre b) se refieren a circunstancias del verbo, adjetivo, etc. c) califican al nombre d) siempre llevan tilde en la última sílaba.
92- ¿Qué palabras se usan como adverbios en inglés? a) los nombres b) los adjetivos c) los pronombres d) los artículos.
93- Early es un adverbio de: a) modo b) cantidad c) lugar d) tiempo.
94- Near es un adverbio de: a) negación b) cantidad c) lugar d) modo.
95- ¿Cuál de estas palabras NO es un adverbio? a) not b) ago c) now d) man.
96- ¿Cuál de estas palabras es un adverbio? a) before b) befool c) befog d) befit.
97- ¿Qué significa el adverbio "seldom"? a) a veces b) quizá c) raramente d) puramente.
98- ¿Qué significa el adverbio "formerly"? a) formalmente b) afortunadamente c) anteriormente d) tranquilamente.
99- Un sinónimo del adverbio "ever" es: a) away b) again c) above d) always.
100- Already significa: a) preparado b) ya c) ayer d) a menudo.
101- Yet significa: a) ya b) ayer c) todavía d) ninguna es correcta.
102- En inglés el adverbio "casi" se traduce: a) enough b) soon c) almost d) rather.
103- Uno de estos significados NO corresponde al adverbio "rather" a) más bien b) bastante c) sólamente d) un poco.
104- Un sinónimo del adverbio "dowr" es: a) below b) bellow c) often d) never.
105- El adverbio enough significa ___ y es de ___ a) nunca / tiempo b) poco / cantidad c) bastante / cantidad d) raramente / tiempo.
106- Los adverbios de negación son: a) ago, now, nothing b) no, not, never, not at all c) go, gonot, nun d) no existen los adverbios de negación.
107- En aquella época / At ___ time. a) this b) those c) that d) these.
108- ¿Es este libro? / Is ___ book? a) that b) this c) those d) these.
109- Mira estos dibujos / Look at ___ pictures. a) this b) these c) that d) those.
110- ¿Son esos libros? / Are ___ books? a) those b) its c) that d) whose.
111- Esta niña habla ruso / ___ girl speaks Russian. a) that b) these c) that/this d) this.
112- Aquella casa es la de Sonia / ___ house over there is Sonia's. a) those b) this c) that d) these.
113- Cómete este plátano / eat ___ banana. a) those b) thes c) this d) the.
114- Prefiero este sombrero / I prefer ___ hat. a) these b) that c) this d) those.
115- ¿Son estos libros? / Are ___ books? a) this b) these c) that d) those.
116- ¿Es aquel muchacho? / Is ___ boy? a) that b) this c) those d) these.
117- ¿A cómo están las peras? / ___ are the pears? a) how b) what c) how much d) how many.
118- ¿Cuándo vas a venir? / ___ are you coming? a) how b) why c) when d) who.
119- ¿ Con qué frecuencia llevas vaqueros? / ___ often do you wear jeans? a) how b) where c) kind d) many.
120- Me preguntó cuándo llegaban / He asked me ___ they were arriving. a) how b) what c) where d) when.
121- ¿Qué países te gustaría visitar? / ___ countries would you like to visit? a) what b) whese c) which d) where.
122- ¿Cómo te llamas? / ___ is your name? a) which b) why c) what d) how.
123- ¿Cómo lo hiciste? / ___ did you do it? a) what b) who c) when d) how.
124- ¿Dónde vives? / ___ do you live? a) what b) where c) much d) there.
125- ¿Cómo es tu abuelo? / ___ is your grandfather like? a) Wow b) when c) what d) where.
126- ¿Por qué no puede Laura comprar aquí? / ___can't Laura buy here? a) where b) when c) why d) what.
127- ¿Cómo? / ___? a) when? b) how? c) which? d) what?.
128- ¿Cuánto cuesta? / ___ does it cost? a) how b) how many c) how much d) what.
129- ¿Qué te gustó más en la unidad 1? / ___ did you like best in unit one? a) when b) does c) where d) what.
130- ¿Cuánta leche queda? / ___ milk is there left? a) how b) how much c) how many d) ninguna es correcta.
131- ¿Cuánta gente había? / ___ people were there? a) how much b) how many c) whose d) a y c son correctas.
132- ¿Qué vestido le gusta? / ___ dress does she like? a) who b) which c) how d) why.
133- ¿Cuál de estos dos vestidos es tuyo? / ___ of these two dresses yours? a) what b) who c) which d) when.
134- ¿De quién es ese coche? / ___ is that car? a) who b) whose c) what d) wich.
135- ¿Qué quieres? / ___ do you want? a) what b) who c) which one d) when.
136- ¡Cuánto pan has comprado! / ___ a lot of bread you have bought! a) how much b) how many c) whatt d) which.
137- ¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono? / ___ is your telephone number? a) what b) who c) which d) ninguno es correcto.
138- ¿Quién es? / ___ is it? a) which b) what c) who d) when.
139- ¿Cuántos hermanos tienes? / ___ brothers have you got? a) how much b) how many c) ho d) which one.
140- ¿Dónde vas? / ___ are you going? a) what b) did c) where d) there.
141- ¿A qué hora te acuestas? / ___ time do you usually go to bed? a) for b) what c) when d) at.
142- ¿Cómo lo sabe? / ___ does he know? a) when b) how c) which d) who.
143- Ésta es la bolsa más grande / ___ is the biggest bag. a) those b) that c) this d) these.
144- ¿Qué es ésto? / What is ___ ? a) that b) those c) this d) these.
145- Me gustan aquéllos / I like ___ a) this b) that c) those d) these.
146- Quiere ésos / He wants ___ a) these b) this one c) those d) that.
147- ¿Qué es eso? / What is ___ ? a) this b) thos c) these d) that.
148- ¿quién te dijo eso? / Who told you ___? a) these b) this c) that d) those.
149- Prueba uno de ésos / try one of ___ a) those b) these c) this d) that.
150- Prefiero ése / I prefer ___ a) this b) that c) that one d) these.
151- ¿Quién es ése? / Who is ___ a) this b) that c) those d) ninguna es correcta.
152- ¿Quién son ésos? / Who are ___ a) this b) the c) those d) that.
153- Los pantalones que me gustan son éstos / The trousers that I like are ___ a) this b) these c) they d) that.
154- Iré esta mañana / I will go ___ morning. a) that b) these c) this d) those.
155- Pregúntale a esas mujeres / Ask those ___. a) woman b) womens c) womans d) women.
156- Hay dos ratones en la habitación / There are two ___ in the room. a) mice b) mices c) mouse d) mouses.
157- Tengo dos ovejas en el jardín / I've two ___ in the garden. a) sheeps b) sheepes c) sheep d) sheepease.
158- Esos cuerpos son lo mejor del verano / Those ___ are the best of the summer. a) bodies b) bodis c) bodys d) body.
159- Te daré tres gatos / I will give you three ___ a) cats b) cuts c) caties d) catss.
160- Tendré este invierno muchas bufandas / I will have this winter many ___ a) scarf b) scarfs c) scarfves d) scarves.
161- En esos cajones están los libros / In those ___ are the books. a) boxs b) boxes c) boss d) boxses.
162- En mis fábricas no hay hombres. / There aren't men in my ___ a) factories b) factorys c) factoris d) factors.
163- Yo tuve nueve mujeres. / I had nine ___ a) wives b) wifeys c) wifees d) wifes.
164- Hay pantanos en Granada. / There are ___ in Granada. a) marsh b) marshs c) marshees d) marshes.
165- Alguien se ha llevado mi paraguas / ___ has taken my umbrella. a) Anyone b) Anybody c) Somebody d) everybody.
166- Necesitamos alguien fuerte para levantar esta caja / We need ___ strong to lift this box. a) somebody b) everybody c) anyone d) anybody.
167- ¿Hay alguien en casa? / Is ___ at home? a) someone b) anybody c) anyone / anybody d) anyone.
- No hay nadie aquí / There isn't ___ here. a) somebody b) someone c) anybody d) everybody.
169- ¿Alguien ha visto a María últimamente? / Has ___ seen María lately? a) anyone b) everybody c) someone d) anybody.
170- No vimos a nadie / We saw ___ a) someone b) anyone c) nobody d) nybody.
171- No vino nadie / ___ came. a) nobody b) anyone c) nothing d) everybody.
172- ¿Había alguien en casa? / Was there ___ in the house? a) nobody b) anyone c) somebody d) every.
173- ¿Viste a alguien? / Did you see ___? a) anyone b) anymore c) somebody d) noone.
174- Si alguien te pregunta, di que no / If ___ ask you say no. a) anyone b) nobody c) somebody d) someone.
175- Se crre que es alguien en la empresa / She thinks she is really ___ in the company. a) nobody / no one b) everyone / everybody c) anyone / anybody d) somebody / someone.
176- Nadie lo sabe / ___ knows it. a) no one b) somebody c) anyone d) anybody.
177- No se lo contó a nadie / He told ___. a) anybody b) no one c) somebody d) anyone.
178- El viernes pasado alguien entró en casa / Last Friday ___ broke into our house. a) anyone b) one c) somebody d) someone.
179- Hay alguien equivocado / There's ___ wrong a) everything b) anything c) anyone d) someone.
180- Nadie contestó / ___ answered. a) nobody b) anything c) nothing d) had'nt.
181- Nada había sido cogido / ___ had been taken. a) anything b) nothing c) nobody d) anywhere.
182- Algo estaba en el suelo / ___ was on the floor. a) everything b) everyone c) something d) someone.
183- No sé nada de eso / I don't know ___ about that. a) anything b) nothing c) everything d) everyone.
184- No sé nada de eso / I know ___ about that. a) anything b) nothing c) everything d) everyone.
185- Tienes que comer algo / You must eat ___. a) someone b) something c) anything d) nothing.
186- ¿Le has dicho algo? / Have you said ___ to her? a) something b) someone c) anything d) anyone.
187- Si algo te preocupa, dímelo / If there is ___ worrying you, tell me. a) something b) someone c) any d) anything.
188- No nos gustó ninguno / we didn't like ___ a) some of they b) any of theirs c) some of them d) any of them.
189- Vamos a ir todos / we are ___ going. a) every b) all c) few d) many.
190- Se pasó toda la semana estudiando / he spent ___ week studying a) many b) few c) other d) all.
191- He comprado otro / I have bought ___. a) little b) another one c) some d) any.
192- Hay distintos tipos de coches / There are ___ kind of cars. a) many b) others c) some d) several.
193- No tiene mucho dinero / He has not ___ money. a) many b) some c) much d) more.
194- Un poco más. a) a few more b) a little much c) a little more d) a little few.
195- Bastante rápido / Fast ___. a) more b) much c) enough d) many.
196- Nadie sino él, lo puede hacer / ___ bur he can do it. a) nothing b) no one c) none d) no person.
197- Demasiado a) two many b) two much c) too much d) too more.
198- No me gustó ninguno de los dos conciertos / ___ concert pleased me a) nothing b) no one c) either d) neither.
199- Nos dio un euro a cada uno / He gave us a euro ___. a) either b) neither c) each d) other.
200- Había coches aparcados en ambos lados de la calle / There were cars parked on ___ side of the street. a) either b) neither c) several d) enought.
201- Manuel es más alto que Mónica / Manuel's ___ than Mónica. a) tall b) taller c) tallest d) most tall.
202- Joaquín es el más alto / Joaquín's the ___ a) tallest b) taller c) tall d) tallyer.
203- Londrés es más grande que París / London is ___ than Paris. a) biggest b) biggerest c) bigger d) the most big.
204- Hay más turistas que el año pasado / There are ___ tourists ___ last year, a) more / in b) more / than c) more / the d) ninguna es correcta.
205- Es más alta que yo / She is ___ than I am. a) more tall b) tall c) taller d) taltest.
206- Éste es más interesante / This one is ___ interesting. a) tham b) mor c) more d) moltest.
207- El que tenga más puntos / The one who has the ___ points. a) more b) most c) plus d) mostest.
208- Esta es la clase más aburrida / This is the ___ boring lesson. a) moster b) most c) more d) many.
209- El más cariñoso de la familia / The ___ affectionate one in the family. a) mor b) mostest c) more d) most.
210- La habitación más grande / The ___ room. a) most b) more big c) biggest d) bigger.
211- ¿Cuál de los dos libros es más interesante? / Which of the two books is the ___ interesting? a) mor b) mostest c) more d) most.
212- La más alta de las dos chicas / The ___ of the two girls. a) most tall b) tallest c) taller d) more tall.
213- Más que la última vez / ___ than last time. a) most b) more c) mostest d) moster.
214- Esta prueba es más difícil que la anterior / This test is ___ difficult than the last one. a) most b) moster c) mostest d) more.
215- Anda más despacio que yo / He walks ___ slowly than I do. a) mostest b) more c) moster d) most.
216- Juan es más alto que Jesús, pero Pedro es el más alto / Juan is ___ than Jesús, but Pedro is the ___. a) tallest / taller b) more tall / more tall c) taller / tallest d) mor tall / mor tall.
217- Londres es más grande que París, pero Tokyo es la más grande / London is ___ than Paris, but Tokyo is the ___. a) more big / more big b) bigger / biggest c) biggest / bigger d) mor big / more biggest.
218- Es más tranquilo que su hermana / He's ___ than his sister. a) more quiet b) quieter c) quietest d) mor quiet.
219- Ella es la persona más divertida de la clase / She's the ___ person in the class. a) more funny b) funnier c) funniest d) mor funny.
220- Un CD es más caro que una televisión, pero una grabadora es lo más caro / A CD player is ___ expensive than a TV, but a camcorder is the ___ expensive. a) most / more b) mostest / moster c) more / most d) ninguna es correcta.
221- Cuarenta y cinco. a) forty five b) forty - fifty c) fortifive d) forty fight.
222- Trigésimo primero. a) thirty-first b) thirty-one c) three-first d) third-one.
223- Décimo sexto a) sixtyn b) tensixth c) sixteenth d) sixteen.
224- Noventa a) nynety b) ninetieth c) nineteen d) ninety.
225- Ochenta y ocho a) eightieth-eight b) eighteen-eight c) eighty-eight d) ninguna es correcta.
226- Décimo primero a) eleventh b) elevent c) eleven one d) teen-one.
227- Ciento uno. a) one hundred and one b) one hundredth and one c) one and one hundred d) hundred and one.
228- Trigésimo noveno. a) thirtyth-nine b) thirty-ninth c) nine-thirty d) ninth-thirtyth.
229- Catorce. a) fourtyn b) fourteenth c) fourtren d) fourteen.
230- Milésimo. a) one thousandth b) one thousand c) throusand d) une thousand.
231- Cuatro. a) fourt b) four c) fourteen d) fourtry.
232- Veintitrés. a) twenty-third b) twenty-thry c) twenty-three d) twentytree.
233- Nonagésimo segundo. a) ninety-second b) ninetrysecondth c) ninetieth-two d) twoninetieth.
234- Segundo. a) two b) second c) secondth d) twoth.
235- Diecinueve. a) nineten b) nineteth c) ninety d) nineteen.
236- Siete de agosto. a) the seventh of August b) the seven of August c) the seventy of August d) ninguna es correcta.
237- Quince de diciembre. a) the fifteenth of December b) hie fifteenth of December c) the fifth of December d) the fifty of December.
238- Ocho de abril a) 8th April b) April 8 c) ninguna es correcta d) ambas son correctas.
239- Diciembre de 1800. a) in December of 1800 b) in December 1800 c) 1800 of in December d) in 1800 off December.
240- Trece de septiembre de 2000 a) 13tt September 2000 b) 13rd September 2000 c) 13 September 2000 d) 13th September 2000.
241- Seiscientos doce años. a) sixth hundred and twelve b) six hundred and twelve c) sixrd hundred and twelve d) six-hundred-twelve.
242- Dos mil veinticinco. a) twenty twenty-five b) twenteen twenty-five c) two thousand twenty-five d) twenteen huandred twenty-five.
243- 6 de diciembre de 1981. a) 6 December 1981 b) 6nd December 1981 c) 6th December 1981 d) 6rd December 1981.
244- Seis de diciembre. a) sixt of december b) the sixth of December c) 6nd of December d) 6 December.
245- Mil novecientos uno. a) nineteen-0-one b) one hundred nine hundred one c) one thousand nine hundred one d) ninety one.
246- las siete en punto.- a) seven o'clok b) seven oclok c) half past seven d) quarter past seven.
247- las cinco y cuarto.- a) half past five b) quarter to five c) quarter past five d) fifteen minutes and quart.
248- Las seis y media.- a) half past six b) six and half c) quarter to thirty d) fifteen minutes past five.
249- Las cuatro menos cuarto. a) fifteen to four b) forty minutes to five c) half past four d) quarter to four.
250- las once y diez. a) eleven past ten b) ten past eleven c) forty past ten d) the eleven and ten.
251- Las diez y cuarenta. a) twenty to eleven b) eleven to twenty c) twenty eleven d) forty to eleven.
252- Las dos y siete. a) past to seven b) past minutes two seven c) seven minutes past two d) the two and seven.
253- Las ocho y cuarto a) past five eight b) quarter past eight c) quarter to eight d) fifteen to eight.
254- ¿Qué hora es? a) What time what is? b) What is time? c) What is the hours? d) What is the time?.
255- Son las ... a) are the b) Is the c) It is d) Is it.
256- Señala el gerundio del verbo TRABAJAR a) to work b) worked c) working d) work.
257- Señala el infinitivo del verbo CERRAR. a) Closed b) closing c) to close d) close.
258- Señala el participio del verbo CERRAR. a) closed b) closing c) to close d) close.
259- Señala la tercera persona del singular del presente del verbo TRABAJAR. a) worked b) work c) works d) working.
260- Yo vivo en Madrid / I ___ in Madrid. a) lives b) liv c) live d) living.
261- Salen para Italia mañana / They ___ for Italy tomorrow. a) leaves b) leaf c) leave d) leaving.
262- Estoy aprendiendo a jugar al ajedrez / ___ how to play chess. a) I'lear b) I'learned c) I'm learning d) I am lear.
263- Ella llega el miércoles / She ___ on Wednesday. a) are arriving b) is arrived c) is arrive d) is arriving.
264- ¿Qué vas a hacer? / What ___ to do? a) you are going b) are you c) are you going d) he's to do.
265- Ellos están trabajando / They are ___. a) working b) met c) meeting d) to meet.
266- La conocí el año pasado / I ___ her last year. a) meets b) met c) meeting d) to meet.
267- Sólamente pregunté si estaba casado / I merely ___ if he was married. a) asks b) asking c) to inquire d) asked.
268- Han marcado otro gol / They ___ ___ another goal. a) has scored b) have scor c) have scored d) having scored.
269- He visto esa película / I ___ that film. a) has seen b) to see c) see d) have seen.
270- Cuando María había cenado vio un video / When María ___ her supper, she ___ a video. a) had finished / watched b) hace finis / watchs c) finis / watchs d) was finished / watched.
271- Estuvo en Florida durante dos semanas / She ___ in Florida for two weeks. a) have b) been c) has been d) having been.
272- Hemos tenido un desacuerdo / We ___ a disagreement. a) have had b) has had c) having had d) had had.
273- Estaba haciendo un pastel / I ___ a cake. a) have making b) was making c) made d) have made.
274- Ojalá no hubiera dicho nada / I wish ___ said anything. a) hasn'nt b) hadn't c) have not d) hav'not.
275- Señala el present simple en siguiente verbo. a) I working b) I work c) I worked d) I am working.
276- Señala el presente continuos del siguiente verbo. a) I write b) I writed c) I am writing d) I have writed.
277- Señala la expresión que corresponda al past simple: a) I work b) I working c) I works d) I worked.
278- Identifica el present perfect. a) I have finished b) I am finished c) I had finished d) I has finished.
279- Señala el Past perfect. a) you are worked b) you had worked c) you has worked d) you are working.
280- Identifica el futuro simple. a) you will work b) you work c) you worked d) you are working.
281- ¿Cuál de los siguientes verbos NO es auxiliar en inglés? a) to do b) to have c) to be d) to sing.
282- Señala la frase correcta: ¿Estamos preparados? a) we are ready? b) we have ready? c) are we ready? d) have we ready?.
283- Señala la frase correcta: ¿Has terminado? a) are you finished? b) have you finished? c) you are finished? d) you have finished?.
284- Señala la frase correcta: ¿Vendrán ellos? a) they will come? b) will they come? c) come they wil? d) they come wil?.
285- Señala la frase correcta: ¿Puedes hacerlo? a) do you can it? b) you do can it? c) you can do it? d) Can you do it?.
286- Señala la frase correcta: No estamos preparados. a) we are not ready. b) not are we ready. c) are we not ready. d) ready not we are.
287- Ella no puede hacerlo. a) she can't do it. b) can't she do it. c) do not can she it. d) not can do she it.
288- ¿Necesitas un abrigo? a) you need a coat? b) you do need a coat? c) do you need a coat? d) need you a coat?.
289- No necesitas un abrigo. a) does you not need a coat. b) you do not need a coat. c) not need you a coat. d) not you need a coat.
290- ¿Necesita él un abrigo? a) does he need a coat? b) she does need a coat? c) does she need a coat? d) a y b son correctas.
291- Se hace chocolate en Suiza. a) chocolate be made in Suiza. b) chocolate is made in Suiza. c) chocolate does in Suiza. d) chocolate are made in Suiza.
292- ¿Dónde ibas cuando te telefoneé? a) where did you going when I telephoned? b) where was you going when I telephoned? c) where have you going when I telephoned? d) where were you going when I telephoned?.
293- ¿Sales todas las noches? a) do you go out every night? b) did you go out every night? c) where do you go every night? d) what are you doing every night?.
294- No tiene tiempo. a) he didn't had time. b) he doesn't have time. c) he don't have time. d) he has have time.
295- ¿Qué hiciste ayer? a) what do you do yesterday? b) what will you do yesterday? c) what did you do yesterday? d) what would you do yesterday?.
296- ¿Has estado alguna vez en París? a) had you ever been to París? b) have you ever been to París? c) have you ever been in París? d) has you ever been to París?.
297- Juan ha hecho la compra. a) Juan had done the shopping. b) Juan has done shopping. c) Juan has done the shopping. d) Juan have done the shopping.
298- María va a hacer la compra. a) María is going to do the shopping. b) María are going to do the shopping. c) María will go to do the shopping. d) María would go to do the shopping.
299- ¿Qué vas a hacer esta noche? a) what would you do at night? b) what will you do at night? c) what do you go to do at night? d) what are you going to do at night?.
300- Yo no necesitaba eso. a) I don't need that. b) I didn't need that. c) I won't need that. d) I want that.
301- ¿ Echamos la carta al correo? a) We don't past the letter? b) We did the letter post? c) Did we post the letter? d) We didn't post the letter?.
302- Te puedo ayudar / He ___ help you. a) can b) might c) could d) must.
303- No puedes salir / You ___ go out. a) could b) can not c) can't d) b y c son correctas.
304- ¿Me puedes abrir la puerta? / ___ you open the door for me? a) shall b) can c) myght d) could.
305- No podía entender por qué estaba enfadado / He ___ understand why he was cross. a) couldn't b) might c) musn't d) can not.
306- Podríamos ir en tren / We ___ go by train. a) could b) shall c) has to d) must.
307- Puedo usar el teléfono / ___ I use the phone. a) shall b) may c) can d) could.
308- Puede que decida quedarse / She ___ decide to stay. a) may b) myght c) might d) could.
309- ¿Podría pedirle un favor? /___ I ask you a favour? a) may b) mine c) shall d) might.
310- Iré a Londres / I ___ go to London. a) will b) would c) could d) will be able to.
311- Llegará mañana / He ___ arrive tomorrow. a) be able to b) will c) would d) could.
312- No quiere hacer lo que le pide / He ___ do what he asks. a) couldn't b) might not c) wouldn't d) doesn't want to.
313- Le encantaría ir a China / He ___ love to go to China. a) would b) could c) might d) may.
314- ¿Quieres un caramelo? / ___ you like a sweet? a) shall b) them c) have to d) would.
315- Estaremos allí a las seis / We ___ be there at six a) can b) will c) shall d) be able to.
316- ¿Nosotros nos sentaremos aquí? / ___ we sit here? a) will b) be able to c) might d) shall.
317- ¿Por qué debo hacerle caso? / Why ___ I listen to her? a) should b) would c) will d) can.
318- No deberías hablarle así / You ___ speak to her like that. a) couldn't b) mighdn't c) shouldn't d) can't .
319- Deberías escribirle / You ___ to write to her a) ought b) can't c) cought d) musn't.
320- Debes decírselo / You ___ tell her. a) could b) might c) would d) must.
321- Dijo que no debía tocarlo / She told him he ___ touch it. a) have b) has to c) must not d) can.
322- Identifica la forma contracta: I am a) I'm b) a'm c) I'am d) Im'a.
323- Identifica la forma contracta: We would not. a) woul'dnt b) would'nt c) wouldn't d) would'not.
324- Identifica la forma contracta: ___ like tea? a) Doesn't you b) Does'you c) Do she d) D'you.
325- Identifica la forma contracta: It ___ here. a) isn't b) aren't c) isnot d) ar'not.
326- Identifica la forma contracta: ___ Isaac Newton? a) aren't b) what'll c) who's d) when's.
327- Identifica la forma contracta: You ___ smoke. a) isn't b) aren't c) musn't d) hasn't.
328- Identifica la forma contracta: ___ a fly in my soup. a) there's b) they're c) there're d) there'll.
329- Identifica la forma contracta: He ___ in New York. a) wheren't b) haven't c) aren't d) wasn't.
330- Identifica la forma contracta: Why ___ you go out yesterday? a) don't b) didn't c) doesn't d) weren't.
331- Identifica la forma contracta: You ___ go to Madrid tomorrow a) wasn't b) won't c) willn't d) weren't.
332- Identifica la forma contracta: I ___ drive, because ___ fourtem a) couldn't / I'm b) can't / he's c) can't / I'm d) could'n / it's.
333- Identifica la forma contracta: ___ a teacher very young. a) can't b) we've c) he've d) you's.
334- Identifica la forma contracta: ___ got some butter. a) he's b) I'am c) he'is d) youa're.
335- ___ went to Paris five years ago. a) she's b) she'll c) she're d) she.
336- You ___ come today if you don't want to. a) needn't b) no able to c) ne' dont d) doen't.
337- Participio pasado del verbo "To Forbid". a) forbid b) forbidden c) forbade d) forviden.
338- Infinitivo del verbo conseguir. a) to get b) to got c) to gotten d) got to.
339- Significado del verbo "to fall". a) fallar b) faltar c) caer d) sentir.
340- Pasado simple del verbo sostener. a) hold b) held c) helded d) hold to.
341- Infinitivo del verbo coser. a) to shake b) to sew c) to sewn d) to senw.
342- Significado del verbo "to meet". a) mover b) mecer c) encontrar d) reconocer.
343- Infinitivo del verbo rasgar. a) to sween b) to tear c) to torn d) to spend.
344- Infinitivo del verbo doblar. a) to bend b) to bent c) to burst d) to bring.
345- Forma o tiempo del verbo "flew". a) Infinitive b) past simple c) past participle d) present continuous.
346- Traducción del verbo apostar: a) to apost b) to bot c) to bet d) to bit.
347-Do you know the man ____ did the research on illegal aliens ? a) which b) where c) that d) who.
348- The Rock of Gibraltar, ____ is at the southern tip ofs spain, was the end of the world for ancient navigators. a) which b) that c) who d) when.
349- My cousin Andrés, ____ works at home, has recently hooked up to internet. a) who b) that c) whom d) how.
350- It was early in the morning ____ I heard someone knock on the door. a) where b) when c) whose d) whom.
351- Conchita Martínez, ____ name has been in the news recently, is world famous. a) whom b) whose c) who d) how.
352- The library ____ I found this information lets you access books on a computer. a) who b) whose c) that d) where.
353- Internet is a computer network ____ isn't controlled or owned by any company. a) where b) when c) that d) whom.
354- The internet, ____ has 25 million users, is the world's largest computer network. a) who b) that c) which d) whose.
355- Do you remenber the time ____ we on the beach ? a) which b) whose c) where d) when.
356- This woman, ____ hair is green, is quite a celebrity in Spain. a) whose b) which c) that d) who.
357- Si viene mañana, avísame. a) If he come tomorrow, let me know. b) He comes tomorrow, lets me know. c) If he comes tomorrow, let me know. d) If he comes tomorrow, lets me know.
358- if it weren't raining we would go for a walk. a) Si lloviera saldríamos a pasear. b) Si hubiera llovido cogeríamos caracoles. c) Si no llueve saldremos a pasear. d) Si no lloviera saldríamos a pasear.
359- Before you leave, could you tidy your room? a) Antes de irte , ¿Podrías ordenar tu habitación? b) Después de irte, ¿ podrías dejar limpia tu habitación? c) Antes de irme dejaré limpia mi habitación. d) Si me voy antes, ¿ podrías limpiarme mi habitación ?.
360- If you ___ exercise twice a week, your general fitness level ___ / Si haces ejercicio dos veces a la semana tu condición física mejorará. a) took / improve b) took / will improve c) take / will improve d) take / would improve.
361- If you ___ the grilled chichen, I think you ___ it. / Si pruebas el pollo a la parrilla, pienso que te podría gustar. a) tried / would like b) tried / will like c) tried / wuld have like d) tried / would has like.
362- Unless you ___ soon, you ___ be late / A no ser que vayas temprano, llegarás tarde. a) went / would b) went / will c) go / would d) go / will.
363- If he ___ here last night, he ___ us prepare the meal / Si él hubiera estado aquí la última noche, nos podría haber ayudado a preparar la comida. a) was / would help b) will be / has helped c) had been / would have helped d) have been / would have helped.
364- If I ___ use a computer, I ___ find a better job / Si pudiera usar un ordenador, podría encontrar un trabajo mejor. a) would / could b) could / would c) could / might d) can / may.
365- Cambia de activa a pasiva: Los perros comen carne / The dogs eat meat. a) Meat is eaten by the dogs b) Meat are eaten by the dogs c) Meat is eat by the dogs d) Meat be eat by the dogs.
366- Cambia de activa a pasiva: Ellos están haciendo la comida / They are doing the meal. a) The meal is being done by they b) The meal be done by them c) The meal is being done by them d) The meal are being done by them.
367- Cambia de activa a pasiva: Ha hecho los deberes / He has made the homework. a) The homework has been made by he b) The homework has been made by him c) The homework have been may by him d) The homework have been made by him.
368- Cambia de activa a pasiva: Mr. Bean dibujó un cuadro / Mr Bean drew a picture. a) A picture were draw by Mr. Bean b) Pictures were draw by Mr. Bean c) A picture was drawn by Mr. Bean d) It picture was drawn by Mr. Bean.
369- Cambia de activa a pasiva: Nosotros habíamos corrido esas carreras / We had run those races. a) Those racers had been run by we. b) Those racers had been run by us. c) Those racers have been run by us. d) Those racers has been run by us.
370- Cambia de activa a pasiva: Yo estuve escribiendo cartas / I was writing letters. a) Letters were being written by me. b) Letters are being written by me. c) Letters were being wrote by me. d) Letters were being written by I.
371- Cambia de activa a pasiva: Sara traerá el coche. / Sara will bring the car. a) The car would be bring by Sara. b) The car will bring by Sara. c) The car would be brouht by Sara. d) The car will be brought by Sara.
372- Cambia de activa a pasiva: Él habrá prohibido las drogas. / He will have forbidden drugs. a) Drugs will have been forbidden by him. b) Drugs would have forbidden by her. c) Drugs will have been forbid by him. d) Drugs will have been forbidden by he.
373- Cambia de activa a pasiva: Voy a romper el teléfono. / I'm going to break the telephone. a) The telephone is going to be broken by I. b) The telephone is being to go broken by me. c) The telephone is going to be broken by me. d) The telephonr go to be broken by me.
374- Cambia de activa a pasiva: El Sol puede destruir la Tierra. / The Sun can destroy the Earth. a) The Earth can be destroy by the Sun. b) The Earth can be destroyed by the Sun. c) The Earth could be destroyed by the Sun. d) The Earth could be destroy by the Sun.
375- Lisa likes pop music, ___? a) doesn't she b) hasn't she c) isn't she d) didn't she.
376- Ruben's fifteen, ___? a) has he b) hasn't he c) isn't he d) be she.
377- Joe hasn't got a pet snake, ___? a) had he b) has he c) isn't he d) was he.
378- Tom did'nt stay up all night, ___? a) had he b) did he c) have he d) was he.
379- You have got two dogs, ___? a) were you b) hasn't you c) don't you d) haven't you.
380- You are studying Japanese, ___? a) haven't you b) aren't you c) doesn't you d) hadn't you.
381- They weren't playing football in the classroom, ___? a) were they b) was they c) had they d) did they.
382- She's from Poland, ___? a) is she b) hasn't she c) isn't she d) doesn't she.
383- He hasn't arrived yet, ___? a) had he b) has he c) is he d) does he.
384- You met the president, ___? a) had you b) were you c) did you d) didn't you.
385- Tío a) father b) cousin c) daugter d) ubcle.
386- Libro. a) book b) block c) homebook d) note book.
387- Mujeres. a) man b) woman c) women d) child.
388- Niños. a) baby b) kid c) child d) children.
389- Biblioteca. a) biblioty b) library c) book's house d) byblioteque.
390- Librería. a) library b) lybreri c) bookshop d) shop'book.
391- Silla. a) table b) carpet c) chair d) sillable.
392- Abrir. a) close b) take c) be d) open.
393- Venir. a) to come b) comes c) comen d) coke.
394- Hecho. a) do b) make c) made d) does.
395- Verde. a) yellow b) green c) blue d) pink.
396- Comida. a) eat b) drink c) food d) hood.
397- Llegar a) arriver b) to arriver c) to arrive d) go.
398- Llevar. a) to take. b) to bring. c) to try. d) to carry.
399- Hundir. a) to hund b) to sunk c) to sink d) to kill.
400- Barco. a) ship b) sheep c) board d) trasantlant.
401- Traer. a) to tray b) to bring c) to come d) to work.
402- Palabra a) work b) word c) world d) worst.
403- Mundo. a) work b) worth c) world d) word.
404- Trabajo a) world b) word c) work d) worth.
405- Entender. a) to know b) to lear c) to teach d) to understand.
406- Enseñar. a) to lear b) to teach c) to know d) to ensk.
407- Entrar. a) to in b) to come c) to go d) to go in.
408- Dejar. a) to consecrate b) to leave c) to seize d) to deform.
409- Cuidar. a) to look after b) to care for c) to nurse d) todas son correctas.
410- Contar. a) to count b) to contradict c) to swagger d) ninguna es correcta.
411- Bajar. a) to go down b) to descend c) to sink d) todas son correctas.
412- Ocupar a) to trouble b) to purify c) to prop d) to take.
413- Aplazar. a) to put off b) to get worm-eatem c) to lean d) to tomorrow.
414- Anular. a) to add b) to put out c) to repeal d) to appear.
415- La lámpara está sobre la mesa / The lamp is ___ the table. a) above b) under c) on d) in.
416- La comida está en la mesa / The meat is ___ the table. a) across b) around c) on d) in .
417- El camión está enfrente del coche / The lorry is ___ the car. a) between b) in front of c) next to d) against.
418- El perro está debajo del coche / The dog is ___ the car. a) along b) in c) out of d) under.
419- Pedro está entre Carlos y Juan / Pedro is ___ Carlos and Juan. a) between b) above c) into d) against.
420- Sube la escalera / ___ the ladder. a) go up b) on c) above d) below.
421- pedro está al lado de Soler / Pedro is ___ Soler. a) off b) in c) under d) beside.
422- El perro está dentro del cajón / The dog is ___ the box. a) on b) under c) dow d) inside.
423- Sobre el muro / ___ the wall. a) above b) over c) on d) dow.
424- Alrededor de la ciudad / ___ the town. a) along b) across c) around d) towards.
425- En dirección contraria / In the ___ direction. a) front b) next c) opposite d) other.
426- Ella está dentro del parque / She is ___ the park. a) dow b) in c) along d) into.
427- Está pasando por el tunel / He is going ___ the tunnel. a) behind b) over c) throught d) towards.
428- La cuchara está cerca del plato / ___ spoon is near the dish. a) my b) your c) the d) a.
429- ¿Dónde estás? / ___ are you? a) Why b) Where c) How d) When.
430- Quiero ese sombrero / I want ___ hat. a) that b) this c) those d) these.
431- ¿Cómo era tu perro? / ___ was your dog? a) which b) what c) whose d) how.
432- ¿Quién es? / ___ is it? a) which b) what c) who d) when.
433- ¿Qué era eso? / What was ___? a) that b) this c) those d) these.
434- Estos son los mios / ___ are the mine. a) those b) these c) that d) this.
435- Compré chocolate / ___ bought chocolate. a) I b) you c) he d) she.
436- Señala el pronombre personal: a) the b) those c) me d) that.
437- ¿Viste a alguien? / Did you see ___? a) nobody b) everyone c) anyone d) somebody.
438- Tienes que escribir algo / You must write ___ a) anyone b) anything c) someone d) something.
439- Madrid es más grande que Granada / Madrid is ___ than Granada. a) biggest b) bigger c) biggerest d) the most big.
440- ¿Cuál de las tres carreras es la más interesante? / Which of the three races is the ___ interesting? a) more b) most c) mostest d) mor.
441- Es el perro más divertido del zoo / It's the ___ dog in the zoo. a) funniest b) more funny c) funnier d) more funier.
442- ¿Ella necesita un sombrero? a) Ned she a hat? b) She does need a hat? c) Does she need a hat? d) Do she need a hat?.
443- ¿Qué vas a hacer por mañana? a) What would you do at morning? b) What are you going to do in the morning? c) What do you go to do at morning? d) What will you do at morning?.
444- ¿Puedo usar el baño? / ___ I use the bathroom? a) mai b) can c) must d) shall.
445- Deberás escribirle / You ___ to write to her. a) must b) can c) ought d) may.
446- ¿Alguna vez te han robado? a) has you ever been robbed? b) had you ever been robbed? c) have you been robbed? d) have you ever been robbed?.
447- Ellos están comiendo / They are ___. a) eaten b) eats c) eating d) eat.
448- Estaba haciendo una hamburguesa / I___ ___ a burguer. a) were making b) have made c) was making d) made.
449- Se quitaron los pantalones / The took off ___ trousers. a) them b) their c) they d) the.
450- You're clowning around, ___? a) haven't you b) doesn't you c) aren't you d) hadn't you.
451- Si tú hubieras comido, yo hubiese ido a la playa / If you ___ ___, I ___ ___ to the beach. a) had eaten / would has gone b) has eaten / have gone will have gone c) had eaten / would have gone d) has eaten / would have gone.
452- Pasa a pasiva: Sam Must finish all the reports today. a) The reports must be finish today b) All the reports must be finish today c) All the reports must be finished today for Sam d) Today must be all the reports finished.
453- El hombre cuyo coche fue robado, llamó a la policía / The man ___ car was stolen called the police. a) whose b) that c) where d) which.
454- Estaban jugando al baloncesto / They were playing ___ basketball. a) at b) no hay preposición c) to d) to / at.
455- El caballo está entre estos árboles / The horse is ___ these trees. a) into b) under c) in front d) between.
456- Mira estos lápices / Look at ___ pencils. a) those b) you c) these d) this.
457- ¿Con qué frecuencia vas a Salobreña? / ___ do you go to Salobreña? a) Where b) How often c) Wow many time d) When.
458- ¿Cuál de estos libros es tuyo? / ___ of these books is yours? a) What b) How c) Which d) Who.
459- ¿Qué es aquéllo? / What is ___? a) this b) that c) those d) it.
460- Iremos a la playa / We ___ go to the beach. a) wold b) sal c) will d) have.
461- Ella vendrá con nosotros / ___ will come with ___ a) She / us b) He / we c) She / we d) He / us.
462- Queremos a alguien fuerte / We want ___ strong. a) someone b) somebody c) anyone d) anything.
463- La chica más inteligente / The ___ intelligent girl. a) more b) nany c) much d) most.
464- Esos cuerpos. a) those bodies b) this bodies c) these bodies d) those bodis.
465- Si fuera tú moriría. a) If I were you, I would died. b) If were you, I will die. c) If was you, I would die. d) If I were you, I would die.
466- ¿Estás preparado? a) Are you ready? b) Have you ready? c) Do you ready? d) Will be you ready?.
467- ¿Qué hizo ella ayer? / What ___ she ___ yesterday? a) Do / does b) Do / do c) Does / do d) Did / do.
468- No puedes salir. a) can't go out you. b) can't you go out. c) you can go out d) you can't go out.
469- Comemos aquí / We eat ___. a) there b) here c) over d) yet.
470- He visto esa carta / I ___ ___ that letter. a) has seen b) to see c) seen have d) have seen.
471- No fue culpa tuya / It wasn't ___ fault. a) your b) yours c) you d) te.
472- El infinitivo del verbo ROMPER: a) broke b) to break c) broken d) breaking.
473- Completa esta cuestión tags: He's from Madrid, ___ ? a) hasn't he b) doesn't c) is she d) isn't he.
474- Fue castigado por su crimen / He ___ ___ for his crime. a) were / punish b) was / punish c) was / punished d) were / punished.
475- Ella tiene unos pocos buenos amigos / She has ___ good friends a) few b) several c) a few d) some.
476- Hay varios niños fuera / There are ___ children outside. a) a few b) several c) some d) little.
477- Young people ___ watch TV news probably don't read news papers. a) which b) whose c) who d) that.
478- Canal visión, ___ started in 1989, is now the biggest TV channel. a) which b) whose c) who d) that.
479- La obra es excelente y, además, las entradas cuestan poco / The play is excellent, and ___, the tickets cost ___. a) besede / few b) besides / besede c) besides / little d) besid / little.
480- Este dinero le pertenece a él/ This money ___ to ___. a) is / him b) below / he c) belongs / him d) a y c son correctas.
481- Los vecinos de abajo / The neigbours ___. a) of dow b) aboves c) below d) beloved.
482- Él vino a la fiesta / He ___ to the party. a) come b) come over c) came d) com.
483- ¡Adiós! a) gudbay b) goodbay c) goodby d) good-bye.
484- Hazlo como quieras. a) it do how you want b) du it you hou you must c) do it as you like d) it do how you wants.
485- No me mires así / Don't look at me ___ ___. a) how that b) here that c) ther that d) like that.
486- Pasiva de: Have you cleaned up the mess? a) Has been the mess cleaned up? b) Has the mess been cleaned up? c) Have the mess been cleaned up? d) Have been the mess cleaned up?.
487- The Mona Lisa ___ be seen in the Louvre in Paris. a) should b) might c) can d) shall.
488- By the time we arrived, they ___ closed the museum. a) have b) had c) has d) would.
489- We ___ ___ to visit a new art gallery tomorrow. a) is / go b) are / go c) are / going d) are / be.
490- Triste. a) trist b) happy c) sad d) thrist.
491- Un problema fácil / ___ easy problem. a) a b) un c) an d) the.
492- Ganar. a) to ear b) to early c) to earth d) to earn.
493- ¿Vas de vacaciones en Semana Santa? / Are you going away at ___? a) easter b) eastern c) east d) week Sant.
494- No tenía conocimiento de ello / I ___ ___ knowledge of it. a) have not b) has not c) had not d) are not.
495- Las diez en punto. a) ten o'clock b) ten oclock c) half past ten d) quarter to ten.
496- El pájaro está dentro de la jaula / The birds is ___ the cage. a) insi b) on c) into d) inside.
497- Las siete y cuarto. a) past seven quarter b) quarter past seven c) quarter to seven d) fifteen to seven.
498- Él está dentro de la piscina / He's ___ the pool. a) down b) en c) along d) into .
499- Pasa a voz pasiva: He is going to buy another Picasso. a) Another Picasso is being went to buy b) Another Picasso are being gone to buy c) Another Picasso is being gone to buy d) Another Picasso is going to be bought.
500- Ellos no fueron a Liverpool / They ___ go to Liverpool. a) not b) didn't c) would d) will.
501- ¿Me telefoneó alguien? / Did ___ phone me? a) someone b) anything c) anyone d) something.
502- Jane me dijo que su cumpleaños fue el quince / Jane ___ me that her birthday was on the fifteen. a) tell b) told c) telled d) had told.
503- Ella dijo que iba a tener una gran fiesta / She ___ that she was goin to have a big party. a) said b) say c) would say d) had said.
504- Mis padres se casaron hace veinte años / My parents got married twenty years ___. a) since b) before c) ago d) pass.
505- Pero mi padre se había comprometido a mi madre tres años antes / But my father had engaged to my mother three years ___. a) since b) before c) ago d) pass.
506- Pon las siguientes frases en estilo indirecto. / Pass the following sentences in indirect speech: "Susan, don't close the window, please" Tom said. a) Tom asked Susan don't close the window b) Tom asked Susan not to close the window c) Tom asked Susan didn't close the window d) Tom asked to Susan not to close the window.
507- Pon las siguientes frases en estilo indirecto. / Pass the following sentences in indirect speech: "Can you let me use your car, please?" Jane asked her mother a) Jane asked his mother to let her use her car b) Jane asked her mother let her use her car c) Jane asked her mother to let him use her car d) Jane asked her mother to let use her car.
508- Pon las siguientes frases en estilo indirecto. / Pass the following sentences in indirect speech: "I can't see you tomorrow", he said to her a) He said he can't see her the following day b) He said he can't saw her the following day c) He said he couldn't see her the following day d) He said he couldn't saw her the following day.
509- Pon las siguientes frases en estilo indirecto. / Pass the following sentences in indirect speech: "I will call you next week", she said to him a) She told him she would call him the following week b) She told him she would call him the week before c) She tell him she would call him the following week d) She told him she would call him the next week.
510- Pon las siguientes frases en estilo indirecto. / Pass the following sentences in indirect speech: "I used to go to the scouts as a child", he said a) He said he used to go the scouts as a child b) He said he used to go to the scouts as a child c) He say he used to go to the scouts as a child d) He said he uses to go to the scouts as a child.
511- Cambia a pasiva: Nine students passed the first test a) The first test were passed by nine students b) First test was passed by nine students c) The first test was passed by nine students d) The first test was pased by nine students.
512- ¿Cuándo vas a visitarnos? / When are you goins to visit ____ ? a) your b) we c) our d) us.
513-Las siete y media a) Half past six b) Six thirty c) Half past seven d) Thirty to seven.
514- Las once y cuarenta a) Twenty to twelve b) Twenty eleven c) Eleven to twenty d) Forty to eleven.
515- Hay ratones en el cajón. a) There are mouses in the box. b) There is mouses in the box. c) There is mice in the box. d) There are mice in the box.
516- Hay hombres y mujeres. a) There are man and woman b) There are men and women c) There are mans and womans d) There are mens and womens.
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