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English communication

comunicacion en ingles

Ruben Iles
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Número preguntas: 39
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1. A person might be worried by the problems of his/her professional life or persona life. What is the name of this barrier? a) Hearing problems. b) Lack of attention. c) Information overload. .
2. What is a problem of hearing communication? a) There will always be someone who is not quite engaging with what is being said. b) If a sender who is hearing impaired sends a message, the sender will not be able to get feedback. c) When a person is distracted or preoccupied with other things. .
3. Too much information also results in poor communication. Useful information mixed with additional information requires more effort to separate the two. a) Information overload. b) Lack of attention. c) Hearing problems. .
4. The term used for problems with brain is: a. Logical communication difficulties b. cognitive communication difficulties c. physical communication difficulties.
Psycological barriers: a. A person with memory problems may find it hard to access information that they already heard, read, or watched. b) A person with physical problems may realize it hard to access information that they already touched and watched.
6. Select those that are not correct: Person with problems in the sensory perception tend to miscomprehend the: A. Tone of someone’s voice B. Language of person C. Feelings D. Body language .
7. Complete with the correct information. The psychological barrier of communication is the______of psychological state of the________(sender and receiver) which creates an_______for ______communication. a) Influence, communicators, obstacle, effective. b) Barrier, main, speakers, ability, badly. c) Manner, illness, ability, badly.
8. Choose the physiological barrier. A receiver with hearing impairment or hearing loss cannot receive audio message. The person also cannot talk with people face to face easily. If the hearing problem is not very severe, he/she might only hear some words and is unable to get the intended meaning out of the message. Similarly, if a sender who is hearing impaired sends a message, the sender won’t be able to get feedback. What is the problem? a) Discomforttotheillness b) Genderphysiologicaldifferences. c) Poor listeningskills.
9. Write with your own opinión: .
7. ENVIRONMENTAL BARRIERS Two college friends get together to do a pair work but the city's climate does not allow them to concentrate and they focus more on refreshing themselves. What is the environmental barrier that damages communication? a) Poor Lighting b) Bad outdour c) Very hot or cold room d) Hearing problems.
8. A deaf person uses sign language to communicate with her friend, but she cannot understand the message because she is far away and she cannot see and understand the message well. What is the environmental barrier that damages communication? a) Distance b) Emotional disturbance c) Lack of attention d) Poor lighting.
9. If someone is talking aloud with his friend, but there is other person trying to talk by phone too. What kind of barrier are we finding here? a) background noise b) lack of attention c) poor lighting d) distance.
10. When the room is really dark and I can almost see the person who I am talking with, what is the barrier that intervenes here? a) Bad lighting b) Poor lighting c) A lot of lighting d) Really bad lighting.
PSYCOLOGICAL BARRIERS 1. Complete the following statement : The psychological barrier of ________ is the influence of ________state of the ________(sender and receiver) which creates an obstacle for _______ communication. a)psychological b)communication c)effective d)communicators.
16. Match according the answer correct: causes of psychological barriers Lack of Attention Poor Retention Distrust and Defensiveness Emotions.
17. Answer true or false according to the following statements: a) Closed mind and Filtering; this sometimes leads people to filter information that someone is trying to convey to them. b) Premature Evaluation; the capacity of the memory of the brain to store information and the way brain stores information in memory. c)Lack of attention;It happens when the receiver is not able to process the information, because is thinking about problems. d)Emotions;When a person tries to force his/her own ideas and opinions, and then receiver does not listen. If the receiver does not agree to the message provided or thinks of it as a threat, he/she will not listen to it.
18. A person in tragedy, for instance, does not want to listen to other people giving advice. A person might be preoccupied by the problems of his/her professional life or personal life, which affects both. a) Emotions b) Poor Retention c) Lack of attention d) Premature Evaluation .
19. I don’t trust a friend, I will only give the details, of what is happening in my personal life which I think are harmless. a) Distrust and Defensiveness b) Emotion c) Poor retention d) Closed mind and filtering .
20. A person having extreme moods of happiness will laugh at anything at all said to him/her. The same person when sad will cry or get angry at insignificant situations. a) Emotions b) Poor Retention c) Lack of attention d) Premature Evaluation.
21. A person is in a hurry and talks on the phone, the person does not listen to half the message and makes the decision which is wrong in the situation. a) Closed mind and filtering b) Emotions c) Distrust and defensiveness d) Premature Evaluation.
22. You were told about a friend coming to meet you before a month and had been given the person’s name, address, phone number, etc. Now, you have to communicate the information to somebody else. a) Emotions b) Poor Retention c) Lack of attention d) Premature Evaluation.
23. A sexist person does not accept the suggestions of a female colleague in a meeting that affects the communication flow in the meeting. It is difficult to argue with such close minded people and give proper information. a) Closed mind and filtering b) Emotions c) Distrust and defensiveness d) Premature Evaluation .
24. Is the influence of psychological state of the communicators (sender and receiver) which creates an obstacle for effective communication? a) Receiver barrier b) Sender barrier c) Cultural barrier d) Psychological barrier.
25. SOCIAL BARRIERS What is the main taboo talking about barriers of communication? a) Social rules b) Sex c) Social classes .
26. Match the correct answers Age Way of thinking Religious Belief Traditions.
27. Choose the correct answer ,True or false: 1. Rituals as part of social taboos are really common to talk with any kind of person 2. Torture, cannibalism and satanism are part of forbidden rituals. 3. Social strata interferes in the process of communication. .
28. 9. Among the social strata we can find some classes which are: 1. Level of education 2. Middle class 3. Poor 4. Values 5. Rich.
29. The social strata is a interference in the process of communication because of: 1. the level of education 2. the values 3. the age 4. the religious beliefs .
30. CULTURAL BARRIERS Choose the literal with the correct answer. There are several cultural barriers that in many cases affect the communicative process, what are they? : Cultural differences behaivor ethnic .
31. Chosse true (T) as appropriate 1. If a French person who only speaks French travels to an English speaking country will have problems when communicating because of their beliefs. 2. Cultural differences affect the communicative professed because each country has different cultures and each culture has its own beliefs. 3. Linguistic traditions like sayings is a barrier that exists only in Native Americans.
32. Identify the cultural factor that affects the following situation.A Japanese businessman who speaks perfect Spanish decides to travel to Mexico, despite his mastery of language he may feel uncomfortable because: 1. He has different behaviors from other people 2. He encounters many cultural differences 3. No known people 4. His political beliefs limit him.
33. Select whether the following statement is correct or incorrect Cultural barriers are considered as a social factor that is based on the traditions, values and religions that each culture has in a certain place. a) Correct b) Incorrect .
34. Mary is going to travel to China to a very traditional village, she has never travel abroad, she doesn’t know very well the language and her family is Christian. Do you think that Mary is going to have a good communication with them? a) No, because she has another beliefs and language b) Yes, because she is a foreign girl. c) No, because they have different thoughts and maybe they could exist a bunch of cultural shocks. d) There is no indicators for a bad communication .
35. Complete the next statement Cultural ………… makes communication difficult as the ………….. of people of different …………… are different, the …………………., signs and…………….. are also different. a) Problems, structure, people, thinking, submission b) Differences, language, cultures, thoughts, characters c) Diversity, mindset, cultures, language, symbols. d) Clarification, problems, statuses, beliefs, symbols.
36. SEMANTIC BARRIERS The Connotative barrier refers to: a) Emotions and feelings b) Literal meaning c) Dialect d) Orthography.
37. Words bird, beer, bear are an example of: a) Homonyms causes b) Homophones causes c) Homographs causes d) Orthography causes.
38. In Homographs causes the words have the same: a) Writing b) Pronunciation c) Meaning d) Spelling.
39. The phrase “The meaning must be clear of all the words used in every sentence” refers to: a) Cultural differences b) Homonyms causes c) Use of ambiguous words d) Body language.
40. Inferences, opinions, assumptions, judgments, and generalizations are involved in: a) Extensional knowledge b) Factual knowledge c) Intentional knowledge d) Nonfactual knowledge.
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