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Didáctica de ingles

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What is Didactics? It is a discipline which deals with the formal aspects of teaching, methodology and all elements that interact within the classroom. It is a discipline with the clear objective of teaching any type of subject. It is a discipline which deals with the interaction of teachers and students and all the activities they use and practice in the lessons.
An appropriate enumeration of learning styles is: Visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, group, individual, reflective, impulsive. There is not any clear enumeration, because it is spontaneous. Planner, informer, manager and monitor.
Los sujetos que aprenden dos o más lenguas a la vez… c) a y b son correctas a) tienen las circunvalaciones cerebrales más desarrolladas, surcos más profundos, mayor cantidad de materia gris, y utiliza con mayor frecuencia el gesto y el movimiento. b) suelen ser más flexibles en su forma de pensar y actuar, llegando a una mayor objetivación y mayor flexibilidad de pensamiento.
La teoría de The Monitor Model, consiste en… cinco hipótesis: adquisición, monitor, orden natural, input y filtro afectivo. cinco hipótesis de adquisición de la lengua materna y teorías acerca del aprendizaje de una segunda lengua. la suposición hipotética del aprendizaje de una segunda lengua, que se basa en cinco puntos de vista: fonológicos, morfológicos, semánticos, sintácticos y lingüísticos.
The Monitor Model theory was proposed by… Krashen Cummins Chomsky.
Which theory talks about languages as having general characteristics? Universalist theory. Cummins’ theory. Behaviorist theory.
Which theory talks about language acquisition as innately determined, believing that human beings are born with a built-in device of some kind that predisposes them to acquire language? Nativist theory Behaviorist theory Social Interactionist theory.
Which theory talks about social language (everyday conversational language) and academic language (language of school tasks which is more abstract and decontextualized)? Cummins’ theory. Krashen’s theory. Chomsky’s theory.
Junto con la evolución natural y la existencia de distintas teorías que tratan de explicar a través de qué mecanismos se aprende otra lengua, hay factores que influyen en mayor o menor medida. Éstos son: los distintos tipos de inteligencia, sobre todo, la emocional edad, tener “buen oído” y capacidad de estudio. inteligencia, aptitud, personalidad, autoestima, motivación y edad.
Which theory talks about learners learning by undergoing training and practice through a series of stimulus and response chains and operant conditioning? Krashen’s theory. Cognitivist theory. Behaviorist theory.
Which theory views human beings as having the innate capacity to develop logical thinking, the role of feedback in the learning process as important for affective reasons, says that the conditions for learning language are the same conditions that are necessary for any kind of learning, and that memory is a large collection of nodes? Nativist theory. Cognitivist theory. Universalist theory.
Which theory talks about human language emerging from the social role that language plays in human interactions, above all, infants and caregivers? Nativist theory. Behaviorist theory. Social Interactionist theory.
Which theory talks about “the monitor” as the self-correcting mechanism that learners use to edit what they say before they speak or write? Krashen’s theory. Cummins’ theory. Social Interactionist theory.
Write three actions you can do to adapt a story: Simplify the story Make vocabulary easier Make sentences shorter and easier Make sure the language is repetitive Shorten the text Remember how important visual information.
Match the stages in the development of a child to the ages. 0-1year old, exactly 0-6 months. 2-3 years old. 3-4 years old.
Match the stages in the development of a child to the ages A partir de cinco años De cero a cinco meses. De doce a dieciocho meses.
How do you say these things in English Se le cae la cabeza: Se ríe a carcajadas Gorjear (hacer gu, gu): Hacer pedorretas Gatear: No mantiene el equilibrio: Pañal: Garabatos:.
los sujetos que aprenden dos o mas lenguas... Al desarrollar un buen léxico en dos o mas lenguas desarrollan también buena memoria; además ,se adaptan a ambientes de cambio con mas facilidad. Encuentran sencillo utilizar ambas lenguas al mismo tiempo, aunque no tienen porque tener una memoria mas desarrollada y su manera de adaptarse a los cambios es igual que la de una persona no bilingüe.
the monitor model can be described as... the description of the methods which people learn their native language with the model that all leraners follow to learn how to acquire a native accent in a second language the self-correcting mechanism that learners use to edit what they say before they speak or write.
TPR is... Both A technique used only in infants but which can´t be used in adults An approach to teaching a second language based on listening and linked to physical actions which are designed to reinforce comprehension of particular basic items.
Cuando estas planteando la adaptacion de un cuento ,¿ cuales de las siguientes acciones no pueden realizarse si quieres hacerlo de forma correcta? (STORYTELLING) Simplificar la historia Simplificar el vocabulario Evitar repeticiones.
TPR stands for... Total physical reinforce Total physical retold Total physical response.
When you are presenting a story in front of your class, what must you do? Mantain eye-contact with the students Use pauses to create dramatic effect Both.
Kinaesthetic intelligence can be definded as... Both The ability to get along with orthers, work with athers to accomplish a task The ability to use body to express ideas, accomplish tasks, create moods...
Which of the following statements are related to intrapersonal intelligence? Both It helps with long term language acquisition Learning through self knowledge leading to understandoing of motives, goals, strenght and weaknesses.
The multiple intelligences theory was proposed by... Howard Gardner Stephen Krashen James J.Asher.
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