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Preguntas en ingles

Kyara Felipa
(Otros tests del mismo autor)

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Número preguntas: 60
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What is heliport?.
Which country’s capital is Ottawa?.
The force which forms under the earth region causes earthquake. Name this earth region?.
What is the national emblem of New Zealand?.
Which are the official languages of Switzerland?.
In which country would you be if you were in " land of thousand lakes " ?.
What is the average temperature in the center of the earth ?.
The blood vessels are formed by arteries, veins and.
What is ecosystem?.
What are the two functional groups in an ecosystem?.
Which is the monocarpic plant which shows gregarious flowering once in 48 years?.
Which form of science dealing with the study of structural and cultural traits of human beings?.
the galaxy in which we live is called ‘the milky way’. Which is the nearest galaxy to our milky way?.
What is remarkable about the direction of a comet’s tail?.
Which was more cunning of the beasts which the god created?.
What did man win, while the prohibited fruit eaten?.
In which civilization dot patterns were first employed to represent numbers?.
How many books did Agatha Christie write?.
From what plant does the granadilla fruit come?.
The tomato is classified as a:.
What is responsible for the green color of leafy vegetables such as lettuce?.
Name the orchestral instrument that can play high note?.
Which city is known as the world of fashion?.
What is the real name of French fashion designer Coco Chanel?.
Where did large loose garment named ‘poncho’ originate?.
Who designed jeans?.
Who said, “Man is a social animal”?.
Which atom has only one electron?.
Which is the smallest living bird?.
What is the only living bird with two toes on each foot?.
Where is the coldest place around the world?.
Who wrote “the odyssey”?.
Which is the longest river in the world?.
What’s the Queen’s name of the United Kingdom?.
Where is origin of Olympic Games?.
What kind of animal is the whale?.
How many bones has the human body got?.
When did the Second World War finish?.
Who did paint “The Last Supper”?.
Which is the biggest ocean in the world?.
Which year Cristobal Colon arrived to America?.
What is the bestselling record ever in the history?.
Where is the Eiffel tower?.
Which part of the human body produce insulin?.
Which is the faster animal in the world?.
Which place is considered the skyscraper city?.
In which country is located the famous monument Taj Mahal?.
Who won the World Cup 2014?.
Who wrote “Hamlet”?.
Who betrayed Jesus?.
When did the First World War start?.
How many hearts have the octopus got? .
Who is the author of “Don Quijote de la Mancha”?.
Which is the capital city of Sweden?.
What country is sushi from?.
About how many countries are there in the world?.
Which is the world's largest desert?.
Which country is shaped like a boot?.
The country famous for Samba dance is :.
The first Republican President of America was :.
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