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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEEnglish activity 10 year

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English activity 10 year

English activity 10 year


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Answer the question and complete with the best answer, with one word Knowing what the future holds is a common curiosity among people. Humanity has always tried to know what will happen in the future. As a result, multiple ways have been created to try to see the future. Some of these methods seem simple and others seem very abstract. However, these practices of seeing or trying to read the future are already a type of art. They even have their own suffix, “-mancy”. To practice divination, people often use omens or supernatural powers. Real or unreal, divination is rooted in many cultures and will probably continue forever Who wants to know what will happen in the future? .
Answer the question and complete with the best answer Our Curiosity About the Future Knowing what the future holds is a common curiosity among people. Humanity has always tried to know what will happen in the future. As a result, multiple ways have been created to try to see the future. Some of these methods seem simple and others seem very abstract. However, these practices of seeing or trying to read the future are already a type of art. They even have their own suffix, “-mancy”. To practice divination, people often use omens or supernatural powers. Real or unreal, divination is rooted in many cultures and will probably continue forever how many kinds of divination you know? .
Answer the question and complete with the best answer, with one word Our Curiosity About the Future Knowing what the future holds is a common curiosity among people. Humanity has always tried to know what will happen in the future. As a result, multiple ways have been created to try to see the future. Some of these methods seem simple and others seem very abstract. However, these practices of seeing or trying to read the future are already a type of art. They even have their own suffix, “-mancy”. To practice divination, people often use omens or supernatural powers. Real or unreal, divination is rooted in many cultures and will probably continue forever this paragraph is about the ...... .
Answer true or false, according to the paragraph it is possible that a person knows the future.... true false .
Answer true or false, according to the paragraph omens or supernatural powers are used in real and unreal situations true false .
Answer true or false According to professor, family and work relationships will change completely. true false.
Answer true or false Relationships and family won’t be too different compared to what we have today true false.
Answer true or false Work at home will be divided between men and women true false.
Answer true or false The economy will make it easier to live in an independent house. true false.
Answer the questions who will both take care of the house and work to earn money.
Answer the questions what will change drastically in the future, agree Mr.Pepper Schwartz?.
Answer the questions who will have to provide a subsidy for education?.
match the information Saint-Remy-de-Provence.
match the information was born who later treated victims of the plague in France and Italy.
match the information At age 14 he entered the University of Avignon to study.
Answer true or false According to professor, family and work relationships will change completely. true false.
Answer true or false Work at home will be divided between men and animals true false.
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