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ABRIL 2017- AGOSTO 2017

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1. If one to attempt to distinguish between the topic, research problem, purpose statement and research questions, which of the following would be the least specific? a. Topic b. Research problem c. research questions .
2. If one was tha attempt to distinguish between the topic, research problem, purpose statement and research questions, which of the following would be the most specific? a. Topic b. research problem c. research questions.
3. A research - based research problem might be based on a need for further research because a gap exists or ______ a. the topic is too interesting b. the problem is extremely broad that no research is enough c. we need to extend the research into other areas.
4. By identifying a deficiency in the past studies, a researcher... a. shows the need for the study b. identifies the methodological needs of the research paradigm c. specifies the audience of interest- qualitative researchers, quantitative researchers , or practitioners .
5. which of the following is NOT a reason we tend to use qualitative research techniques ir our research study? a. to assess a process over time b. to apply results to a large number of people c. to generate theories based on participant perspectives .
6. which of the following is NOT a reason we tend to use quantitative research techniques in our research study? a. to measure variables b. to test theories or broad explanations c. To learn about the views of individuals .
7. which aspect of the "statement of the problem" does the following statement best illustrate? "By exploring the need for athletic trainers in high school, school administrator can identify potential issues when trainers are not present and coaches can better understand circumstances when trainers are most needed at athletic contests." a. audience b. deficiency in the literature justification based on personal experience.
8. what do research questions do? a. they highlight the major intent or objetive of the study used to adress the problem. b. they narrow the purpose into specific questions that the researcher would like to have answered or addressed in the study c. they offer up the broad subject matter addressed by the study.
9. all the following should be into account when deciding to purpose a research question EXCEPT: a. Failure of previous literature to show the anticipated effects b. access to sites and research participants c. resources, time, and technology to study the situation.
10. which of the following is NOT normally found in the problem statement? a. deficiencies in the evidence b. hyphotheses c. the research problem.
11. Research makes better educational practice since educators become______. a. better students b. effective professionals c. statistics .
12. we compare researchers to bricklayers due to they, in the end, are like the bricks of a wall who create a strong ____ a. structure b. tie c. book .
13. Creswell (2012) would argue that one´s experience in the workplace is often the justification and impetusfor future... a. quantitative research b. qualitative research c. quantitative and qualitative.
14. which of the following is an example of research informing a policy debate? a. a study regarding the ways in which a teacher can deal with large classes b. the effect of welfare and its effect on children´s schooling among lower income families c. a study on the effects of teaching via certain approaches .
15 which of the following is a way in which research can specifically add to our knowledge base? a. it can help fill a whole in the literature which hasn´t previously been studied b. it can be used by practitioners to improve performance c. it can be used by governments to inform policy decisions .
16. which of the following is the best explanation for what is a "theory" in educational research? a. an explanation about the probable relationship between independent and dependent variables b. a cause and effect proposition c. the impact of the independient variables on the dependent variables .
17. having identified a research problem the next logical step for a research is to do what? a. review the literature b. collect some data c. specify a purpose for research .
18. a policy marker or legislator is likely to use research in order to ... a. weigh different perspectives b. construct a position on an educational issue c. concise data on educational matters.
19. Creswell (2012) would argue that research is important for which three reasons? a. Research adds to our knowledge, gives an educator more credibility and informs policy debates b. research adds to our knowledge, improves practice and informs policy debates c. research adds to our knowledge, is required by many governments, brings prestige to the institution in which it is conducted.
20. for school psychologists, superintendents, and teachers, the biggest benefit of educational research to their professional lives is that... a. research can improve practice b. developing database is important for accreditation c. gaining degrees beyond a bacherlor´s degree is required for continuos improvement, and research is the backbone or further professional schooling.
21. if you were to go along with Creswell (2012), how many steps are there when conducting a literature review? a. one b. three c. five .
22. journal ( or periodical) articles and conference papers that report research are ___ for a literature review . a. prime sources b. hooks c.statements.
23. within literature reviews for quantitative studies, the citations of previous research are usually found ... a. at the beginning of the article only b. at the end of the article only c. at the beginning and end of the article .
24. The term used to refer to a visual picture of the relevant research is know as: a. a concept map b. a literature map c. a copy.
25. one disvantage of using the internet as a resource of literature review is that the research found on web sites may have been___without the searcher´s knowledge a. outdated b. plagiarized c. updated.
26. a written summary of articles, books, and other documents describing past research is know as the... a. theorical depevelopment b. statement of the research problem c. literature review .
27. information from a handbook would be an example of which type of source ? a. primary b. secondary c. tertiary .
28. which of the following sources gives the original author´s viewpoint? a. primary b. secondary c. tertiary.
29. within quantitative research the use of literature at the beginning of the study is for what purpose? a. to confirm or disconfirm prior predictions from the literature b. to provide a rationale for the direction of the study c. to support of modify existing findings in the literature.
30. within quantitative research, the use of literature at the end of the study is usually used for which purpose? a. to provide a rationale for the direction taken within the study b. to confirm or disconfirm prior predictions from the literature c. to justify the study.
31. hypotheses are statements in quantitative research in which the investigator ____ about the outcome of a relationship among attributes or characteristics a. provides the true data b. describes the problem c. makes a prediction or a conjecture .
33. a researcher using AGE as a variable would be aware that this constitutes which of the following types of variable? a. continuos b. categories c. discrete.
34. which of the following would be a suitable definition for a MODERATING variable? a. a special type of independient variable that is of secondary interest and is neutralized through statitical or design procedures b. an independient variable manipulated by the researcher c. a special type of independient variable that is of secondary interest and combines with another independient variable to influence the dependent variable.
35. which of the following best sums up the characteristics of a variable? a. it can be measured but doesn´t vary b. it can vary but not be measured c. it can be measured and vary.
35. which of the following best sums up the characteristics of a variable ? a. it can be measured but doesn´t vary b. it can vary but not be measured c. it can be measured and vary .
36. the following is an example of what? the purpose of this qualitative study is to explore absenteeism from optional sessions in EVA, by undergraduate students in distance programmesat the UTPL a. Research question b. problem statement c. purpose statement .
37. when thinking about the CONTROL variable we should be asking ourselves which of the following questions? a. what outcomes am I trying to explain? b. what variables or factors influence the outcomes? c. what variables do I also need to measure so that I can make sure that my major factors influence outcomes and not other factors? .
38. when thinking about the DEPENDENT variable we should be asking ourselves which of the following questions ? a. what outcomes am I trying to explain? b. what variables or factors influence the outcomes? c. what variables do I also need to measure so that I can make sure that my major factors influence outcomes and not other factos? .
39. what is the generally agreed upon intent of research hypotheses ? a. to give overall direction b. to make predictions about expectations c. to raise questions to be answered.
40. what is the generally agreed upon intent of research objectives? a. to state goals to be accomplished b. to make predictions about expectations c. to raise questions to be answered.
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