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English test

This test has all of the themes that we saw in the last month. Read careful


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Número preguntas: 39
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What does Sam usually do?.
What does Anne never do?.
Select the correct option We is very intelligent. Cristina and Peter are the best in their work. I am an policeman.
What is the meaning of almost always? Casi siempre Casi nunca De vez en cuando.
Join with lines Often Never Always Hardly ever Uusally.
Select the correct option This is a easier test than the last. This are an easier test that the last. This is an easier test than the last. This is a easy test than the last.
Select the correct option He is much carefull than me. He is more careful than me. He is much careful than me.
Select the correct option She needs a bigger bag. She needs a biger bag. She need a bigger bag.
What is the comparative of the word "good"?.
What is the comparative of the word "little"?.
Select the correct option My father is oldest in my family My father is olddest in my family My father is the olddest in my family My father is the oldest in my family.
Select the correct option You are the much beautiful person You are the most beautiful person You are the most beautifull person You are the much beautifull person.
Join with lines More Better Faster More expensive The most creative The wettest Worst Least.
Join with lines Country Key Bike Basket Coin Nature Fear Fun Music Yoga.
Whta is the meaning of "a can of"?.
What is the meaning of "a glass of"?.
What is the meaning of "a sack of"?.
Join with lines Little Few A lot of Many Much.
Where is the barbershop? It is next to the sport center. It is in fron of the grocery store. It is on the coner of the 1st Avenue. It is across the 2nd Avenue just in the corner. It is in the corner between Pine Street and 2nd Avenue.
How many eggs are in the refrigerator? Responder con there is / there are.
How many watermelon are in the refrigerator? responder con there is / there are.
Is there any lemon in the refrigerator? Responder con (Yes, there is / No, there is not).
Select the correct option John live in New York. My house is very big. John lives in New York. His house is very big. John live in New York. Their house is very big. John live in New York. His house is very big.
Select the correct option The cat is on the table. Its name is Bob. The cat is under the table. Its name is Bob. The cat is under the table. His name is Bob. The cat is on the the table. Her name is Bob.
When do we use "in" as a preposition of time? For seasons For years For birthdays For holidays.
When do we use "on" as a preposition of time? For the days of the week For years For holidays For exactly dates.
When do we use "at" as a preposition of time? For an exactly hour For mignight For sunrise For morning.
Select true or false. We use "in" for cardinal points like north, south, east, west. True False.
Select true or false. We use "on" for giving directions True False.
Select true or false. We use "at" for the transport. True False.
What is the meaning of traffic lights?.
Complete with the correct conjugation. María ans Susan ______________ (go) home now.
Complete with the correct conjugation. She ________________ (not play) on the computer every day.
Complete with the correct conjugation. We ____________ (do) our job right now.
You _______ (not drive) the car soo fast in the mornings.
You _____________ (not agree) with me in this moment.
Hey, _____________ (you/mix) the salad right now?.
Complete with the correct conjugation. ______________ (they/lie) to us in this moment?.
Complete with the correct conjugation. Where _____________ (your sister/ sit) at this moment.
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