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1. The first step in the collection of quantitative data involves the identification of the people and places that you wish to study. This means ... a. determining wheter you will study individuals or entire organizations b. determining wheter you will study individuals or entire organizations of a combination of the two c. determining wheter you will study individuals or groups of individuals .
2. quantitative investigators often use a combination of categorical and _________. a. nonprobability sampling b. nominal scales c. continuos scales .
3. which of the following best describes what a sample in research is ? a. a group of individuals with some common defining characteristic that the researcher can identify and study b. a subgroup of the target population that the researcher plans to study for generalizing about the taget population c. a group of individuals who have the same characteristics .
4. what is a population in research? a. a group of individuals who have the same characteristics b. a selection of a group of individuals from a group who have the same characteristics c. a sample of people from a larger group of individuals .
5. which of the following would be a good number for a survey study? a. 10 b. 35 c. 350.
6. which of the following would be a good number for a survey study? a. 10 b. 35 c. 350.
7. when thinking about the CONTROL variable we should be asking ourselves which of the following questions? a. what outcomes am I trying to explain? b. what variables or factors influence the outcomes? c. what variables do I also need to measure so that I can make sure that my major factos influence outcomes and other factors?.
8. when thinking about the DEPENDENT variable we should be asking ourselves which of the following questions a. what outcomes am I trying to explain? b. what variables or factors influence the outcomes? c. what variables do I also need to measure so that I can make sure that my major factors influence outcomes and another factors?.
9. in nonprobability sampling... a. the researcher selects individuals from the population who are representative of the population b. the researcher selects individuals because they are available, convenient, and represent some characteristics the investigator seeks to study c. the researcher divides the population on some specific characteristics and the using simple random sampling, sample from each subgroup of the population.
10. In probability sampling ... a. the researcher selects individuals from the population who are representative of that population b. the researcher selects individuals because they are available , convenient, and represent some characteristics the investigator seeks the study c. the researcher asks participants to identify others to become members of the sample .
11. after entering the data into a statistical program you need to determine if there are errors in the data or missing data. This is called ... a. cleaning the database b. analysis of the results c. descriptive data.
12. what does preparing the data for analysis entail? a. scoring the data and creating a codebook b. reporting the results from the data analysis c. comparing the results with past literature.
13. when conducting a T- test on our data we are using, we are conducting which type of statistics? a. inferential b. descriptive c. standarized .
14. when looking for the central tendency of our data we are using, we are conducting which type of statistics? a. inferential b. descriptive c. standarized .
15. what are measurables of variability? a. summary numbers that represent a single value in a distribution of scores b. the spread of the scores in a distribution c. statistics that describe one score relative to a group of scores.
16. what are measures of central tendency? a. summary numbers that represent a single value in a distribution of scores b. the spread of the score in a distribution c. statistics that describe one score relative to a group of scores .
17. according to Creswell ( 2012) observation is a process of gathering open- ended... a. secondhand information by observing people and places at a research site b. firsthand information by observing people and places at a research site c. secondary data by observing people and places at a research site .
18. in cualitative research how do we identify our research participants and sites? a. systematically sampling b. scientifically sampling c. purposeful sampling .
19. an observational protocol is a form designed by the researcher before data collection that is used for _____ during observation. a. taking field notes b. collecting historical documents c. keep a detailed record of the interviews.
1. ethical issues need to be considered by the researcher in which of the following types or research? a. quantitative b. qualitative c. quantitative and qualitative .
21. which of the following best describes the procedure of purposeful sampling? a. intentionally selecting individuals and sites to learn or uderstand the central phenomenon b. randomly selecting individuals and sites to learn or understand the central phenomenon c. selectiong individuals and sites to learn or understand the central phenomenon via a computer programme aimed at avoiding selection biases.
22. which of the following types of sampling selects individuals who are representative of the population? a. snowball sampling b. random sampling c. purposeful sampling .
23. the best way ( according to Creswell, 2012) to build trust between the interviewer and interviewee is... a. to compensate the interviewee financially b. abide by all ethical issuess in the interviewing process c. make sure they interviewer and interviewee are friends and know each other well.
24. if in certain research situations you do not know the best people to study because of the unfamiliarity of the topic or the complexity of events you may use which of the following types of sampling? a. snowball sampling b. opportunistic sampling c. critical sampling .
25. notes made which depict a number of events , activities, and people are know as... a. descriptive fieldnotes b. reflective fieldnotes c. active fieldnotes.
26. which of the following types of sampling selects people or sites who can best help us understand our phenomenon? a. stratified sampling b. random sampling c. purposeful sampling .
27. themes that surprises and not expected to surface during a study are know as... a. unexpected themes b. Hard-to . classify themes c. ordinary themes .
28. validating findings means that the researcher determines the accuracy or credibility of the findings through strategies such as___ or triangulation. a. comparing b. member checking c. code dating .
29. The process in which the researcher asks one or more participants in the study to check the accuracy of the account is know as... a. member checking b. triangulation c. external audit.
30. what is the first step in analysing and interpreting your qualitative data? a. collect and prepare the data for analysis b. the researcher obtains a general sense of the material c. the research codes that data by locating text segments and assigning a code label to them.
31. according to Creswell (2012), analysing qualitative data requires... a. understanding how to turn your numerical data into information that will help you answer your research question b. understanding how to make sence of text and imagines so that you can form answers to your research questions c. understanding the role in which data wheter numerical or verbal proves or disproves your research hyphoteses.
32. qualitative data analysis is ... in form, going from the particular or the detailed data to the general codes and themes. a. deductive b. inductive c. interpretive.
33. which of the following would NOT be a suitable question to ask yourself as a researcher when trying to employ appropiate standars in your research work? a. will the research advance policy discussions in our region? b. will the research help address some pressing educational problem? c. Does it matter that I haven´t been completely honest in my results section?.
34. a qualitative storytelling structure is a ______ to writing a qualitative report. a. research paper b. flexible approach c. proposal.
35. In a _________ the researcher includes detailed procedures of inquiry and follows a traditional from for reporting research that includes the introduction, the procedures, the findings, and a discussion. a. qualitative structure b. qualitative scientific structure c. evaluation research.
36. According to Creswell (2012) theorical perpective sections are found in which type of research ? a. quantitative b. qualitative c. quantitative and qualitative.
37. which of the following SHOULD´T be included in the methods section of a qualitative paper? a. sample and site b. procedures of data collection c. summary of the major themes.
38. which of the following SHOULD´T be included in the introduction of a qualitative paper? a. review of the previous research b. statement of the problem c. purpose statement.
39. which of the following SHOULD be included in the discussion of a qualitative paper? a. descriptive analysis of all data. b. inferential analysis to adress questions / hyphoteses c. overall significance of the study.
40. which of the following SHOULDN´T be included in the introduction of a qualitative paper? a. statement of the problem b. research questions c. rationale for qualitative approach.
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