Título del Test:

Basic Grammar

Army Girl

Fecha de Creación: 26/09/2022

Categoría: Idiomas

Número Preguntas: 27
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What is a part of speech that functions as an action or state? Verb Noun Adjective.
What is a part of speech that functions as a thing or a person? Verb Noun Adverb.
What is a part of speech that functions to describe a noun? Pronoun Prepostition Adjective.
What is a part of speech that functions that limits or "determines" a noun? Verb Determiner Noun.
What is a part of speech that functions describes a verb, adjective or adverb? Adverb Verb Noun.
Replaces a noun Verb Adverb Pronoun.
Links a noun to another word Adjective Verb Preposition.
Joins clauses or sentences or words Noun Determiner Conjunctions.
Short exclamation, sometimes inserted into a sentence Interjection Verb Adverb.
How many basic tenses are used in english? 4 8 12 16.
What are the common names added to the tenses? Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous Present, Past, Future Be, Was Had, Have, Have been.
Preposition of time with AT is used for: Precise Time Months, Years Days, Dates.
Preposition of time with IN is used for: Months, Years Days, Dates Precise Time.
Preposition of time with ON is used for: Months, Years Days, Dates Precise Time.
What are the main word forms? Prefixes, Suffixes Prefixes, Suffixes, Contractions Prefixes, Suffixes, Contractions, WH questions.
What is the meaning of phrases in grammar? One or more words that form a meaningful grammatical unit within a clause. Can be a single noun or a group of words built around a single noun Can be a single adjective or a group of words built around a single adjective.
What are the main types of phrases in Enlgish? NP, VP, AdjP, AdvP, PP NP, AdjP, AdvP VP, AdjP, AdvP, PP.
What is a Noun Phrase (NP): Can be a single adjective or a group of words built around a single adjective Consists of a main verb and its auxiliary verbs (including modals) Can be a single noun or a group of words built around a single noun.
What is a Verb Phrase VP: Consists of a main verb and its auxiliary verbs (including modals) Consists of a preposition followed by its object Can be a single adverb or a group of words built around a single adverb.
What is a Adverb Phrase (AdvP) Consists of a main verb and its auxiliary verbs Can be a single noun or a group of words built around a single noun Can be a single adverb or a group of words built around a single adverb.
What is a Prepositional Phrase (PrepP): Can be a single adjective or a group of words built around a single adjective Consists of a preposition followed by its object Consists of a main verb and its auxiliary verbs.
What are the principal modals used in English? Can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, and must Have, Has, Had Will, will go, to go.
Modals detoning ability: May, might will, might, may, can, and could Can and could Should.
Modals expressing permission: Should Can, may Will, might, and may Can, could.
Modals for likelihood: Will, might, may, can, and could Must, have to Can, could To go.
Modals denoting obligation: Should Can, may May, can Must, have to.
Modals for giving advice: Can Should May Might.
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